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Encounters with the Supernatural


The is a skeptic society of some kind (can't remember the name, but I imagine they have a web site) that offers a $1 million dollar reward for verifiable proof of the supernatural. So far, no one has been able to collect.

The James Randi Educational Foundation. www.randi.org
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Originally posted by Amrynn Moonshadow:
i remember (sorry i'm rambling right now) that i also felt incapable of speech, i couldn't make a sound if my life depended on it, and it lasted moments after i regained use of my limbs. it was so terrifying, i wouldn't even be able to call out for help if i needed it.

This is basically a clinical definition of hyponogogic dreaming. People usually grow out of it, or experience it during stressful periods of their life. Bascially, the brain is asleep, but thinks it is awake. However, some aspects of REM sleep are active (paralysis, not able to speak, heavy feeling), which many people liken to being held down.


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I'll try to post my UFO experience tommorrow and one of my creepy cool experiences. But I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight after reading all of this.


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Samnell said:

The James Randi Educational Foundation. www.randi.org

Actually, there is a girl clairvoyant that they make excuses not to pay. It is not the fact that there is nothing to prove, it is that they find reasons not to pay. Which opens up the theory that they do believe that there are supernatural occurences and that they are getting the people to perform them so that they can get the people to work for them. The source of the little girl is the Coast to Coast show, Randi is a bit of an eccentric oddball. Who really knows what he is up to? To much weird stuff happens for people to not be able to prove unnatural abilities. There has to be more than one Wolf Messing on the planet.



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Qlippoth said:

At a young age (7 or 8 or so) I had trouble sleeping--the only time I felt tired enough to sleep would inevitably end up in episodes where there would be a roaring sound in my ears accompanied with an inability to move.

(This is not Rathan, this is Kamard)

Holy crap.

I was just reading through this thread idly, and reading that reminded me of my own night times when I was but a child, things I had completely blocked out.

Every night I heard deafening wave-like rushing sounds that got louder and louder as I lay there, and in my visions the darkness looked like static and I could vaguely percieve skulls and skeletons and ghosts cavorting about in this darkness, coming toward me and hovering in my field of vision before moving out of it again.

In later years I realized that that sound all those years ago was the rush of my own blood moving through my ears, and as I got more and more scared, my heart beat harder, making the sounds louder and faster!

I feel like I was very much young and foolish at the time, but still, I wonder...why was I always unable to get the patterns out of my vision, even if I closed my eyes?


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weiknarf said:

This absolutely belongs in a game. Just enough detail to make it believable, but vague enough to let you fill in the details -- and very, very creepy.

I started reading this thread (which is excellent) and sifting through memories to see if I had any stories that qualified. I do, but just one:

In the summer of 1993 I did a 3 week Outward Bound course in North Carolina. One of the last things we did was a half-marathon trail run (probably about 14 miles, including elevation changes), and after 3 weeks of hiking, rock climbing and whitewater canoeing, I was in great shape for a run. I made it a personal goal to run the entire way -- no stopping, and no walking.

The area we were in was pretty hilly, and with people of different fitness levels everyone who did the run pretty much did it solo after the first couple of miles, as we were fairly spread out. About halfway through, I was cresting a large hill, tired but not loopy-tired, and off to my left I saw a flash of white among the foliage (low ground cover and tall grass in a low-density forest).

I was still running, and I probably only looked right at it for about 1 or 2 seconds. It was large, about the size of a gorilla, with stark white fur, and it seemed to be facing me. It looked roughly ape-like, too, with large black eyes that showed intelligence, a large head, and long, bulky arms. It was crouched about 50 feet away, and I was past it almost before I registered what I had seen -- the only thing I remember being certain of was that it was not a deer.

I ran like hell, terrified, not even daring to glance behind me and convinced that it was going to be loping after me. After putting maybe a hundred yards (and some bends in the trail) between me and it, I did slow down and look back. I didn't see anything, and I didn't hear anything beyond my own footfalls (I still wasn't going to stop).

After getting out of that section of the trail, I didn't worry too much about it. I finished the run in about 2 hours, and walked it off by the pond at the "finish line." I asked the person who had finished shortly before me if he had seen anything odd in that section of the trail, and he said no. I described it to one of the instructors, and he said it sounded like I had seen the back end of a whitetail deer -- the ones with white hindquarters. I wasn't too worried about it at that point, and I pretty much left it at that.

That's not what I saw, though, and there's nothing I'm aware of that lives in the hills of North Carolina that looks like what I did see. I can think of all sorts of plausible reasons that I might have seen one thing -- something reasonable -- and thought I had seen another: endorphins, my tendency to scare easily, a vivid imagination, my emotional state, etc. As I would guess is always the case with things like this, though, none of them square quite right with me.

Not so odd compared to some of the stories others have told so far, but it still creeps me out when I think about it. ;)

Edit: I should probably add that I was 16 in 1993, which makes me less likely to dismiss this than I might be if I had been younger at the time.
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Hope you all don't mind me joining in on this discussion, I thought you would be interested.
I've had unusual experiences all of my life. Probably due in no small part to my family being very open in regards to matters of the spirit.
But some of the strangest stuff happened in my teens. I met a girl who was so much like me that it seemed we developed a bond almost instantly. We used to do everything together.
We both were interested in magick, and started doing stuff like seances and medium work. At the time, I was living in an old haunted house out in the rural middle of nowhere, with old abandoned houses in the fields nearby. My friend and I constantly saw two little girls playing in the front yard of one of the abandoned houses closest to us, and we would also see a shadowy figure of a man at the window, watching them. It was creepy, but after what I had experienced in my life, it was not out of the ordinary.
It was when we started doing seances and playing with a ouija board and doing medium work that things started getting nasty. I would awake in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room, not being able to cry out or move until I passed out. Handprints would appear on the walls of the hallways. I would hear someone in heavy boots walking up and down the hallway at night, and when I asked my family, they swore that it was not them. I would have scratches all over my chest, stomach and back when I woke in the mornings, some dep enough to bleed. During the medium work, I would see faces blend over my friends face, and feel a presence enter the room. I would hear someone call my name in another room, when no-one else was in the house.
I think the scariest thing was that one night my friend was sleeping over, and we both had the exact same dream at the exact same time. We both dreamt that we were standing, looking out of my window, and the two little girls were tapping on the glass from the other side. When I asked them what they wanted, they told us that we had to let them in. I awoke with a start, and heard my friend gasp, and when I asked her if she was awake, she told me that she had had a dream of the two little girls wanting to come in. Needless to say, we were both scared, and decided to sleep in the loungeroom.
These occurances didn't cease until I moved home. I don't know who lives there now, but I would love to know if they have had any trouble.


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Abigail said:
Hope you all don't mind me joining in on this discussion, I thought you would be interested.

Welcome to the boards, Abigail. :) You picked an interesting thread for your first post.


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All right, I'm reading this thread, feeling the chills go up and down my spine... Turn left, and there's a doll (glassy eyes and all) someone left sitting on the cabinets, staring at me. Great, thanks. Now I'll never sleep again. And I don't want to get up and move it, in case it bites something or me. Brrr.

Having lived in Indonesia for five years, I have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the nature of the spirit world. You cannot go five feet without running into a ghost story, or so it seemed. One of the local houses in the neighborhood I lived in was haunted, and people would come from all the city districts to see it. One day after a particularly widespread story got loose, the traffic was backed up all day as people came, and saw, and left.

Then there is the Jeruk Purut cemetery - not the place to hang around at night.

Now, the local magicians, I have seen. And they have some tricks up their sleeve to make a hardened skeptic to do a double take. You have to wonder just how they are getting those cold, hard stone floors to light on fire. The (arguably) greatest of them all, Didi Kabusi (sp), once did a show at the mall in which he made a friend's (analog) watch spin extra fast, and bent a spoon. For his finale he managed to tell the same friend the exact name of her significant other – and scared her half to death. He claimed that half his tricks were just that, but the other half... magic. Kotok.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a doll to beat around with a ten-foot pole...

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