ZEITGEIST Exporting/Importing Zeitgeist in Foundry VTT


I'm working to continue my previously in-person Zeitgeist campaign as a virtual campaign using the Foundry VTT. With version 10 of foundry having a native adventure import/export capability (per this article), and a search showing that others have also done some work on making a foundry version of the adventure, I was wondering if anyone had parts to share or needed scenes/actors/etc.?

I'm using Pathfinder 1e and starting with book 1, adventure 3. I have managed to automate the light puzzle in the ziggurat and somewhat animate the collapsing floor and flood traps, so I really enjoy the platform's capabilities. Importing monsters and NPCs is an ongoing process, but if anyone has already done them, or the items, feats, or classes, I'd love to get a copy.

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Awesome! I'm running Zeitgeist in Pathfinder 1E on Foundry. I'm currently in Book 11.

Unfortunately, I've running version 8 of Foundry, so I'm not sure if I can use that import/export functionality. If there's some way I can share Zeitgeist items or maps with you, let me know.


When you right click an entry in the actors or items tabs, is 'export data' an option? If so, this will allow you to download a .json of a specific actor/item.

To import an item, you have to create a blank item, right click it, choose 'import item,' and then select the json file.

Given the number of NPCs, items, maladies, etc. this process probably isn't worth it--except for very complicated/detailed NPC builds--until we can figure out how to mass export/import into a compendium.


Looks like we found a solution: the Adventure Bundler add-on. It lets you bundle the foundry json with the assetts. It's system agnostic, but I'm only working on my PF1e; sorry, gideonpepys.

I'll take a look at exporting things again on Saturday.

For your information, I started using Foundry for Adventure Seven onwards. However, until recently (Adventure 11), my NPC stat blocks have been very buggy.

Exporting scenes is very straightforward, as scenes are system-agnostic (or so I'm told). If you're interested in maps, I can share mine.


formerly roadtoad
I'll take a look at exporting things again on Saturday.

For your information, I started using Foundry for Adventure Seven onwards. However, until recently (Adventure 11), my NPC stat blocks have been very buggy.

Exporting scenes is very straightforward, as scenes are system-agnostic (or so I'm told). If you're interested in maps, I can share mine.
can I get in line for some shared map files? :)


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Awesome! I'm running Zeitgeist in Pathfinder 1E on Foundry. I'm currently in Book 11.

Unfortunately, I've running version 8 of Foundry, so I'm not sure if I can use that import/export functionality. If there's some way I can share Zeitgeist items or maps with you, let me know.
How do you import the maps?

Voidrunner's Codex

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