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Evil vs Good: D&D Wargaming


The Forces of Evil

This is the Evil Only thread for D&D Wargaming. If you are Good, please leave now on your honor.

The Lich King stirs in his slumber, but does not rise. Even in sleep, his thirst for power rises. His pyres of darkness in his terrible city burn day and night, covering the land in shadow. But it is not enough. The world must fall to his might. Must! And while he sleeps, his Dreadlords must carry forth his will.

--Go now... burn, destroy, conquer, and rape the lands. Make it all mine. Destroy the South, for their light is a thorn in my side!--

He telepathically communicates to all his minions. They would take time to muster of course... the undead must be raised, the demons must be paid... but the Dragon takes flight immediately, and the Druid is on his back.

Tonguez and Drakknyte32: Actions please. You may both start together at either of your homes, but Tonguez's army is located in Misylak to begin
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First Post
The FireKing is sleeping but he wakes when he hears the call. If he was a normal Red he would have taken flight immediately, winging towards the lands of good intent on raining fiery death upon them.

But the Fireking is not a normal red, he is far more cunning. The Lich King had made him a general because he was skilled and effective. He would put those skills to use.

After waking up and eating a nearby slave, The FireKing wanders through his halls until he comes to the Item that is of most value to him, aside from his hoard.

Dismissing the watcher on duty, The FireKing sits down next to the scrying pool. He doesn't move for the rest of the day as he intently watches the going-ons of the world.

The FireKing can be patient, he will travel to the good lands soon with his allies, and the good lands will burn.

The first day I'm going to spend scrying.

Any armies of good in the mountain or desert or heading towards the mountain or desert. This one is of vital importance and I'll spend several hours checking pretty thouroghly.

The defenses of the villages near the mountains (good side) (basically, are there armies in the village or nearby)

The defenses of the cities near the mountains (good side) (same as above, I'll also try and listen to the conversations of some higher ups for things of interest. I'll do this more for the wealthier towns)

Any easily accessible places of loot in above cities (a wizards tower, a bank, a magical item storage area, any useful visible magical items[statues, etc]

proximity of above cities to each other (how long it would take for a messenger to reach the next city, how long it would take me to reach the next city, how long it would take my mephits to reach the next city)

The western nations (what there cities look like, what the countries look like, listen to random citizens to see how the people act, listen to merchants to see how they react)

In western nations, determine what merchants/spellcasters are likely to work with a Red Dragon (based on who they work with already)

The protocol of visitors to the western nations

The protocol of heavily armed visitors to the western nations

Scout the evil lands and cities looking for good armies that teleported in (this is also extremely important and would take hours but would be closer to the end of the day, so that a lot of them are here.

Finally, I'll scout the good lands looking for armies. If I find any I'll listen to the common soldiers to see what they talk about. I'm hoping they might mention the armies plans.

Edited to match the effects of the new scry spell
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Any armies of good in the mountain or desert or heading towards the mountain or desert. This one is of vital importance and I'll spend several hours checking pretty thouroghly.

This one is your most shocking experience. As you begin to scry, your pool shows a scene over the Lowly Mountains, and heads south... it goes down towards a city built into the side of one of the mountains in the western parts of the mountain, right next to the great big waterfall that feeds the river. Your scry descends into the city, flying through stone until it reaches a single room inside a single building, where there stands a man. He is casting a spell, and likely has been in the process of casting it for quite some time.

Within a minute of you watching though, he finishes casting the spell. His mirror, in the room, suddenly shows a picture of you, and your own viewing pool. You are right there for him to see. There is a hall of mirrors effect where your scry sees his scry which sees your scry, and on until eternity.

(Apologies for taking brief control of you, but I thought it appropriate) You are startled by this, and instantly attempt to use your pool to counterspell the wizard's scry... but find that his scry is much more powerful than your own. You can do nothing about it! It sits there, watching you. The wizard appears to be taking notes about you. He knows who you are now. He knows what you look like, what you wear. Who knows what he'll be able to determine from his scry?

I assume you aren't going to scry elsewhere while this wizard is scrying you, lest you give him free knowledge. Fortunately, his spell wears off before twenty minutes is up, leaving you free to scry elsewhere.

There are no armies currently in the desert. There are no armies currently crossing the mountains. There is an army, however, inside this grand city you are witnessing, by the waterfall.

The defenses of the villages near the mountains (good side) (basically, are there armies in the village or nearby)
Aside from this great city you just witnessed, there are a number of villages along the river, away from the mountain. They are not walled, not have they any defenses you can see. Along the mountain itself, there are fewer villages... maybe a thorp or two around small woodsy areas... only woodcutters live there, and bring their goods either to the city you witnessed or elsewhere in the good country.

By the seashore and the mountains, there is a fishing village. No defenses you can see. It's a little over a week's ride by horse from the city to the sea.

The defenses of the cities near the mountains (good side) (same as above, I'll also try and listen to the conversations of some higher ups for things of interest. I'll do this more for the wealthier towns)
I've already mentioned that you've seen an army inside the city by the waterfall... which is hardly a village. It's a beautiful city, with soaring buildings, many built right into the cliffside. Artwork is everywhere... statues and the like to ancient heroes.

This city has two gates... one to enter the city itself, and another tremendous gate that guards the mountain pass itself. This pass would have been a very very simple way of crossing the mountains if not for this gate. It is currently open, and merchants travel through it in both directions, but that will change if an army tries to come through, of this you are certain.

Any easily accessible places of loot in above cities (a wizards tower, a bank, a magical item storage area, any useful visible magical items[statues, etc]
You can't determine whether the artwork is magical, but it is pretty, and artfully done. You can assume that the wizard was in his wizard's tower... but he's IN it. Might be dangerous.

proximity of above cities to each other (how long it would take for a messenger to reach the next city, how long it would take me to reach the next city, how long it would take my mephits to reach the next city)
No village in the good country seems to be farther than a day's ride from the next. The Good capital, which is a truely tremendous sized city constructed of white marble and situated at the river fork, is within a day's hard ride of the mountain city. Other cities are further apart from each other, but there are, as I mentioned, villages and smaller towns along the way. Most of the Good kingdom's population lives along the river.

The western nations (what there cities look like, what the countries look like, listen to random citizens to see how the people act, listen to merchants to see how they react)
The western nations are not nearly as civilized and beautiful as the Good nation. Their towns look much like towns on the moor, except the people don't look quite as pitiable (if one were to have any pity). Merchants try to cheat customers ruthlessly, but the customers are often wiley themselves, trying to cheat the merchants in return. It seems to balance out in the end.

In western nations, determine what merchants/spellcasters are likely to work with a Red Dragon (based on who they work with already)
Your scry fails. You must wait 24 hours to try again.

The protocol of visitors to the western nations
As the day is starting to get late, you are running out of time to look around. You witness what you assume is a minor noble with a petition to the king there at court. In the towns and cities themselves, there are few outsiders and those that you scry are not doing anything you can watch and emulate.

The protocol of heavily armed visitors to the western nations
Your scry fails. You must wait 24 hours to try again.

Scout the evil lands and cities looking for good armies that teleported in (this is also extremely important and would take hours but would be closer to the end of the day, so that a lot of them are here.
Your scry fails. You must wait 24 hours to try again.

Finally, I'll scout the good lands looking for armies. If I find any I'll listen to the common soldiers to see what they talk about. I'm hoping they might mention the armies plans.
You've already seen one army. Nowhere else that you can find has an "army" gathered. You have, however, seen messangers on horseback heading towards all the cities of the land... it may be that these cities merely needs to call to arms before the army comes forth and appears as such...

Common soldiers in the mountainside city are not talking of anything of interest, other than curiosity of where they will be sent, and speculation as to when they will see action. Moral is high.


A suffusion of yellow
The Misylak Forest, Night.

This is no place to roam in the night, for the forest is thick and its silence heavy. Nonetheless there is one, an elf, and he is running. Running without seeing for the terror that pursues him has made him blind to reason, already his two companions are dead, - one torn down bloody by some terrible man-beast, the other slain by merciless bolt from the shadows - sweat pours from this last pathetic creature.The very forest seems alive against him, tearing thorns and grasping branches. Slowing him down, making him stumble, fall.

He rises and his vision is filled with shining lights and butterfly wings, the Pixies have caught their prayer, they let their invisibility drop so the elf can see who its devourers will be. The pain of a myriad of stings and the elf dies, his flesh will be stripped and by morning only dust shall remain.

Behind the Pixies a whirlwind settles dropping the corpses of the elfs two companions along with the leaves and debris it has pulled up in the pursuit and begins to take on a humanoid form.

"A good hunt" the Dark Hunter laughs as his body solidifies "you have done well my little ones"

It is then he heeds the call.

'A while Death King' he answers silently 'in the morning I will go to my brothers lair. For now my children feast'

It is not too long before others in the Pack arrive, some in the forms of wolves, others as men and a few in some intermediate form. The last two emerging from the shadows are the twin Hunt Masters

In turn each bows to the Dark Lord and then go and take their part in the feast. Only the Hunt Masters linger beside their Sire.

"The Lich King has called us to go forth" the Dark Hunter informs his Lieutenants "In the morning I go to the my brothers Lair, you will assemble the Pack - is that understood?"

Ravage snarls and Raptor grins both so different in the expression of their hunger...

In the Morning the Pack rests from the nights feast but already the Dark Hunter has gone, in a word he is transported to the Lair of the FireKing.

"My brother" he greets the Red "No doubt you too have heard our Masters call from his troubled dreams. Have you consulted the Pool? and what have you seen?"

Two of the Dark Hunters 'Dog soldiers' follow a short way behind him carrying what appears to be an ordinary looking glass 5 feet tall by 2 feet wide

"and this is a gift" the Hunter indicates "salvaged of a trio of wayward adventurers from the West who would try and enter my forest without offering tribute"

(ooc if its okay with you I'll key the Word of Recall Spell to the Dragons Lair. That way we can both teleport home if we need to)
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First Post
The FireKing had started this day calm and confident. Sure that the armies of Good would be no match for him. As he watched the pool however, he became more and more worried. By the end of the day he was ready to explode just from agitation.

Finding the wizard was bad, here was a person possibly as strong as the druid. But the druid was not acting yet, and this wizard was.
(What details did I notice about the wizard and the room he was in [+14 spot, +14 search, 90' radius blindsight]. How much presence did he carry himself with [Charisma, possibly a Sense Motive check]. Exactly how long did his scrying last, The Fireking is no fool and definately would have counted)

But far worse than that was the scrying that didn't work. The FireKing now knew that an army of good was in the lands of evil. Worse, they had the ability to teleport. (do I have any idea where the scrying failed? If I do I will head in that direction in my actions below)

~Druid, where are you?~ He thought, ~I cannot do this on my own, but I will do what I am able, Failure is not an option~

The Fireking quickly searched through his layer, Making sure he was not the recipient of the teleported army. As he searched he summoned his commanders and placed his forces on high alert.

He ordered his watchers to begin scrying the surrounding countryside and mountains, looking for the good army (Can they try to scry something I failed to scry? If they can they will. If they can't or fail then they will begin scrying the lands around the mountain, not any specific person)

"If you find anything or are attacked, send 3 mephits to tell me, I will be travelling my standard scout path. If you are attacked and outmached don't worry about fighting back, just send the messengers and delay them as long as possible. I will deal with them myself."

With that The Fireking left his layer and took flight, 60 of his mephits following him. "Spread out and search the land, standard pattern. If you notice anything unusual, Report Immediately"(Me and 60 mephits are going scouting, looking for this army of good. By the way, I can travel 160 miles a day without pushing myself, and I only have to check half as often for subdual damage on a forced march, I also see four times as well as a human in low light conditions)

(If messengers are sent they will hustle towards me. I will be flying a pre-planned semicircular path so I shouldn't be that hard to catch up to.)


First Post
Just as The FireKing is about to leave the Druid shows up (do you mind if I call your character the druid?)

"Things go badly Druid, I will fill you in on the details later but for now we have more pressing concerns. A powerful wizard has Scryed me and even now an army of good is travelling through our lands. Summon your men. It is time to hunt."

With that the FireKing leaves his lair, The Druid on his back.

As they fly the FireKing fills him in more thoroughly, though he never lets the conversation distract him from his diligent search"
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(OOC: Due to the fact that I'm allowing you to scry concepts as well as specific people or places ("Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"), I'm ruling that if you try to scry something that doesn't exist, you fail the scry exactly the same way you would if you were scrying someone that made a successful saving throw. As such, you should know that it is POSSIBLE that there is no army in your territory. It's equally possible that there is, however.)

The wizard you saw was, to put it mildly, terrifying in presence. Utterly overwhelming. He saw you, knew what you were, who you were, and he had nothing but the utmost self confidence. In his eye you could see your own doom, the assurance of it. He smiled.

The scry lasted fifteen minutes.

His room contained many, many books. On hundreds of subjects, some concerning the arcane, but many more on poetry, an extensive section of fiction, histories, religion, animal husbandry, treatises on logic and reason, on mathematics, on love and philosophy... there were even cookbooks. A longbow rests in a corner of the room. Spell components were scattered here and there. There were thaumeters and those complicated glass contraptions you see in mad scientist labs filled with bubbling liquid. It was a magical labratory of sorts. Interestingly enough, you saw no magical items or artifacts. Perhaps they'd been moved out of the room.


A suffusion of yellow
"A Wizard?" the Druid scowls as the pair soar high above the moorlands, hehaving no love for those bookish fools
"and a powerful one amongst his books and beakers? We need learn more about him and his nature, though I am certain that he shall soon fall -that is the Wizards weakness, remove his books and he is nothing but meat for the fire!

So should we attack his city and bring it down around his robes or do you have some more subtle strategy?"


First Post
After flying for a while the king, started to relax. He was being silly, something he didn't usually do, the call must have affected him more than he thought.

Now that he thought about it the scrying pools failure might have been just that, a failure, not a block by some dangerous force. And even if they were here, how likely was he to see them? The kingdom was vast and he could only travel so far.

The voice of the druid helped him too. It was always fun to come up with devastating strategies with him. And knowing this powerful force was with him helped him finally calm down.

He thought about the situation as he turned towards his lair once more.

"Perhaps I was too rash before. Now that I think about it this army may have been a false alarm. And though the wizard was definately powerful, I doubt he Is as strong as you."

"He chuckled at his allie's comments. Always ready to bring down death and destruction aren't you? Fear not, we will attack the city soon enough, But there are things that need to be done first."

He begins considering what he should do to prepare for this campaign.

"First; I believe I should move my hoard and my mephits to your domain for a time. My mountain is strong but it is also near the enemy and, more importantly, they know about it. We still do not know their full potential and I would greatly desire my hoard to be in a place I know is safe. The kobalds I'll leave behind to keep watch over my pool. With my mephits and your minions we should be fine without them."

"Second; We should reinforce your base with magic. Just one day of casting Shambler and Unhallow will make it a far more powerful place."

"Third, we need to send messengers to our allies to tell them what we have learned of the wizard. Perhaps some will Join us in the attack."

"Once we have completed that, we will strike, and we will destroy that town."

With that The FireKing resumes his silence, plotting the upcoming battle.
(Read, Trying to decide what magic/soldier combination will do the most damage.)

Fieari. A couple more things I would have noted with my scrying.
Was the wizard wearing any magic items?
The army in the city, What is it composed of?
(Number of soldiers, standard equipment, special troops)


The mage was not wearing any magical items that you could see... but then, he was wearing robes. No rings on his fingers, nor crowns on his head, and the robe itself was not magical. Underneath the robe, you would have had to cast a detect magic spell to determine.

The army was in excess of five hundred mortal men. There were pikemen and phalanxes and you witnessed a large number of weak sorcerors training with magic missile.

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