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Epic Problem : Prevention

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Minathiel: 23
Lochlan: 20(a)
MasterMage: 20(b)
Mary: 9
Athear/Rhodia: 8

As they get set to go at the mage again, a mighty beating of wings is heard and the great Archon, Minathiel, flies through the open windows. (Currently 80' from the Mage).
Lochlan bides his time to disrupt the mages casting, but when the mage looks around to see the new arrival, he swears and instead of casting a spell, grabs a wand from his belt and snaps it in half. Thinking this might be some sort of casting, Lochlan fires, but his blast goes wide, and the Mage cackles as the two pieces of the wand begin growing.

[sblock=OOC] OK, new method of posting combat updates. From now on, I post when it's an NPC's turn. after that, you post IN ORDER. That means that nobody posts until Darimaus updates Mary's actions. Then Shayuri can post Athear's actions. THEN Minathiel, THEN Lochlan, THEN I'll do another update.[/sblock]
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First Post
(Um...you still didn't resolve my last declared action. In post 234. For convenience sake, I shall repost it, but this was made quite awhile ago. :))

Athearkepeskorn breathes a gout of silvery, foggy that leaves runners of frost crackling over the flagstones. Almost as soon as it starts to leave his mouth though, he changes his posture, flicks his tongue...and the frosty fog ignites into a plume of blue-white flame that rolls over the mage! Rhodia uses the staff on herself, realizing how vulnerable she is to further attack.

(Breath Weapon Substitution! Fire! 14d8 damage, ref save DC 40. Rhodia uses a charge to cast Heal on herself, bringing herself to full health.)


First Post
Not precisely sure what is going on, he sees his companions attack the withered old man and determines this is good enough to determine the man must be some kind of threat. A quick scan of the room and having heard the massive explosions, Minathiel determines a mage of some nature.

Flying up the intervening distance, he hovers in the air, 10 feet above the mage, just out of reach, but within the reach of his sword, should the mage foolishly attempt to cast or leave.

"I apologize for my tardiness. I would surrender now, mage, before things become difficult."

With that he begins chanting, gesturing with the hand not holding his great blade, calling upon diving magic.

[sblock=OOC]Okay, now things get... interesting.

He takes a move action to fly 10' over the head of the withered man. This should threaten him and every hex around him due to the reach on a large creature. This is of course assuming the ceiling in the throne room is large enough. The point of this, short of a 5 ft step, he should provoke an attack of opportunity if he should try to move (moving from one threaten square to another provokes one, even on a withdrawl) Well unless he can tunnel of course.

He takes a standard action to cast Anti-Magic Aura, defensively (not rolling, can't fail). Again encompassing the mage and everything around him. (10' emination) Since epic spells (that is spells that are cast using the epic spell casting feat) are not automatically suppressed by anti-magic aura, I took the liberty of rolling (1d20 +20 vs 11 +23) 28 and 23 Minathiel's epic spells are unsupressed.

AC 37 (10 Base +5 Armor +17 Natural +5 Dex)
HP 455
Attack +44/+39/+34/+29 (+19 BAB +24 Str +1 Epic +1 Masterwork -1 Size)
Damage 3d6 + 36

Saves: (Divine Grace is a supernatural ability :( )
Fort +33 (13 Class +19 Con, +1 Epic)
Refl +17 (11 Class +5 Dex, +1 Epic)
Will +22 (13 Class +8 Wis, +1 Epic)

Special defeneses: Immune to petrification, Electricity, Spell Resistance 39[/sblock]


First Post
Still held at bay by the Antilife Shell, Lochlan continues trying to prevent the mage from casting by reading to zap him when he tries.

Combat Effects

HP: 437/437 +60Temp

Turn: 4/17 Used (5/17 when is readied action goes off)

Divine Vigor: +60 Temp HP, Spd 40
Inspire Excellence: +12 Cha
Inspire Excellence: +12 Dex
Inspire Excellence: +12 Str


First Post
Wrahn said:
He takes a standard action to cast Anti-Magic Aura, defensively (not rolling, can't fail). Again encompassing the mage and everything around him. (10' emination) Since epic spells (that is spells that are cast using the epic spell casting feat) are not automatically suppressed by anti-magic aura, I took the liberty of rolling (1d20 +20 vs 11 +23) 28 and 23 Minathiel's epic spells are unsupressed.

Unfortunatly, Mary's Hymn of Spell Death is still in effect, which means you need to make a concentration check DC 79 in order to cast any spells here. Its whats keeping the mage pinned down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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