D&D 5E Exploration pace--am I reading this wrong?


The tingling means it’s working!
The rules for exploration say that you can travel a certain distance per hour depending on pace, ranging from 1 mile (slow pace) to 3 miles (fast pace). That distance is halved in difficult terrain, such as forest or swamp. A creature can travel a number of hours each day equal to his Con bonus; traveling for a longer time counts as a forced march and forces Con saves.

My response is: really?

So, your typical person--your average 10 con yeoman--can travel for 1 mile in the forest before suffering exhaustion. 1 mile. Your mightiest barbarian would get winded on a short hike at a scenic rest stop. This seems... wrong. It makes the benchmark for wilderness travel--the Fellowship's trek--an impossible task. Can you imagine? Having to camp while still being able to hear the songs in Rivendell?

Mounts aren't mentioned; I assume they follow the same rules. So, don't ride your horse more than two hours.


EDIT: not really. The rule is you can explore for a number of hours equal to your Con SCORE, not Con modifier. I had misread the rule.
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The rules for exploration say that you can travel a certain distance per hour depending on pace, ranging from 1 mile (slow pace) to 3 miles (fast pace). That distance is halved in difficult terrain, such as forest or swamp. A creature can travel a number of hours each day equal to his Con bonus; traveling for a longer time counts as a forced march and forces Con saves.

My response is: really?

So, your typical person--your average 10 con yeoman--can travel for 1 mile in the forest before suffering exhaustion. 1 mile.
What? No. 1 mile per hour. 10 hours before checking for exhaustion. 10 miles.


First Post
Well, if the forest is being counted as difficult terrain that would be 5 miles in 10 hours (10 mi. halved) for the Con 10 yeoman. Still not anything like what the OP suggested, though.

Edit: The problem doesn't seem to be in the reading of per hour, but using the Con bonus vs. the Con score to determine # of hours.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
A creature can travel a number of hours each day equal to his Con bonus

This is an easy mistake to make and I think I've made this same mistake before, because we're so used to reading "bonus". However, the rule reads like this, "A character can travel through the wilderness for a number of hours equal to his or her Constitution score in a day without suffering adverse effects. This period of hours includes brief breaks to rest, eat, drink, adjust gear, and so on. "


The tingling means it’s working!
Oh thank god. Mistwell called it: I interpreted the reference to Constitution as modifier, not score. Hmmm... I wonder if the rules utilize raw score anywhere else? Or is this use unique to Exploration?

Thanks, all. The Exploration rules make way more sense now.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Not quite unique to exploration, but it's rare:

Carrying capacity (strength score; how to play, p. 4)
Jumping ability -- long jump (strength score; how to play p. 9)
Ability to be Awakened with the spell of that name (Intelligence score; spells p. 9)
Primal Might -- level 19 Barbarian ability (strength score; classes p. 3)
Druid's carrying capacity as a steed (strength; classes p. 18)

Any more?

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