Epic 4th Edition: We Fought The Gods

Sounds like great work.

My mind boggles whenever I read something like:

It just doesn't seem feasible. Can you expand on how exactly he managed to get such huge damage?

That's not hard at all to achieve for a striker. Try a Holy Avenger, critting on 19-20, with 2 rending axe's and Two-weapon Fighting and Opening. Take Eternal Seeker at Epic, drop in a few points to Strength to boost your attack and the round before use something like Bond Of Justice, then use Hurricane Of Blades on a single target. Have Punishing Radiance, Font of Radiance and Justice Hammer for feats. Use Assault boots, Symbol Of Divine Light.

With any luck at all, you will crit. When you do, you get extra attacks from TWO and Rending. More chances to crit again. Target is knocked down, probably dazed, vulnerable to Radiant, blah, blah blah.. Literally hundreds of points of damage is routinely done with this combination.

If you've got Divine Mastery and Epic Resurgence, you can do this attack *twice* per encounter. :)

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I don't think my party is nearly as min-maxed as yours (though they do have a warlord whose epic power keeps anyone from dying due to negative hitpoints as long as he can see them).
My Warlord's player was seriously looking at that Epic Destiny, but he decided to go with Demigod instead. He thought the negative hit points thing would be too much.

How much real time passed for each fight? And what was the party composition?
Ogremoch was a long fight... about five hours. Lolth, we started at about 5:30 pm, and ran straight till midnight. So just under seven hours.

Our tank, Moa Gi'Morva is an Earth Genasi Warden (interestingly enough, he decided to play the Prince of Elemental Earth, the son of Ogremoch before we decided he'd be fighting his dad for encounter number one). He took the Dreadnought paragon path, and the Unyielding Sentinel epic destiny. He has a stance that once he enters it, he's immune to all forced movement and he can ignore one enemy's aura entirely. It makes him hard to move. Also, his feyslaughter weapon prevents enemies from teleporting (greatly frustrating with Lolth, and it will be the same with Vecna).

The healer is Leyla, a Kalashtar Cleric. She was built to be easy to use, since the player running her is relatively new to D&D. She has the Miracle Worker paragon path and the Immanence epic destiny. She's got some very useful powers, such as the Spirit of Healing, where she sets up an angel in the middle of the battlefield, and once per turn, someone can spend one of their minor actions to use it for a heal. It's a free healing word once per round. Of course, once its used, it isn't active until her turn comes up again, but all that added healing (and the saving throws, due to a feat) really add up.

The second leader is Aiden Blacksworn, a Human Warlord. He's taken the Battle Captain paragon path and the Demigod epic destiny. While Leyla is focused on healing, he's a tactical warlord, focused on granting bonus attacks and the like. And he is very good at his job. The two key powers that see a lot of use are Perfect Front (Anyone within two squares of him get to roll twice and use the better result on attacks, lasts till end of the encounter), and Relentless Assault (Whenever an ally scores a critical hit, every other ally gets to make a basic attack as a free action).

Our controller is a wizard named Frost, technically a human (though he's playing him as the spirit of Winter itself). He's a control wizard with orb specialty. His paragon path is Spellstorm Mage, and his epic destiny is Draconic Incarnation. He turns into a dragon for most of the fight, usually, and if he dies (which hasn't happened yet), he comes back to life as a smaller dragon. He's got a whole slew of controller powers which lock down, weaken, stun, etc.

Rounding out the party, we have two DPS. The first is Nox Amandine, a tiefling sorceress. She's taken the Luckbender paragon path, and the Deadly Trickster epic destiny. As you might imagine from a sorceress, she deals incredible amounts of damage. Some of her more potent abilities include the ability to make a free additional attack when she crits with an at-will (so whenever the warlord grants her a free basic attack, she uses her at-will, and if she crits (on 19-20), she gets another free attack). She's a glass cannon, though, and throughout the fights, she's taken more than her share of punishment when the enemies manage to get to her.

Our last DPS is the aforementioned barbarian, known as the Skulltaker. I don't have his sheet handy, so I'm not sure which paragon path he took, but I know his epic destiny was Prince of Hell. He, too, had sacrificed defenses to the point where I nearly didn't have to roll to hit him in favor of having tons of hit points, die hard, and some brutal rages and damage powers.

Awesome encounters. I keep trying to think up ways to make my encounters interesting like those lodestones. What materials did you use to make them?
They were actually really easy to make. I went to a craft store and bought two styrofoam half-spheres, two styrofoam cones (for the bases), and a dowel (the stick). I cut the dowel in half, and used a knife to carve the cliff-like look... I was surprised how easy it was to actually carve them up. Messy, though; I got styrofoam powder everywhere. Anyway, I found that the lodestones wobbled horribly once I had everything finished, so I stuck a metal plate on the bottom of each one, which helped to stabilize them.

If you've got Divine Mastery and Epic Resurgence, you can do this attack *twice* per encounter. :)
Funny you should say that. My barbarian can and did use that particular attack twice in the encounter. The first time, however, his first attack bloodied Selvetarm, which made him vanish. So he didn't get the rest of his attacks. :devil:


Eternal Optimist
Hmm. Compare my 21st level fights from E1, which are running at about an hour (or just over) a fight, but I haven't changed the opposition that much and the PCs are overaweing them.

Boy, the Feylock and Wizard are dangerous controllers at Epic Levels!



Hmm. Compare my 21st level fights from E1, which are running at about an hour (or just over) a fight, but I haven't changed the opposition that much and the PCs are overaweing them.

Yeah... I did build these fights for length. I wanted the gods to feel suitably... well, godly. So Ogremoch had two lodestone guardians that each took about 600 damage... That's 1200 damage they need to do before chipping down his 1400 health. Then Lolth has about 1300 hp worth of drow at the same time, all of whom are too dangerous to leave up. Though each time, it did go longer than expected.

My test fight was a 30th level encounter, and it was all but over after two rounds... took about an hour.


First Post
This thread is wicked cool. My group has yet to do anything above 15th level in 4e so it's fun to see what the end stuff looks like. Although I'm surprised even after souping up MM3 gods it still sounds like a cakewalk for the PCs without even one demise.


First Post
With any luck at all, you will crit. When you do, you get extra attacks from TWO and Rending. More chances to crit again.

Ah, see, now that's what puzzled me.

I can easily understand how someone might hit three times for 250+ damage in a single round.

I thought the Barbarian hit once for 250+. Big difference :)


First Post
Sounds interesting

I know my Dark Sun game will go Epic, well, maybe I hope it will, so I am getting some good ideas here for what to do when they get to that level of power.


First Post
Woot. Glad to see my drow pantheon getting some work. That sounds like a really cool fight.

I think I'm going to steal the Potency poison idea when I run Lolth against my party in a couple weeks. We had to take a hiatus because of the holidays, then the Atlanta ice storm, and now the Superbowl. We just did part two, with the party fighting Ghaunadaur and Kiaransalee.

I don't think my party is nearly as min-maxed as yours (though they do have a warlord whose epic power keeps anyone from dying due to negative hitpoints as long as he can see them). Four of five PCs are built to just never die. They all have ridiculous Constitution scores, or weird tricks when they hit negatives, or huge recharging pools of temporary hit points. Then there's the sorcerer, who has 7 healing surges, and who has been reduced to negatives once each in the two fights so far. I'm expecting him to die horribly in the fight against Lolth.

A Revenant Swordmage is the most obnoxious defender I could ever imagine. What do you mean, you're at negative 80 hit points but you're still fighting? Not only that, you're insubstantial and have resist 30 all? I was so thankful I gave Kiaransalee a power that straight-up lets her knock a PC unconscious for a round. Still, even after he killed Ghaunadar and was cursed with ongoing 35 acid damage (no save; it lasts 'til the end of the encoutner) he still didn't die.

But soon they'll face Lolth. And I plan to make her more annoying than the Swordmage. I need to write up that stat block and post it.

It's a pretty crazy build. I run a revenant(eladrin) swordmage/warlock hybrid. His Paragon Path is Avernian Knight and his Epic Destiny is Undying Warrior. There is an epic feat that gives you insubstantial and a move and minor action in addition to the standard action when you are dying. In addition, there is a magic item called the Solonnor Belt of Righteousness that allows you to gain resist 30 when you are dying. The daily power on the belt is a no action power that states when you take enough damage to bring you below 0 hit points, you do the same amount of damage to the attacker.

He was the weaponmaster of an elven noble household (think Gurney Haleck in Dune) and was struck down by assassins. The sole survivor of the household (my wife's battlefield archer) was out hunting at the time and came back to find the house destroyed and everyone dead. My character rose from the dead and is looking for revenge and to protect the elf.

As the game has progressed he has become darker and darker and more fixated on revenge and less on protecting her. She has become a Winter Sovereign due to her noble heritage, and my character has sworn service to the emperor of the lands we have been adventuring in, cheating the devils their due. At this point I picked up Sorcerer King pact. As epic goes on I'll become more and more unkillable. You basically have to lock him down. This problem will be resolved in one of three ways:

a) somehow the archer redeems him or finds a way to redeem him, at that point I'll become full eladrin again and pick up something like swordmage or the new eldritch knight class

b) I get my revenge. The moment this happens I plan on crumpling up my character sheet and tossing it. The moment I truly am victorious I want to explode into a cloud of ash, never to be seen again

c) the game ends and I take over the world for the emperor, or usurp his seat myself

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