Everyone, Tell us about your games, please!

1.) How many players in your group?

group a) 4
group b) 5

2.) Do you DM?

a) yes
b) yes

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

a) 2 others
b) 3 others

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

a) all male
b) 4 male, 1 female

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?


6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?


7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

37 years. 46 years old.

8.) Who taught you to play?


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Chad Hooper

First Post
Everyone, tell us about your games, please.

1.) How many players in your group?

2.) Do you DM?

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

5.) Got a good game store near you and what is it?

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

8.) Who taught you to play?

Answer any or all of the above, please... :)

1. Currently four, started out roughly six months ago with just three.

2. I am the DM.

3. Nobody else has taken a turn as DM yet, but I hope one or more of them does so down the road.

4. 3 guys, 1 gal. I'm the oldest, youngest player is about 27.

5. It's hit or miss in brick and mortar places here since we're playing an older edition. Lots of hunting in thrift shops and used book stores, but mostly online shopping.

6. In the past I've run exclusively homebrew adventures set in my homebrew world. This time I'm running the enormous campaign module Night Below, modified to fit my homebrew world and with self-written side quests (and a twist to avoid most of Book 2). I'm running it in it's native habitat, the AD&D2e rules.

7. Since early '82, but with a hiatus of 15.5 years that just ended last September. I turn 52 in July 2018.

8. Self-taught. I bought the Basic boxed set (pink/magenta cover), read it, and taught three brothers I was friends with from school how to play. As far as I know, we were the first D&D group ever in the small Texas town of Wellington.

Darth Solo

1. Six
2. Yes I GM
3. 1 other new GM
4. All male group (40+ grogs)
5. Many Bay area stores
6. Running "Wrath if the Righteous" converted to 5e
7. Running since the Companion Basic set; full AD&D 1e; doesn't GM age trump Elves?
8. Coached in running games by the dad (hobby shop owner) of the friend that intro'd me to D&D. Star Frontiers, Recon (Palladium), Space Opera, Metamorphis Alpha, Warhammer, ECT. I was grounded in tabletop gaming before I knew what that meant.


First Post
1.) How many players in your group?
4-DM inclusive
2.) Do you DM?
3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
All Male
5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
1 year, 42
8.) Who taught you to play?


First Post
1.) How many players in your group? Including GM:
Group A/ 5
Group B/ 7
Group C/ 5
Group D/ 7

2.) Do you DM?
Group A/ Yes
Group B/ No
Group C/ No
Group D/ Not yet. Group with rotating GMs; I'll take my turn when it comes round.

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
Group A/ All the other 4 do. In the past it's been about equal some years. Nowadays it's mostly myself and only about 10% the others.
Group B/ No
Group C/ No
Group D/ 5 of the other 6 do. It rotates every few weeks or months to a different game & GM.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
Group A/ I'm the only female of the 5.
Group B/ 3 females, 4 males (including the GM)
Group C/ 2 females, 3 males (including the GM). Another female is due to join us next month.
Group D/ I'm the only female of the 7.

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
The superb http://www.patriotgames.ltd.uk/store/

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
Group A/ I mostly adapt modules. So about 25% homebrew, 70% adapted... some very much so, about 5% run mostly as written. The other GMs about 10% adapted, 90% homebrew.
(I'm mostly running Harn and L5R nowadays. The others are running an adapted 7th Sea and an adapted 5th ed D&D.)
Group B/ Homebrew (Stars Without Number)
Group C/ Homebrew (L5R)
Group D/ Only been with this new group a few weeks. Both GMs so far have been using modules. (Cthulhu Invictus and now 5th ed D&D)

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
39 years. 58.

8.) Who taught you to play?
A fellow archaeologist on a prehistoric site marooned in an unfashionable part of the Lake District. A mix of AD&D and original 3 little booklet D&D as only the Monster Manual and PHB were out, not the DMG yet.


1.) How many players in your group?
Five players + a GM.
2.) Do you DM?
Almost exclusively.

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
Two others have GMed for a meaningful during, at some point. One last ran "Return to Temple of Elemental Evil" when it was fresh. The other was running "Tomb of Annihilation", last I new. I played in the former, which was the last time I actually played until I did a stint in the latter's "Curse of Strahd", last summer.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
Four males (including me) and two females.

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
Tempest Games

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
Historically, mostly homebrew. I ran a couple of the 5E adventures, though, because they sounded interesting. Just transitioning back to homebrew for 5E.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
35 years. I'm older than the President's kids, but not by much.

8.) Who taught you to play?
A kid at summer camp. Then I brought it back to school and had to teach my friends. This is how I became the permanent GM.


It's strange to think I started this thread 15 years ago when you were 20 and until it got resur-muh-rected last Spring it had been dormant for five years. :)
Haha. I didn't even see the OP date. The thread just floated to the top and I jumped into the conversation.

Also, just to clarify my grognard status, I'm not 35. I've been playing D&D for 35 years. I'll be somewhat coy about my actual age (more privacy than pride), but I'm roughly the same age as the game itself.


1.) How many players in your group?
We typically play 3+GM or 4+GM. But it's not the same group every time - different sets of players for different games.

2.) Do you DM?
I often GM, but I'm not the only GM in the group. Currently I play in a campaign my wife runs.

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
Most of the people in our group run games sometimes. I think my wife and me are the GMs most often.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
In the current campaign: 2 females and 3 males (this includes the GM).

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
There is one game store nearby, but it's not good. I buy games online, in digital formats, and even dice or similar accesories are typically easier to order than to buy locally.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
We often use published settings, but nearly never published adventures. In the last 10 years, the only adventures I ran that were not mine were some Dogs in the Vineyard towns.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
I'm 38 and a roleplayer for 23 years.

8.) Who taught you to play?
I learned about RPGs from my school friend. But after only a couple sessions I started reading the books and running games myself.

Cobalt Meridian

1.) How many players in your group?
Including myself, we have up to 7 regulars but our games (due to schedules) tend to have a rotating core of up to 5.

2.) Do you DM?

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
Two others in the group regularly GM but only 1 does so for our group - the other GMs only for a different group of people (currently)

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
It varies because the group varies but typically 4 males, 1 female. Age-wise they range from 22 up to early 30s with me as the 'old man' outlier (see later).

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
Yes, I am lucky enough to live near Eclectic Games in Reading, UK.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
The other GM only uses homebrew adventures. I use a combination of the two.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
I am 51 and have been playing since 1983

8.) Who taught you to play?
A kid at my school who had just gotten the 1st Edition PHB and DMG. I thought he was odd but the game sounded interesting. Didn't think I would still be playing RPGs 35 years later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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