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Fighting Fantasy


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Has anyone ever ran adventures based around these gamebooks? How did they go? Would you consider running adventures based on them? (this one's a long shot...) Does anyone know where to get D&D conversions of them?

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The fighting fantasy books contained little in terms of rules so there isn't anything really to convert is there...except the mosters I guess.

I used to read those books and played the version with a GM and players. If you wanted to play an adventure based around the lot of the book i would just use the plot then substitute monsters fot D&D equivalents.


First Post
Conversions was the wrong word.... what I should have said has anyone actually made them into D&D adventures (ie written them out in a D&D format)?


Eternalknight said:
Conversions was the wrong word.... what I should have said has anyone actually made them into D&D adventures (ie written them out in a D&D format)?

No, although I've run them as GM'd scenarios using the FF rules. Worked well until the PCs did something totally outside the scripted plot.


First Post
Yep, I converted Warlock of Firetop Mountain into a D&D 2nd ed scenario.

Also, at one time I had the world book they released, Titan I think it was called, and I made a short lived D&D campaign around it.


Yeah i've got the world book lying around going mouldy somewhere.

I also have their surreal guide to this sort of LARP thing. Only they present it as making a movie or something and at times it seemed they wanted you to play with dice and just sit there and at others they suggested bringing dogs in to represent wolves :p

The books are a good source of hooks though and the world could jsut be used as a campaign setting without doing anything to it.

Geoff Watson

First Post
There's a full RPG system based on the FF books, with a magic (different from any of the magic systems in the FF books) and skill system added on.
Unfortunately it's not that balanced (Skill is vastly more important than the other stats), and there isn't much originality, but you could use that if you wanted.



First Post
The Advanced Fighting Fantasy lne was three books long, consisting of Dungeoneer, Blacksand and Allansia. I have those, and the equivilant of a DM was called a director. If anyone knows of any conversions of the books into D&D adventures, can you let me know or tell me where to find them (I'm too lazy to do it myself) :)

Lisa Nadazdy

First Post
I have those three books, Titan and Out of the Pit (2 copies of OotP, one in small paperback form, the othet in notebook-size format). I ran a short campaign based around the Warhammer FRP, and it fit fairly well. I've used the FF rules as well, mostly in a one-shot beer-and-pretzels type thing. Lots of good tidbits in there to steal from, much like the Arduine Grimiores.


There are well-done d20 conversions of 7 Fighting Fantasy classic gamebooks (search for Myriador), but there is also a ruleset called Advanced Fighting Fantasy (second edition) by Arion Games with various gazetteers and adventures available, including the full Sorcery! campaign.

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