You're welcome to try importing the scenes I've bundled
here: the world map, the city of Flint, the Ziggurats of Apet and Mavisha, the Gun Alley Stage, the subrail station, and the Flint RHC HQ.
They're just the scenes though, not the actors, journals, and items. I assumed you were only interested in just the maps and likely using PF2.
A few of the (entirely too) many add-ons I use with foundry do affect these maps:
Arms Reach so players have to be next to buttons to activate them
JB2A Animated Assets for... animations.
Jinker's Animated Art Pack for more of the same
Levels because I like multileveled maps, bridges, troughs, etc
Monks Active Tiles for making traps
Multiface tiles to flood dungeons, slowly crumble floors, etc
TaggerFor linking causes and effects, like colored stones, walls of light, and light bridges