Here's my PHB errata for the 7-2 data. I printed this out on removable (low-tack) 4"x6" labels, cut them out appropriately and stuck them in the book. most of them fit right over the existing text. Make sure you set your printer up for 4x6 sheets and high quality. When you cut, check the section before cutting, as in many cases there's extra bluespace to cover existing text. The labels have the page number to the right just to help locate the appropriate section in the errata doc.
I got the labels at Staples, the item# is 297556, "Multiuse Labels, print & write removable." It doesn't show up in their online catalog for some reason.
PHB errata.7-2-08.1.0.pdf
I got the labels at Staples, the item# is 297556, "Multiuse Labels, print & write removable." It doesn't show up in their online catalog for some reason.
PHB errata.7-2-08.1.0.pdf