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ENnie Nominations!

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Wulf Ratbane

I definitely win the award for "Biggest Putz."

Two nominations-- and I wasn't even going to enter this year!

I have a massive-- err, let's just say I am really, really happy and excited!

Quick note for those of you keeping score-- our ENNIE NOMINATED BEST COVER for HEROES OF HIGH FAVOR: ELVES is the product of the hard work and collaboration of TWO artists-- Andrew Hale's artwork and Brad Kelley's amazing graphic design skillz.

Thanks much to all the judges! I am so happy!



I know you might have heard utterings to this effect already, but it deserves to be said here too: the competition was really tough. I know that a few companies and individuals will probably feel slighted, but there were a lot of selections that didn't make the final cut that the judges were pulling for. I feel particularly bad that one company, one book, and one writer weren't recognized, but I don't want to say much more on that score.

We got more stuff than last year, and generally the stuff was of higher quality, which made some choices really daunting. A lot of races were really close. In one category, we had to break a four-way tie. Even in those that didn't tie, there were many that only missed by one-half vote.

Oh, you might have noticed that in some categories, a company receives two nominations. There was a bit of a debate about that, but in some cases we felt that the company in question had some of the strongest entries. This year, the judges propose that the voters be allowed to pick any or all of the listed nominees in a given category to minimize the "self competition" effect.

Edit: It appears that the cartographer in question was recognized. :)
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Wulf Ratbane

Psion said:
Oh, you might have noticed that in some categories, more than one company is nominated. There was a bit of a debate about that, but in some cases we felt that the company in question had some of the strongest entries. This year, the judges propose that the voters be allowed to pick any or all of the listed nominees in a given category to minimize the "self competition" effect.

Can you clarify this?

Do you mean that in some categories, one company has more than one nomination? That would make more sense of the first sentence-- but I would still like more explanation of the voting process, if you have time.



Wulf Ratbane said:
Can you clarify this?

Do you mean that in some categories, one company has more than one nomination?

Yup. A quick look at the adventure and d20 game categories should show what I mean. Mongoose has Armageddon 2089 and Slaine in the d20 game category, and Necromancer has Vault of Larin Karr and Necropolis in the adventure category.

I would still like more explanation of the voting process, if you have time.

Hmmm... I am wondering if I should go there, and let the critics out there pull the voting process apart like a demented kid pulling the wings off a fly...

What the heck. I think it's pretty solid. Each judge got seven picks for each category. The last two picks were given half-weight. The votes were tallied, and any ties resolved by a simple run-off.
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Wulf Ratbane

Psion said:
Hmmm... I am wondering if I should go there, and let the critics out there pull the voting process apart like a demented kid pulling the wings off a fly...

No, no, what I meant was, the voting process that will be used by the fans to keep from splitting the vote on a company with two nominations in one category.

If you think "exposing" the judges vote is gonna cause problems, edit it out... Cause I really didn't need to know!


Wulf Ratbane said:
No, no, what I meant was, the voting process that will be used by the fans to keep from splitting the vote on a company with two nominations in one category.

Ah. Well, I'm not exactly sure. Russ said it was up to us. We recommended that the voters be allowed to vote for as many items in a category as they like. Sort of like when you post a poll here and you select the "Allow multiple choice: Give users the ability to select more than one answer" check-box.

Yes, this still allows for some vote splitting, but if you are the type of person who just thinks Mongoose should win, you can vote for both Mongoose products. (Likewise, if you think Mongoose should not win, you can vote for everything but the mongoose product.) If you think one or the other product is better, you can pick the one you like. But at least you aren't forced to choose between them.


Spaceship Zero and Unknown Armies?

I'm not sure I understand why Spaceship Zero and Unknown Armies were nominated for anything. Neither of these are d20 games, though they are produced by companies that make d20 products.

Not that they (UA, at least; I don't own SZ) don't rock, but the Ennies are all about d20, right?

Regardless, congrats to everyone! These are shaping up a damn sight better than the Origins Awards...


Congrats to all!
... it feels odd, to be sure, as this will be the first time that Jagged Edge Games will have no nominations in the ENnies. We have two very good books in the works, but niether is done yet... oh well, maybe next year. :)

I already have some idea as to which products I will be voting for... but they are all winners already. This is, indeed, a great time to be a gamer.

Man, I seriously need to be a judge for the ENnies, since I'm not doing much as a voter. I don't own any of the products nominated, so I'll only be able to vote on the cover at (can we get higher-res versions?).

Then again, the last products I bought were d20 Modern and . . . I think the last one before that was Call of Cthulhu or Manual of the Planes. Unless an issue of Nodwick counts. I guess I oughta buy stuff more often. *sheepish grin*

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