D&D 5E Engineers 5e

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First Post
Yea it's a dungeons and dragons 5th edition, the "tinker" is normally a gnome class but can move races... looking more into it I noticed someone created an engineering class, I was curious as to if anyone has tested this class out and if so how they liked it.


Numinous Hierophant
Yea it's a dungeons and dragons 5th edition, the "tinker" is normally a gnome class but can move races... looking more into it I noticed someone created an engineering class, I was curious as to if anyone has tested this class out and if so how they liked it.

Yea it's a dungeons and dragons 5th edition, the "tinker" is normally a gnome class but can move races... looking more into it I noticed someone created an engineering class, I was curious as to if anyone has tested this class out and if so how they liked it.
Can you direct us to the actual rules that the class uses please? There isn't an "Engineer" class in the current rules, and there are all sorts of engineers/tinkers/mechanical artificers etc -type classes that have been homebrewed. We need to know which particular version you are talking about.


Dusty Dragon
... so the class isn't even *called* the engineer? How on earth are we supposed to know what you are talking about?

Listen, a lot of people here are helpful and willing to provide insight, but we can't work with this. Good roleplaying requires good communication. Heck, *life* goes a lot better with good communication. You have to take a small moment and ask yourself "does my audience know what I'm talking about?". I could say, for example, that you aren't following Grice's Maxims, but I *know* you probably don't know that. So instead, a link :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_principle


Elder Thing
Life lessons or no, it's really helpful to know you were referring to an obscure class that exists only in a forum post from over a year ago. I don't know why we didn't recognize that off the tops of our heads.

I didn't even know it existed. It looks workable enough, though I think it's utility would largely depend on the campaign in which it appeared. It would do fine in the kind of campaign I run, I bet.


First Post
I had a quick read and here are some brief thoughts:

* the class has a lot of new rules that are a little complicated. About the same as magic, however, everyone at the table already knows a bit about magic. Hence, it will slow down play. The class usage will depend on your DMs and your groups patience
* some skills break encounters. The class can breeze through locks, traps, INT checks, even some knowledge checks
* plays like a debuffer/investigator. Almost a hybrid bard/rogue, except the worst of each. It doesn't do a lot of damage, low hp, low AC. However, it does have strong skills.

Voidrunner's Codex

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