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Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

BigFreekinGoblinoid said:
Doh! You just invited everyone reading this thread ( 4000 views! ) to bid against you! :D
Good luck CL!

Oh, I don't expect to win the auction, and I already have a copy for myself. I was actually just bidding on the off chance that I win, it'll make a good gift come Christmas.

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Creature Cataloguer
Dungeon magazine has actually featured more obscure unique demons than Dragon magazine has:

#5 (The Stolen Power): Shami-Amourae
#10 (The Shrine of Ilsidahur): Ilsidahur
#13 (The Ruins of Nol-Daer): Arzial
#28 (Sleepless): Siragle
#60 (Nemesis): Shaktari
#64 (Bzallin's Blacksphere): J'zzalshrak

Also, there was the Demon Prince Nql, who was only once briefly mentioned in the Eldritch Wizardry supplement way back when, I think under Codex of the Infinite Planes.

Erik Mona

There are also several more in more recent issues of Dungeon, notably from "Root of Evil" and "Salvage Operation," by Mike Mearls.

In the interest of posterity.



Monster Junkie
A few more demonic references...

Dungeon #25 featured an Ancient Vrock (aka The Beast, Jaazzpaa), hinting that vrocks are older than most of the other tanar'ri, IIRC.

Dungeon #84 features Lolth's daughter, Laveth.

H4: Throne of Bloodstone features the dire whiner demon.

X2: Castle Amber features death demons (ostegos).


First Post
I may have wet my pants

Erik Mona said:
I hear their Abyss one was pretty good.


Just purchased Book of Fiends 3.5 from rpgnow, which I've been waiting a long time for. If wizards is wise enough to release their new product as a pdf, then I'll get that one as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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