Festival of Halina (Orsal Judging)


The man with the probe
OOC: No, the carts won't be going faster than you can comfortably walk, at least if they want the horses to survive the trip. Looks like we're just about settled up, we'll get moving tomorow mouring.

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First Post
*So, barring anyone's objections, our "final" marching order is:*

{Elise's Familiar 'scouting ahead'}


XXX - Karl's Cart XXX

FANG {next to Karl's Cart or behind it, whatever}

XXX - Lenny's Cart XXX


ZZZ - Ingnus's Wagon ZZZ {Lasair riding next to the wagon driver}

Oirhandir [mounted]

Unless it's a greivous hardship (i.e. too cumbersome and heavy), Sunny P will be walking with his Glaive out. I expect he'll be using it as a walking stick most of the time (butt to ground).

*included are 2 cool wagons, which I would not mind guarding personally*


  • cool_wagon.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 94
  • cool_wagon2.jpg
    17.8 KB · Views: 102
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The man with the probe
Marching Order said:
Ligeia (scouting ahead)


XXX - Karl's Cart - XXX


YYY - Lenny's Cart -YYY

Elise & Lasair

Latiaran (Lasair's Donkey)

ZZZ - Ingnus's Wagon - ZZZ

Oirhandir [mounted]
With the order settled, you begin your treck down the road to the east. It's a fine day with a clear sky and the occasional cool breeze. The road is fairly straight and sturdy, and the sun rising eventualy grants a bit of shade on the right side of the road.

Several hours pass, and you seem to be moving along quite well. As noon approaches, Grimel calls out to look for a place to stop for a brief rest for lunch and to water the horses.
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El Jefe

First Post
As the group neared the stables on the street that became the road to Fallon, Oirandir called out, "Wait here, I'll make haste", and dashed inside. He returned leading a bay about as tall at the withers as the elf was without his hat, with a small star on it's forehead. "This is Hiriloce", Oirhandir announced. "At least, that's what I've been calling him since my last adventure, and he seems to recognize it as his name." Oirhandir has fastened his staff to the saddle so that it won't chafe either elf or beast, and mounted up. "To Covington!", he called, happy to be with his equine friend again.

Bront said:
Several hours pass, and you seem to be moving along quite well. As noon approaches, Grimel calls out to look for a place to stop for a brief rest for lunch and to water the horses.
Having been this way before, Oirhandir knew of a place not far ahead. "There's a fine clearing on the side of the road up ahead", he called. "There is shade and fresh water from a well there."
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The man with the probe
By my count, assuming you can get in about 50-60 miles in a day (5 miles an hour for 10-12 hours is a reasonable pace that you can walk. Anything beyond that is pushing it.), you're not even to the interection of the road going to the south yet. The bridge across the River Roars is probably 5-7 days away, and you're not going that direction. You can change your post (you still likely know a spot). I uploaded the worldmap.

Also, I reserve the right to be incorrect about how far away Covington is, simply because it looks like I may have goofed on where it is on the map. Won't change the adventure.


The man with the probe
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Yes, if a player is reading this, we are plotting against you :p[/sblock]

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