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Ever had a player in your group throw a tantrum or worse? Most uncomfortable moment?


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I have a few stories but two stick out.

The first is not too bad, just funny. Gaming for the first time with a new group and one of the players is having real bad luck with his d20. Finally almost at the end of the session, he calmly says to his die "That's it." He stands up, walks to the door and throws the die across the street, comes back and sits down like nothing happened.

The second story we still laugh about. A different group and a different player. Now this player and myself (I am DMing) don't get along too well but he is a friend of a friend. He seems to treat the game as DM vs PC(or player). He was playing a rogue type and they were fighting a dwarf who happend to get enlarged and was fighting with a dwarven waraxe. He makes a move so he can sneak attack next round, plots out his move carefully, and then makes it. I innocently ask "Are you tumbling?" "No need!" Well the dwarf makes his AoO since he has reach. One crit later, double damage is done. "HA! I am still alive, barely." Then out of the other end of the table, from a player that this player does not care for pipes up "Ummm, Axes are triple damage on Crits right?". One dead character later and the character sheet is crumpled up and tossed at a third innocent player. Not sure why this story sticks with us...we still laugh about it.

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Ive had one blow up, and it wasnt even over D&D. We where playing Versus this past year a day before Christmas eve and the entire group was playing one big free for all. Now there is this new guy to versus but he has been with the D&D group since 2005. Anyway he questions everything and takes like twenty minute turns, has to read every single card and never gets them right and never remembers the rules (He does the same in D&D, he still cant figure out BAB) so after like 15 minutes of him trying to figure out a way to get rid of the guy i had pumped up to like a 35/20 I said he was done and my attack was final, and he got all pissy. I Yelled at him and basically told him what I thought of his playing. he quite the game right there on the spot, and has never played again (thank god). I apolagized later to him saying that it was late (it was 3 AM so I guess it was X-mas eve, but it was 11 PM when we started) and I was tired.

Most of my group arguments arent even over gaming. One time my germophobic friends brought over his yu-gi-oh cards and I was looking at them. Now I accidentilly dropped one. It was fine. Nothing wrong with it. He proceeded to take it from be very calmly and crinkle it up. I asked why, and he said because it had touched the floor, then me and my friend (we call him Tris) decided to poke holes in his logic. Why didnt he throw away his shoes, or book bag or the bevy of otehr things that he brough over that where touching the floor. He then screamed at the top of his lungs for everyone to be quiet and change the subject. Which just made us laugh, and made him madder.

Another time the Germophobe who is also Athiest was at another friends house (now most of my group is either a Christian or at least conservative) and one of Christian yet very hypocritical friends decided Mike (the germophobe) couldnt play WOD, because it has religious themes in it. JD (the hypocrite) proceeded to tell mike that he cant play, support or watch anything that goes against your beliefs, and that he couldnt play because it did not exist for him. The decided to get into a huge argument over religion, they basically then asked me my opinion (which is often what happens in religious arguments in my group since Im the Christian expert of the group), I basically said without trying to offend anyone that you could because it's make believe and that while I dont agree with other religions, my beliefs dont stop me from pretending. That stopped the fight but latre mike told me he was about to hit JD in the face.

A few months ago one of my former group member who left due to working all the time stopped by and mike and he proceeded to talk during my game. Which was fine so long as I could DM and could hear what I was saying and what the players where saying. Well a question was asked and i ansewered it which provoked another question from Eric (The visitor) any was I Ansewered that one too and it got a laugh for some reason. Anyway Mike and Eric kept talking louder and louder and I told them to be quiet, Mike accuused me of interupting, I said he was the one interupting which of course he refuted. I said i was the DM and i was talking at the beginning of the game and I would be talking at the end of the game. he claimed that people where interrupting him all the time and now I knew how he felt. Well I countered with I didnt care how he felt and that as the DM I need those not involved to be quiet and listen so I dont have to repeat myself later. He got quiet.


Arashi Ravenblade said:
Another time the Germophobe who is also Athiest was at another friends house (now most of my group is either a Christian or at least conservative)...
So, where do you live, and are you looking for another gamer? :D


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Strangely, my shouter is the most religious in our group. He's an out and out munchkin, misreading rules or forgetting the bits he doesn't like. Stingy (XP and treasure) DM as well, though pretty imaginative.

Thing is, he is an excellent Sci-Fi GM and we've all known him, and each other, for more than 25 years so we tend to just keep going.

I will freely admit that, as I age, my patience with people who don't seem able to play by the rules is not what it was.


Uncomfortabe situation (or, at least, weird and awkward):

I was the DM and had a point in my campaign where the group split up to accomplish a number of tasks. Most of the adventures were solos, but usually had at least one person aside from the person playing the solo hanging out, watching, and controlling the music. I gave the reigns of an NPC over to the person who's character was not present at that night's solo.

I was then witness to a session where the two players described, in detail, a sex scene between their PC and an NPC. They ended up sitting udner the table, going into graphic detail.. It's what they wanted to do, I guess, so I let it go for about 30 minutes.

Eventually I had enough and had the main villain show up and kill the NPC.

I still don't know what to make of that session.


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January 2007. 2 months ago. Party of 8 or so people. 2 rogues. One guy decides to stop playing the rogue and makes a Dwarven Fighter. It gets introduced the next game. Now, we already find this guy annoying. I'm making a new guy for this next game. A Binder. I throw out an idea to the DM for how the Dwarf and my guy can be in the same area. The DM decides against it. My Binder is introduced in about 10 minutes. The Dwarf sits there for 3 hours. I'll be honest, the DM took way too long to get us to the Dwarf. Right before we get to him, the DM stops for a moment to take a smoking break. "OK. We're there. You'll be introduced in a couple of minutes... and it looks like you're leaving." "I've been here three hours. This is ridiculous." One guy leans over to me and goes, "Awkward." I say, "Hey. Complete Scoundrel is out." Gone! The guy stays and plays, but his guy is ridiculously annoying. Thankfully, he misses next session and is kicked from the group. We now say everything is ridiculous.


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The Edge said:
(very) Luckily there was no permanent damage, he got off amazingly with virtualy only bruises, a sore head and a twisted ankle. He could even attend the next game. Window closed of course. LOW has become a new abriveiation amoung our group. :D

This casts your .sig into a whole new light. :)


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My Tantrum

I once went into quite a hissy fit. We were going through Tomb of Horrors using a completely customized version of Rolemaster. There is one part where each person gets 1 wish (or at least, in the version we played). We used to roll percentile dice to determine the order of picking magic items (highest goes first). Well, the player in our party playing a rogue secretly meets with the DM and asks for an item that basically lets him use his Luck background option to add to his dice roll when we roll to see who picks the first magic item. This would essentially mean that his rogue would ALWAYS have first choice when picking magic items. I grew into quite a rage at both the DM and the player for how ridiculous it was that he would grant such a meta-power-gaming item. First of all, he would have had to utter the wish right in front of the entire party. Plus, how do you get a magic item in-game, that helps you OUTSIDE of the game? How would lawful characters who heard the wish feel? "Oh yeah, sure, go ahead and roll your "magical" dice that we heard you wish for". Anyway, not really much of a physical tantrum...mostly just yelling. It was so long ago now...I don't even remember how it turned out. Funny to think about now. We had so much treasure at the end, it didn't matter who picked first anyway.


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The funniest hissy fit I ever witnessed was a guy who styled himself the "Car Wars God". I think he may have written or contributed to some of the Uncle Albert's Catalogs back when Car Wars was a big deal. Anyway, this guy is HIGHLY unstable, likely schizotypal personality disorder, hideous personal habits and hygiene, and was a belligerant know it all (even though he didn't know his @ss from a hole in the ground about anything).

Anyway, this guy was just BEGGING to be shown what a jerk he was. So one day at the FLGS, several guys got together for a game of Car Wars, and yes it was a set up to take the jerk down a few notches. The jerk had his usual tricked-out van, and the other guys had their cars, trucks, and motorcycles armed to the teeth. They played for about 30 min before by buddly, the FLGS owner brought his suicide motorcycle into play. This bike had a ram plate attached to enough explosive to take out 2 city blocks- and he broadsided the van with it. BOOM! Everything within about 10 sqaures is blown to hell, and the jerk gapes at my buddy then goes ballistic. He starts screaming that he cheated, kicks over the table, stomps on the Car Wars books and playing pieces and storms out of the store. The owner banned him from the store for 6 months after that.

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