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EnWorld Sages! Help Me With This Character


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I'm usually just a lurker, but I need some help with a character. I really wasn't sure where else to go online than ENWorld, which - in my experience - is the homeland for the masters of character tweaking.

The character described below has been played weekly/twice-weekly for about two years, mostly in a dungeon environment. The DM is very open to prestige classes, templates and spells. This character was built with destroying undead in mind initially, but has since grown into a "champion of the faith" sort of mold. The character is a crusader against undead and - specifically - the clergy/cultists of Orcus.

Please help me tweak this character and if you see anything wrong - which there most surely is - please point it out.

When reading the character description, there are a few things to keep in mind:

The Nimbus of Light feat was gained as a bonus feat after securing a powerful relic and does not count against the character's normal allotment of feats.

Before gaining the Saint template, the DM reviewed the character and his history closely. The only thing that the character di not have was three exalted feats (he had two). The DM waived this restriction based on the character's history, deeds and sacrifices.

While there is plenty of magic to go around in this campaign, the DM has put a cap on the buying of items "in town" of more than 2000 gold piece worth. If you want to try and buy something more than that, you have to get A) DM approval and B) locate that particular item in actual game time. Needless to say, we are spending more time adventuring than trying to buy magical items.


Here we go..............

Saint Barach, Crusading Champion of Pelor

Human Male
7th level Cleric
3rd level Radiant Servant of Pelor
4th level Sacred Exorcist
Saint Template (+2 CL; Book of Exalted Deeds)
Experience Points: 93,387
Neutral Good

Strength: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 30 (+10) (+1 at 4th, 8th, 12th level; +5 f/tome, +2 f/pearl, +2 f/saint template)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 18 (+2 f/saint template) (+4)
Charisma: 26 (+4 f/saint template, +4 f/cloak of pelor's splendor) (+8)

Armor Class: 39 (full plate +2 (armor +10), holy blinding large shield +2 (shield +4), saint template (insight +10), protective aura (deflection +4), ability scores (dexterity +1; armor check penalty); armor class drops to a 35 if Barach is being attacked by a non-evil creature).

Hit Points: 131 (7D8+4D8+3D6+56 HD)
Initiative: +2 (dexterity)
Speed: 30 feet (20 feet while in armor; armor check penalty)
Base Attack Bonus: +10/+5
Melee Attack: +14/+9 (morningstar +1; 1D8+1+3; crit 20, X2)
Ranged Attack: +12 (ranged attack spells)
Grapple: +13/+8

Fortitude Save: +16 (base 9 + con 4 + cloak of pelor's splendor)
Reflex Save: +8 (base 3 + dex 2 + cloak of pelor's splendor)
Will Save: +27 (base 12 + wis 10 + aura of warding + cloak of pelor's splendor)

Skills: Concentration +18, Diplomacy +10, Heal +23, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (religion) +19, Ride +4, Spellcraft +11, Spot +14.

Feats: Empowered Turning, Enhanced Turning, Exalted Turning, Extra Turning, Heightened Turning, Nimbus of Light (bonus feat), Quickened Turning.

Special Abilities/Qualities: DR 10/evil, fast healing 7, immune to acid, cold, electricity and petrification attacks, resistance to fire 10, turn undead, spontaneous casting (healing spells), aura of good, can't cast evil spells, chosen foe +1 (undead), extra greater turning, bonus exorcism domain, resist possession, detect evil at will, divine health, aura of warding, dispel evil 1/week, holy power, holy touch, spell-like abilities, protective aura and holy vision.

Explanation of Special Abilities/Qualities:

Aura of Warding - Barach gains a +2 morale bonus on will saves, which also extends to all allies within 10 feet.

Chosen Foe - Barach gains a +1 to all bluff, intimidate, listen, sense motive and spot checks against undead. He also gains a +1 to caster level checks to overcome the SR of undead creatures.

Damage Reduction - Barach possesses DR 10/magic. Each time a foe hits Barach with a weapon that is not magical, the damage dealt by that attack is reduced by 10 points (to a minimum of 0 points of damage). However, magical weapons deal normal damage.

Detect Evil - Barach may detect evil at will, out to a range of sixty feet. See page 218 of the Player's Handbook.

Dispel Evil - Once each week, Barach may cast dispel evil. See page 222 of the Player's Handbook.

Divine Health - Barach is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot or lycanthropy), in the same manner that a paladin is. See page 44 of the Player's Handbook.

Fast Healing (Ex) - Barach regains 7 hit points at the beginning of each round. Fast healing cannot re-grow or reattach lost body parts and it does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst or suffocation. See page 309 of the Monster Manual.

Greater Turning - Nine times each day, Barach can perform a greater turning against undead in place of regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead. See page 188 of the Player's Handbook.

Holy Sight - Barach possesses darkvision, keen vision and low-light vision.
Darkvision - This is an extraordinary ability that allows creatures to see in the dark. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise like normal sight and no light is needed to function properly. Barach has darkvision out to sixty feet.
Keen Vision - You know, I'm still not quite sure what keen vision does.
Low-light Vision - This is the ability to see in conditions of dim illumination as if the illumination were actually as bright as daylight. Barach can see twice as far as normal in starlight, torchlight, moonlight and similar conditions. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Barach possesses low-light vision out to sixty feet.

Holy Touch - Barach does an extra +1D6 damage to evil creatures or +1D8 damage against evil undead and outsiders with a touch attack in melee combat. Any evil creature that strikes Barach in melee combat with a natural weapon or touch attack takes 1D6 damage as well.

Holy Power - Barach gains a +2 to all DCs for spells and special abilities.

Immunities - Barach is immune to acid, cold, electricity and petrification attacks.

Protective Aura - Barach is surrounded by a protective aura that acts as a double strength magic circle against evil and as a lesser globe of invulnerability. This gives Barach a +4 deflection bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws, immunity to possession, enchantment (charm) effect and enchantment (compulsion) effects. Summoned creatures of non-good alignment must also make a successful SR check to touch Barach.

Radiance - Any spell with the light descriptor that is cast by Barach has it's radius doubled and is treated as one level higher than normal.

Resist Possession - Barach gains a +4 sacred bonus to keep from being possessed, a +2 sacred bonus to dispel such effects and a +2 sacred bonus to all saves versus charm and compulsion effects manifested by evil outsiders and undead.

Resistances - Barach has fire resistance 10. He may ignore the first 10 points of damage inflicted by an attack that causes fire damage (to a minimum of 0 points of damage).

Spell-like Abilities - Barach may cast bless, guidance, resistance, tounges and virtue at will. These spells can be found in the Player's Handbook and the Book of Exalted Deeds.

Spontaneous Casting - Barach may channel stored spell energy into healing spells that he did not prepare ahead of time. He can "lose" any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same level or lower. Any spell with the word "cure" in it can be spontaneously cast.

Turn Undead (Su) - Barach has the ability to turn or destroy undead creatures by channeling positive energy. He may use this ability up to 15 times each day. Barach's turning check is 1D20+14, which is modified by his charisma modifier, the glory domain and his 5 or more ranks in knowledge - religion. The number of hit dice of undead that are turned or destroyed with a particular turning check is determined by Barach's turning damage, which is 7D6(base, feats, domain)+14(level)+10(charisma). Barach's various feats can change this damage and the result of the turning check. See page 159 of the Player's Handbook.

Normal Possessions: Clerical vestments of Pelor, backpack, bedroll, 3 flasks of holy water, prayer beads, a small box of holy wafers, religious prayerbook of Pelor, 2 flasks of oil, tinderbox, a small stone enchanted with continual flame, 1 week's worth of dried food and 2 waterskins (1 contains water, the other contains fine wine), 4 wooden stakes, a steel hand held mirror, 2 holy candles (+2 to turn checks while standing within it's illumination), a detailed journal of all the things he has seen and encountered in Rappan Athuk.

Magical Possessions: Morningstar +1, full plate +2, holy blinding large metal shield +2, cloak of pelor's splendor (acts as a cloak of charisma +4 and a cloak of resistance +3, modified through the use of a wish spell), amulet of life protection, mantle of spell resistance (SR 23), helm of comprehending languages and reading magic, phylactery of faithfulness, wand of cure light wounds (20 charges), ring of free action, periapt of wisdom +2, figurines of wondrous power (golden lions), potion of neutralize poison, potion of cure serious wounds and a scroll (blade barrier and stone to flesh; 16th level).

Wealth: Barach commonly carries a coin pouch that contains 10 copper coins, 25 silver coins and 50 gold coins. He does, however, have 17,018 gold coins, 335 silver coins, 500 copper coins and a heavy mace +1 placed in a locked, warded depository at his temple for future endeavors. He has also acquired a ring of wishes (one wish left) for use in dire emergencies. Finally, Barach has a ring of protection from petrification and polymorph (+10 to saving throws) that he has been waiting to give to an ally.

Spells: 6,9,9,7,7,6,6,4 (spell save DC base 22 + spell level; base DC 23 for spells with the good and light descriptor).

Domains: Sun (greater turning against undead in the place of regular turning, as normal but any undead creature that would be turned is destroyed instead; up to 7/day with extra greater turning ability from Radiant Servant of Pelor prestige class); Glory (turn undead with a +2 bonus on the turning check and +1D6 to turning damage); Exorcism (force possessing spirits out of the hosts body by expending a turning check).

0 Level - Detect Poison, Detect Magic (X2), Light (X2), Purify Food and Drink.

1st Level - Bless (X2), Detect Undead, Divine Favor (X2), Divine Inspiration (boed), Nimbus of Light (boed), Protection from Evil, Ray of Hope (boed).

2nd Level - Aid, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength (X2), Calm Emotions, Consecrate, Ghost Touch Armor (lm), Luminous Armor (boed), Remove Paralysis.

3rd Level - Dispel Magic, Heart's Ease (boed), Prayer, Searing Light (X3), Sheltered Vitality (lm).

4th Level - Death Ward, Divination, Divine Power, Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Spell Immunity, Undead Bane Weapon (lm).

5th Level - Break Enchantment, Curtain of Light (boed), Dispel Evil, Flame Strike (X2), True Seeing.

6th Level - Banishment, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal (X2), Planar Ally, Word of Recall.

7th Level - Holy Word (X2), Righteous Smite (boed), Shield of the Archons (boed).

Description: Barach is well over six feet tall, weighs around 225 pounds, has short black hair, brooding blue eyes and wears white-enameled platemail adorned with the symbol of Pelor (a shining, radiant sun), chased in mithril and gold, upon the breastplate. He wears a blue cloak with gold fringe, speaks in a deep voice and has a commanding presence. At times, Barach shines with a soft white light, which can be as dim as a torch or as brilliant as a light spell. Upon close observation, Barach has a thin, fine scar around his throat, the result of a previous decapitation by a vorpal sword. He is 32 years old.

Languages: Common, Gnome, Abyssal.

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Just eyeballing it and he looks pretty impressive. Umm, what kind of tweaking are you looking for here? Anything in particular that you feel he needs to be better at? Or are you just looking for general suggestions?


First Post
Oh, I was just looking for suggestions. I see such good ideas and great write-ups on characters here all the time..... how's his prestige class advancement going to look? Magical items that would compliment him? What feats should I take? You know, just general ideas....

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Complete Divine has [Divine] feats that would really go well with this character! They use turning attempts to give you various boni in combat.



First Post
Wow, that's a lot of information to assimilate all at once.

Just a couple of comments off the cuff:

I am amazed you don't have a Phylactery of Undead Turning, it allows you to turn undead as if you were 4 levels higher. Admittedly, it costs 11,000, but I would consider it a must have for anyone really serious about turning undead (as this character certainly is).

Other than that, you could go nuts with Holy Word by boosting your caster level. There is a feat in Complete Divine called Divine Spell Power that would be good for you. I won't go into all the details here, but basically it allows you to spend a turning check to get (for your character) anywhere from +1 to +4 to your caster level for your next divine spell (you would wind up with +4 more than half the time). Hmm, you don't have the Good domain (that would also give you +1 CL) but you could get the ioun stone for +1 CL (although that’s 30k, pretty pricy) for +5.

Even without it, +4 CL for a holy word is pretty good. And of course you could burn a prayer bead for an additional +4.

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