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Feylight and Dragonbreath 4E gaming thread

Walking Dad

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From a disrance, Malek looks at this rather unusual congregation. He naturally knows Tersept Inflamari and his daughter. He tried once to 'know' her better, ut this is another story.
The Ones in the Void had given him the 'suggestion' to take a look at this meeting with the scalies.

He tries to move a little bit closer, trying to avoid Tris' 'watchdog'.

(Malek eyes are solid orbs of greenish gold, his hair is a dark purple and his skin a deep black.)

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Once her father and the hostess of the fete leave her with the ambassador Tris moves to stand beside him. "You'll have to forgive my father, some times we tieflings care more about the semblance of friendship than actual friendship, and other times we just confuse the two as being the same." the blue haired tiefling says with a mischeivious grin and swish of her blue tail.

"How go the preperations Sir Pureflame? Are the Nayavar truly as fearsome as we have been led to believe?"


First Post
Count Evalgos a man with mottled skin dark eyes and small horns pushs you towards them introduces you and himself then asks a flurry of diiferent question to the ambassador all of which Eskaar has heard before he does not seem to remeber you but he is an ally to Malek family an aquantince to the Inflamari who don't want to risk since he is such high status
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First Post
Count Evalgos a man with mottled skin dark eyes and small horns pushs you towards them introduces you and himself then asks a flurry of diiferent question to the ambassador all of which Eskaar has heard before he does not seem to remeber you but he is an ally to Malek family an aquantince to the Inflamari who don't want to risk since he is such high status

OOC: Arcana, can you clarify this post please? I cannot follow who it is the count is introducing and to whom he is introducing them. Could you also clarify which family he is an ally to? Is he an ally of the Inflamari's or of the Pureflame's, or possibly of Malek's family?

Sorry, Arcana, could you clarify it a bit more? I still cannot follow it all, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Inflamari who don't want to risk since he is such high status". Who doesn't want to risk something? What don't they want to risk? Who is of higher status, the Count, or the Inflamaris?

does the below post sum it up pretty well?
Count Evalgos, a tiefling with mottled skin, dark eyes, and small horns presses Malek forward to join the Dragonborn ambassador's group. As the tiefling noble pushes Malek forward he can see that the Ambassador is speaking to Lady Tris Inflamari, the youngest daughter of High Lord Inflamari. Hulking over her shoulder at nearly 7 feet tall, and making the young woman look delicate is a Bugbear that most know has been her companion and protector since she was little as is the tradition among the nobility. At the Ambassador's side stands another Dragonborn, most likely fufilling the same role as the bugbear did for the girl.

When they reached the Ambassador and Noble woman, the count introduced himself to the pair and also introduced Malek who he had swept up in his wake, wanting to introduce the young tiefling as a means of advancing Malek's house's prestige. The count was a long time friend of the Tiefling's family and was looking out for the young man. Once the introductions were out of the way, the count launched into a variety of questions aimed towards the ambassador, they were fairly standard fare, with Eskaar having heard and answered them before.
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First Post
OOC: Arcana, can you clarify this post please? I cannot follow who it is the count is introducing and to whom he is introducing them. Could you also clarify which family he is an ally to? Is he an ally of the Inflamari's or of the Pureflame's, or possibly of Malek's family?

Sorry, Arcana, could you clarify it a bit more? I still cannot follow it all, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Inflamari who don't want to risk since he is such high status". Who doesn't want to risk something? What don't they want to risk? Who is of higher status, the Count, or the Inflamaris?
again my fault should have made thigns clearer here iam asking you guys to keep things clearer and I seem to have trouble

does the below post sum it up pretty well?
1) the rank of tersept is the smallest rank in the black circle count or countess(used french word) is the highest rank so your family does not want to anger someone with such high position the count did introduce malek so take your next step from there


First Post
The count sees an associate apologizes and heads off leaving you alone with malek your father comes down an annouces I put you in the army (toTris)you can lead a small company of 3 or 4 other people and your part of Ash company. If you die all I lost was a daughter to marry of not like anyone wanted to marry you anyway however if you return with general rank you could well earn our house status I also took certain precautions to make sure you show up at the barracks tommorrow with your small group.

Walking Dad

First Post
"Hello, and it looks like I'm the one to help you/ watch your leadership qualities, Tris. And don't think about commanding me around. I'm at least as much as you a heir of the powers of Baelturath!" Malek announces to Tris after her father stopped speaking. He seems to be forced in this, just like her.


First Post
Tris sighs as her father speaks, "Were this one of those purile Nayvar novels that Draya likes to read, I'm fairly certain I'd win the single handedly, find my prince charming, and return in triumph to over throw you for such an injustice." the girl says softly, only for her father's ears. "As it is though father, I will leave you with a bit of advice that even you may be able to understand. Ashkair does not want weak allies, falling all over yourself and mewling like a scared kitten to assure the ambassador of how afraid of the elves we are does a disservice to the empire, and to your house." she whispers, emphasizing her use of the word your as opposed to our.

This outcome was truly not unexpected, her father liked to consider himself intelligent and clever, but in comparision to his daughter he truly was a mental midget. The fact that he never paid attention to what was going on around him made his pronouncement that no one would want to wed her ludicrous when she'd been seeing suitors that her mother had introduced her to since her father was always too busy when it came to her.

Stepping back from her father she speaks loud enough to be heard by the others in the group around her. "Its nice to be loved. Being as you love your daughter, and wouldn't want anything untoward to happen to her it is so very generous of you to see to it that we have absolutely everything we could need, else the preperations that she has made might come into effect and that would be a very bad thing for house indeed. Not so great a tragedy as the loss of a child, but still very unpleasant to have to deal with ones past indiscretions, especially at such a trying time." the tiefling girl says sweetly, trapping her father into gving her whatever support she wanted to get her job done. It was either support her as she asked, or because of the public nature of the conversation show the ambassador that the Tieflings were a fickle and uncaring race that would even turn on their young, making an allience with them a very questionable one.

Tris wasn't joking when she talked about her preperations and her father's past indiscretions. As smart as she was, she knew what her father's character was like. Towards the end of protecting herself from his excesses, the girl had been following his dealings very closely, following and recording. It was an easy thing to do when you are overlooked as often as she was by her father. Her death, or the report of her death reaching the city would put those notes in the right hands, or wrong hands depending on one's view, all around the city, going to the members of the Black Circle. With multiple copies, none of which were in the manor, it would be impossible for her father to stop. The only reason that she didn't try to use it to get him to rescind his enrolling her in the army was that she didn't being in the army, and had considered joining it herself.

"It will be an honor to serve the good of the Empire." the blue haired tiefling announces. Turning to Malek, she looks him over for a moment and the tiefling can feel that her eyes are measuring him in evey possible way. "If you are in my unit and under my command, then you will obey orders. If the situation is reversed at some point I will obey your orders. This is the way an army works, and if you are unable to follow the commands I have no doubt you shall be home in short order, carried in a casket."


First Post
Welcome to the Army Part2

the light rain has stopped the next morning guards are waiting outside Tris's family estate to escort her to the barracks they shall follow your directions to pick up the rest of your unit what do you do?

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