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Feats, Feats, Feats


First Post
first off, thanks for the lengthy reply..

(a) The ranger could take both ... they do stack
(b) You can't build an entire party around Prime Punisher and Called Shot, but you can build an entire party around Wintertouched/Lasting Frost

That would get SO annoying for me if I were DMing. I would just say, OK you guys take whatever feats you want, but the campaign is now moving into a "frosty" area and seemingly all mobs have a "frost resist 5" template. Or just give'em one frost weapon / tier and let the party decide who benefits from it.

The order would likely be 1) Rogue, 2) Ranger (if there are two of them, kind of annoying to only have 1 frost weapon, innit).

Tons of stuff in PHB1 was too cheesy, and they are STILL errata'ing it. How long before they got to the orbizard?

THAT is a problem for me. Seriously, you spend years and years playing this game, and your character gets disrupted, perhaps your entire campaign even, by this "pulling the rug from under you" errata fixation, where in reality, they end up releasing just as eggregious stuff at the same time. I bought MP2 and retrained my guy to have Snarling Wolf Stance from Spitting Cobra. Ok, it was pretty powerful, but it was a daily. Whatever. I killed massive for 2 sessions before it was nerfed. My problem with errata is not that it isn't necessary, it's that it's a business model. Planned Obsolescence. Not even one month after I bought MP2 that power was nerfed/fixed. Guess what, Spitting Cobra was also changed from an OA to an immediate action, like two weeks before. They could NOT have NOT known they were publishing a power so good that they would errata it the day after every sucker bought it (like me). That's why I HATE this "game" outside the game. Those two dailies are virtually the same thing. ...scratches head. arrrrgh. makes you go Hmmmmm. do they think we are stupid?

The Wotc spectre / ghost, with a threatening reach across space and time into poor sap's character sheets everywhere, unbeknownst to them who bought books that were designed to be burned. And I'm not a fan of burning books, but if they nerf Lasting Frost after THREE YEARS, I am going to have a 4e bonfire and it will be righteous. And I don't even like lasting frost, except as a possible option on my cold-based dragon sorcerer (before I re-specced him to be lightning-based out of sheer disgust to be a part in any of it)

Although at epic, unless you're an essential character, you have 4 encounters (or the power point equivalent) and 4 dailies, so your at-will DPR is either only being used for part of the fight, or is being supplmented with minor action attacks, immediate actions, etc.

It's funny you mention this, I built my ranger | sorc hybrid with Favored Soul and took all out of turn attacks (except for ranger novas), and it is quite juicy. The defense stats are insane, especially the powers like Platinum Scales and so on. By level 30 with Draconic Incarnation, I have like 5 dailies like Quicksilver Blade and ohhh I'm drunk and can't remember all the other ones...but KILL KILL KILL hahahaha. Stomp on dem little jabronis with my huge dragon feet. Lol. The character is a bit ludicrous frankly.

When I gave up the notion of being able to fly as a dragonborn at-will in heavy armor, the solution was clear : Favored Soul + hide feats + light armor. Then the question became, two war axes with frost cheese and take all cold powers except 1 or 2, or take called shot and save $$$ and not be all begging NPCs for hints about where to find frost weapons.

But, back on topic, I must say, after spending hours and hours in the new and old builder picking and chosing feats to make things work around my concept, I find taking less "cheesy" situational stuff better, e.g. stuff that at least 1 other character has (the rogue), and was introduced by the DM himself (because the rogue was always trying to get CA while running off on his own to fight creatures and thus often losing on his sneak attack as a result, so I'm 100% supportive of that). I just wanted to build a different archetype and found a niche that's class-based and will not likely face any form of nerf bat (at least, while I still play the game).

Some people like the game optimization game of multi-dimensional constraints, in-game and out-of-game, such as not incurring the displeasure of the DM or other players, (or yourself, even), and others just want a straight-up slash fest without too much thought into analyzing DPR or what feat combos are better. At least 1/2 the players don't even have access to their own builder, or even own the 4e books (and I doubt spend that much time out of game fretting about their character options). I, however, am one such of those nerds, and I like feats as a way of limiting the power and finding tricky ways to make things work. That's not to say I'm not annoyed that Scion of Arkhosia doesn't give a fly speed and thus I'm forced to take Favored Soul (getting Oath of Enmity and a huge nova DPR boost in the process, that I'd frankly be just as happy without). All I wanted was a way to fly around with two axes as a dragonborn and chop stuff in the air with decent front-line AC. The way I ended up doing that was long-in-coming, but with the right feats and PP choices, I have a non-item dependent, viable build that I can use regardless of what the DM sees fit to allow in-game, amidst his other requirements (such as no -8 in any starting stat).

Ironically those constraints have made my toon faster, better, harder, stronger than it ever was in previous incarnations.
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First Post
THAT is a problem for me. Seriously, you spend years and years playing this game, and your character gets disrupted, perhaps your entire campaign even, by this "pulling the rug from under you" errata fixation, where in reality, they end up releasing just as eggregious stuff at the same time. I bought MP2 and retrained my guy to have Snarling Wolf Stance from Spitting Cobra. Ok, it was pretty powerful, but it was a daily. Whatever. I killed massive for 2 sessions before it was nerfed. My problem with errata is not that it isn't necessary, it's that it's a business model. Planned Obsolescence. Not even one month after I bought MP2 that power was nerfed/fixed. Guess what, Spitting Cobra was also changed from an OA to an immediate action, like two weeks before. They could NOT have NOT known they were publishing a power so good that they would errata it the day after every sucker bought it (like me). That's why I HATE this "game" outside the game. Those two dailies are virtually the same thing. ...scratches head. arrrrgh. makes you go Hmmmmm. do they think we are stupid?

Well, they are moving to the "two updates per year" model, to that massive errata doesn't occur too often. And, while some of the errata is questionable ... there are some things that are obviously more powerful than other things which create problems in the game. The orb wizard locking down monsters for a whole fight, especially elites and solos, made tough fights trivially easy. It isn't going to be perfect (it is, basically, the same people who made the powers that needed to be errata'd in the first place) but errata is a necessary evil. The time it takes between being ready to print and publishing means they might make some mistakes.

Also, I doubt it was a case of "let's make the powers really good, get people to buy the book, and then nerf them to acceptable levels so that the next book will sell better". I believe the quote goes "never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetance". It's quite possible the book was finalized without them realizing they had errata'd a similar power from the previous martial power. There's a lot of moving parts.

The Wotc spectre / ghost, with a threatening reach across space and time into poor sap's character sheets everywhere, unbeknownst to them who bought books that were designed to be burned. And I'm not a fan of burning books, but if they nerf Lasting Frost after THREE YEARS, I am going to have a 4e bonfire and it will be righteous. And I don't even like lasting frost, except as a possible option on my cold-based dragon sorcerer (before I re-specced him to be lightning-based out of sheer disgust to be a part in any of it)

I'm pretty sure the elemental weapons are probably going to be where nerfs would land. The problem is how trivially easy it is to achieve 'specialization' in cold. Letting people have the 'best of both worlds' with all the benefits of specialization with none of the drawbacks, is the problem.

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