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Event - Sunken Temple


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Gol may have to back her up in a pinch, but it certainly would be a good trial by fire for her.
Ath had lots of them, mostly courtesy of Eloi forgetting that taking the little priestess places he could solo was not always the best idea. But we did duo 60 elites when Ath was 48... :cool:

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Took Vimu through ST the other day. She can enter the instance, but she's an aggro queen. I had a tough time keeping the trolls off of her. Even with my taunt, they still went for her after about five seconds. Good thing I can kill stuff quick :)

I don't think Vimu will join us in ST (it's still tonight, right?), but she's gearing up for Uldaman and SM.



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Still on for tonight indeed. Fuil actually has a late start on his day tomorrow, and is napping now, so he won't be overly tired later.

I was a bit afraid of how much aggro Vimu would pull. When she's ready for Uldaman, put up a thread, and unless there is one of those can't get out if it committments, Zhev will come freeze things to the ground for her if she would like. Same goes for Maraudon, ZF, etc...


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I think she just wants to finish the hundreds of STV quests she has. I'll help her with that next time I'm on. As suggested, I'll post here when she's ready for Uldaman, et al. Should be relatively soon.

I find that since druids got all the love from Blizzard, I'm playing Blynke less and less... Golradir is actually fun to play again! :D No more healing! Actually off-tanked a 10-man scholo last night... and I was the raid leader, too :)

EDIT: Spelling, format.


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Anyone interested in the second go at ST, let me know what good times are for you. Our foray was very successful, and I'm beginning to wonder how we ever got anything done in an instance before Teamspeak...


With Tharno at 50 now I'm sure he could and needs to go as well. I am hoping to make it by his place while I'm visiting my parents and show him where the egg is. Shall we aim for a Saturday night run? (26th, 7pm server time start?)


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Keep watch here for answers Vas. Saturday is Megan's birthday, and I've promised to take her to see Rent, but we'll likely do that fairly early in the day, so a 7 pm server time start should work. Do you have access to play yourself? Just want to get an idea on the head count.


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I'm guessing you guys got busy, or never got back here to check in - or got caught in a monster queue. Any road, I'm online now, if you make it, we'll try to hunt some dragon...

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