Fantasy Age has come out with a book for one of my favorite niche genres: post-apocalyptic science-fantasy! Fantasy Age Technofantasy: Science Fantasy Adventures After the Fall
History Lesson: So back in the day, Wil Wheaton's playthrough of Green Ronin's Dragon AGE game helped persuade him that he wanted to work with Green Ronin for his own setting Titansgrave: a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy setting inspired by Masters of the Universe, Heavy Metal, and weird late '70s and '80s science fantasy. This was around the same time that Green Ronin was already planning a more generic Fantasy AGE. Wil Wheaton did a playthrough of the Titansgrave adventure on Geek & Sundry. However, when G&S acquired new ownership, this left the Titansgrave IP in dispute between Wil Wheaton and the new owners. (I believe the litigation is still on-going.) This unfortunately left Green Ronin having to hold off from publishing more for what was a fairly hot stream back in the day. Titansgrave came out in 2015, before I had even left the US for Europe. And Green Ronin had not made anything for Titansgrave in that time. However, during the pandemic - you know which one - Green Ronin was playtesting a Fantasy AGE update that later would become Fantasy AGE 2e. I helped playtest that game, and I ran Titansgrave with my partner to playtest the game. Fantasy Age was really the first TTRPG that my partner had fun playing. That brings us to today, though actually a month ago.
November 2024: Green Ronin released Technofantasy, which in some ways feels like the Titansgrave supplement with the serial numbers filed off, but Technofantasy is not a setting. It's a 64-page rules supplement for bringing your Fantasy AGE 2e games to the realm of post-apocalyptic science fantasy, particularly the aforementioned '80s cartoon style. The game lists Masters of the Universe, Thundercats, Thundarr the Barbarian, Wizards, Vampire Hunter D, and more as inspiration. It even lists Titansgrave. Fancy that.

The book contains some updated rules and character options from the original Titansgrave supplement: updating the FAGE class options for genre, the playable Saurians, alchemy, and laser guns. But Technofantasy also includes the updates for the robotic Oreans (FAGE Companion), alternate ancestry options for pre-existing ancestries, new backgrounds, new foci, new specializations, vehicular combat, and brings in more science-fantasy appropriate arcana traditions (i.e., Digital and Machine arcana).
As someone who loves the niche genre of post-apocalyptic science-fantasy, which feels surprisingly absent in TTRPGs, this is a much welcome product that makes me want to play Fantasy AGE again.