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Encyclopaedia Altanica

Rystil Arden

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Bront said:
I am now, it's fixed :)

I understand. Typing = bad when unessessary.

Question on the swashbuckler (the real one, not that raider imposter that appeared last night). Is he supposed to get weapon finesse automaticly? Or does have have to get it with one of his bonus feats? Several of his powers require it, but he doesn't get it automaticly.
Nope, if he chooses to be really dumb, he could ignore Weapon Finesse :)

But he does get 4 chances to take it, so you think he'd at least pick it up at level 3 when he first gets Precise Strike.

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Encyclopaedia Altanica - Compilation Documents

This is a compilation of Rystil Arden's Neospelljamming Gestalt information from several threads in rtf format. I'll try to keep it updated. :D

Classes, Last Updated: 23rd April 2007 (Previous Update: 22nd April 2007).

Added Blademaster.

Setting, Last Updated: 17th September 2006 (Previous Update: 9th September 2006 ).

Praetor aging ranges corrected.

Note: If anyone has information from Rystil not from posts they think I should include (or perhaps something I may have missed), please email it to me via my profile or my email address if you already have that.


  • Rystil Arden's Neospelljamming Gestalt Setting.zip
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  • Rystil Arden's Neospelljamming Gestalt Classes.zip
    144.1 KB · Views: 353
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Rystil Arden

First Post
The Gladiator

Julia Pulchella grinned as her eyes swept over the huge crowd that had gathered today at the Colisseum, far more than usually came to attend a gladiatorial combat. But then, they didn't usually get to see Julia fighting against a giant beast from across the stars. Blowing a kiss to Maximian, her High Praetorian boy-toy who was somewhere in the audience, the Low Praetorian who had become the darling of Gyaros's arenas through her style, beauty, and masterful fighting, stepped into the ring.

Shortly thereafter, the gates on the other side raised up, and a maddened hulking brute stepped into the other side of the arena, clearly weighing ten times as much as his lithe opponent. With a roar, he charged at her with a wicked-looking enormous axe and swung towards her slender body. Julia leapt back, avoiding the blow as it sliced into the ground, chunks of rock flying through the air from the force of the attack. Her blood was really pumping now, and a rapturous pleasure flowed through her body, addictive bliss, greater than any she had ever found in Maximian's caresses, that kept her coming back to the ring, craving more, long after she had enough status to retire to a peaceful life.

With a beatific smile, Julia drew her Battlelance and twirled it lightly, flipping over the creature's head as she positioned herself to begin the Dragon's Fang Circle Backthrust, her soul singing passionately throughout her very essence, yearning for the thrill of the fight.


  • Gladiator.txt
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Rystil Arden

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The Bladesinger

The Deathcrystal Titan lumbered forward and tried to strike at Fermata, but Forte danced between them, distracting the creature and allowing the fragile Soulsinger to get out of the way. The angry beast turned its gaze malevolently towards the Bladesinger, but Forte sung a vibrant tenor Rousing Madrigal to bolster his strength, holding his ground against the monstrous creature's charge.

It sliced across him deeply, cutting open his chest and releasing streams of the liquid protocrystal that sustained the Harmonian, but by accepting the blow, Forte was able to slash a long gash through the creature's core. With a protesting defiant note dying away to a staccato gurgle, the creature clutched at its heart as it collapsed, lifeless, to the ground.


  • Bladesinger.txt
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Rystil Arden

First Post

"I still think this is a really bad idea," Aine pointed out to Recklessness, as he traced the pentagram onto the ground.

"Oh, c'mon," he teased the beautiful firre gently, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" You'd just rather have me playing with your brassiere than this demonic brazier, but I say, what's the big difference?--Just a few letters is all. And with that he lit the brazier they had found in the evil-looking chest that said in Abyssal, "Ye who opens me shall doom the world."

With a terrible gout of hellfire and a crack of thunder, the ground began to shake until a giant monstrous creature wielding a flaming whip and thunderous sword came forth from a terrible rent in the earth. "Foolish mortal! After ten thousand years, I'm free!" it shouted in triumph, as it blasted at Recklessness with a fireball to little effect and then burned him slightly with its flaming whip, grabbing the Planeswalker with the whip and pushing him into the flames that surrounded its body, but Recklessness stayed within the flames completely unharmed.

"Sorry there, Mr. Ten Thousand Years Guy, but if I can withstand the heat of Aine's passion, I don't think a little thing like a balor's flaming aura of utter incineration can hurt me at all," Recklessness laughed as he asked, "You wouldn't happen to be vulnerable to banishment would you?"

"No, fool, I gained the Native subtype during a freak accident involving a spelljamming helm and a squeaky toy. That's why they had to trap me in the brassiere..."

"No, that's brazier, like BRAY-zee-uhr with a long 'A' ," Aine corrects, "This is a brassiere."

"OK fine, in the BRAY-zee-uhr. Tough luck mortal," the balor finished.

"Hate to say I told you so, but..." Aine trailed off.

"Well, since it sounds similar, any chance we could trap you in Aine's brassiere?" Recklessness asked hopefully.

"No, she was right, actually. It was definitely a brazier," the balor replies.

"Awww man! Why do these sorts of things always happen to me?" Recklessness asked sheepishly.


  • Planeswalker.txt
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Rystil Arden

First Post
unleashed said:
This is a compilation of Rystil's information from several threads in rtf format. I'll try to keep it updated. :D

A few minor updates today to Sidhe Faerie Form, Armour, and Materials.
Not to mention my name is spelled correctly in the filename now too, Yippeeeee!!!

Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
Wow, you got through fighting with yourself to actualy post twice. Good job both of you!
Technically we still managed not to get ahead of schedule--it just seems that way, but it only made up for barely making it in with the Gladiator on time, whereas we used to post bright and early on the day the posts were due :)


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
Not to mention my name is spelled correctly in the filename now too, Yippeeeee!!!

I thought I'd fixed the name in the first place, but noticed after I posted it that I hadn't (must have posted the wrong version at the time), so I thought I'd wait until I needed to add something in before reposting it and correcting the name. :D

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