• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Evocations of the Archmagi


Social Justice Wizard
Bad News

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but apparently when Ryan's computer died a few months back, it took all of the submissions with it.

If you submitted something and want to use it elsewhere, please do so with ENPublishing's blessings and apologies.

If you wish to re-submit, I heartily encourage you to do so. Just make sure you're up to 3.5 snuff! We hope to be able to release the book in May. Actually I hope to get it out earlier, but we've got a busy release schedule with the "A" Line right now, and have to dedicate March to putting out the Portable Hole for April 1st. PLUS, Hound really wants to work in some evocative prestige classes, so would need some time to write those up, AND it'd take a huge amount of time to sort/sift through the submissions. I'll post here in about a week as to where to send the submissions- I don't know if it'll be to me, to Ryan, or someone else who wants to take up the mantle of project lead. Whomever is in charge will post specific guidelines as to format, what to include, etc. Be sure that if you do re-submit you follow the guidelines exactly, otherwise we may just toss the whole thing out the electronic window.

I'm really sorry for the delay in getting this information out. It seems as though nobody wanted to have to break the news, so I'm going to take the heat on this one. I'm also looking into enstating a rule that anyone with ENP who has company material on their HD be required to do a CDR backup monthly to prevent this sort of tragey in the future. I know I'm about to do so!

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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Dextra said:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but apparently when Ryan's computer died a few months back, it took all of the submissions with it.

If you submitted something and want to use it elsewhere, please do so with ENPublishing's blessings and apologies.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Thanks for your honesty. I'll send something in when the new guidelines are announced.

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