FC1 (sort of) feat--Spirit Visions


The man with the probe
Ahh, with lasting all day, it's not too bad. It basicly requires a second shifter feat initialy to be useful, otherwise it's a feat that gives you -2 on spot (Woho!).

Shifter over 20 levels could get 8 Shifter feats, potentialy more with some classes. Admittedly, +1 to hit or +1 to AC is a bit more powerful than current feats, but it requires 2 feats (So it'd be like having to take Dodge or Weapon Focus twice), and the -2 spot adds an interesting balance.

You will have to word this in some way though so that we can put it in the rules. You can say "Based off of X feat in Y book" though to give credit to where it's due.

Also, are you talking all day? Or only while shifting? Most shifter feats are only in effect while shifting. I think it may be better if it works while shifted, though you can realign them each time you shift.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
It works all day, just like the FC1 feat Precognitive Visions or Shifter Instincts (the one Siobhan has). It is easy enough to say "Identical to the Precognitive Visions feat except change all references of [Abyssal Heritor] to [Shifter]"


Insight bonuses to AC and attack rolls actually sounds pretty powerful to me. This swung way back from really weak in my mind to quite a good feat choice. I don't think its that unbalanced because it requires an investment in Shifter Feats. But it puts it up as one of the best Shifter feats to take now.

I'll vote Yes on this one as well though as I don't believe that it is overpowered.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
Insight bonuses to AC and attack rolls actually sounds pretty powerful to me. This swung way back from really weak in my mind to quite a good feat choice. I don't think its that unbalanced because it requires an investment in Shifter Feats. But it puts it up as one of the best Shifter feats to take now.

I'll vote Yes on this one as well though as I don't believe that it is overpowered.
Well, take a look at some of the other ones, and they actually are very powerful, particularly elites other than Dreamsight Elite (which may be the worst feat ever made--oh wow, I can waste my turn to see something that's invisible temporarily, but only when shifting :( It should at least be automatic See Invisible while shifting, but I digress). This one is a very good choice, but the -2 Spot is a substantial penalty. That's like losing half a feat (it would cancel out half of Alertness, for instance). Plus, the people who need AC and attack rolls most are probably not going to take Dreamsight, so this actually gives them a reason to do so if they like the flavour.

Anyways, this passes in 48 hours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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