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Feat: Awaken Caster Level


A revised feat is below.

Awaken True Dragon Caster Level
Type: Monstrous, Dragon
Source: Melatuis
True Dragon gains Caster Level ability early.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, true dragon that gains age category caster levels
Benefit: Dragon's beginning caster level is moved one age category earlier when feat is taken. The dragon gains two caster levels every age category from there after.
Note: This feat stacks with its self and sorcerer levels.
Note: This feat can not be taken if the dragon has already gained age category caster levels.
Silver Dragon Wyrmling Wyrmling Very Young
Without feat feat taken 2 times feat taken once
Caster Lvl Cast Lvl Cast Lvl

Wyrmling none 1st none
Very Young none 3rd 1st
Young 1st 5th 3rd
Juvenile 3rd 7th 5th
Young Adult 5th 9th 7th
Adult 7th 11th 9th
Mature Adult 9th 13th 11th
Old 11th 15th 13th
Very Old 13th 17th 15th
Ancient 15th 19th 17th
Wyrm 17th 21st 19th
Great Wyrm 19th 23rd 21st
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"As for the player in your campaign, I'm with Shin on this one - reduce the LA for wyrmling by 1 and give him 1 sorcerer level."

I had him with one lvl of Sorserer and Item that gave him the ablity to cast spells as if he was 2 dragon age catagores higher. Looking at what he got for to more dragon Lvls, and changing two feats to "Awaken Dragon Caster Lvl.", with out the Item, next lvl (if ever comes) he will be better of.

"Small sized dragons seem to make ideal scouts and skill monkeys, and perhaps support-style PCs."

With the " Awaken Dragon Caster Level" feat he can readly support the other PCs, because the encounters we have be in have depleated our cleric's healing be for they are over. As a silver dragon I can take healing spells, at low level for sure, but they have been enought for badly wounded party members to excape death.

"Does this feat do anything that can't be covered by Sorcerer levels?"

No it does not. It is just a way to make a Wyrmling and Very Young Dragon with high Cha a more powerful Sorcerer and keep their dragon HD and ablities.

In looking thru the Monster Manual 3e, this feat only can be used by the standard Bronze, Gold, and Silver dragons, unless "This feat can not be taken if the dragon has already gained age category caster levels." is dropped.

I did not design it this way, it is the Cha 13 that stopes others from taken this feat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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