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Fire variant barbarian - Any ideas?


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(Edited to reflect suggestions.)

Hello yet again sports fans. In my series of elemental variant classes, I’ve drafted up a fire-oriented barbarian build. As with the paladin I made, http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=151601 and the ranger http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=152898, I’m looking for some balance advice from the GMs on here. These classes are for a campaign world where the Elemental Planes have partially fused with the Material plane and dominated all of the cultures there. The fire cultures are the most savage, so I wanted to design them around fire and flames. I wanted them to model rage as an Inner Flame, and expound on the idea. As with the others, I’ll outline the “crunchy” changes I’ve made up top, but I included the full class description and flavor afterwards for anyone who wants to read it and/or use it in their campaign world.

For a quick and dirty view, my mechanics changes can be simplified down to:

1) Alignment restriction changed from non lawful to non good.
2) Replaced swim with spot as a class skill.
3) Allowed the barbarian proficiency with torches, lamp oil and alchemist’s fire as weapons. This lets them choose them for feats such as weapon focus.
4) Added a Smoke Immunity effect, eliminating vision and breathing penalties from fire and smoke.
5) Limited Fast Movement to during a rage
6) Allowed rage to be extended by dealing fire damage and making a will save. If rage is extended, the barbarian is exhausted at the end. If extended to twice the normal limit, the barbarian collapses.
7) Moved Uncanny Dodge to 5th Level and Improved Uncanny Dodge to 10th.
8) Removed trap sense.
9) Added Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd and Diehard at 9th.
10) Removed Indomitable Will
11) Added Resistance to Fire/5 at 8th level, becoming resistance/10 at 14th level.

That’s my second draft, after incorporating some of the suggestions in the thread. The weapon proficiency seems natural to a warrior class that fights by setting things on fire. With the Smoke Immunity, I figure that it would be developed after years spent in volcanic lands and training to fight amidst flaming grasslands and forests. As for the rage extension, I think it’s a fair trade between limitations of using the ability and benefits gained from it. I wanted to show how lighting fires would drive them further into fury, but making their bonuses increase didn’t make sense, so I allowed them to last longer. The remaining trades are to exchange a permanent 10’ movement bonus and trap sense progression for rage-only speed, two bonus feats and a limited resistance to fire damage.

Without further ado, the full class description with flavor text. Thanks for reading and for any advice!

On any world, in any culture, those who live in savage lands must survive by their ferocity and their tenacity. No land is as savage as the burning hell that is the Fire Realms of Elementia. The orcs and humans that scrape their existence from the ash and lava of those lands are harder and tougher than any civilized person could hope to be. Generations of struggling for dominance and favor from the fickle Fire Lords has made the people of the flame vicious and strong. The concepts of mercy, retreat, and parley are alien to these headstrong warriors.

“To rule, you must fight. To fight, you must burn.”

That is the Lesson of Fire that children learn from their fathers from the moment of birth. When one steps onto the battlefield, he must burn with the heat of a furnace within. It will drive him, it will guide him and it will consume him. He must leave his opponent, and his soul, as a pile of ash behind him. That is the way to glory and the way to victory.
Since the coming of the Four Forces, the champions of the flames are a terror to behold. Once they spill blood, they descend into a mania without equal. They burn their enemies, they burn the land, they burn women, children and homes, and they even burn themselves. They dance like madmen amidst the flames, reveling in the destruction done in their name; knowing they will be feared by their foes for years to come.
Adventures: Fire barbarians adventure for conquest, and to prove their might. They are driven by a need to be respected, and if they can’t be respected, they’d rather be feared. This has led to a reviled reputation among more civilized societies, but for those who are lucky to have one as an ally on their adventure, they will never doubt his worth.
Characteristics: Fire barbarians are survivors and ruthless combatants. The furious inner fire that consumes them makes them stronger and deadlier than any other warrior pound for pound. The fires take their toll, though, and the barbarian becomes tired quickly when the fight wears down. They are self-sustaining and can last in the wild for long times.
Alignment: Stoking the flames within and letting them drive you to destruction is a merciless pursuit. The lack of discretion and the ruthlessness of Fire Barbarians preclude them from a life of compassion. They cannot be of a good alignment. Many neutral barbarians can be valorous and when teamed with good adventurers are capable of very heroic deeds. However, these conquests are self-motivated and not the result of a drive to help others. To feel that need to defend the weak would go against the barbarians’ mindset.
Religion: The wild tribes of the Fire Realms listen intently to their clerics, The Brothers of the Flame. Their teachings are crucial to the rearing of children in the tribe, and the Fire Barbarians are the Lessons of Fire made flesh. These stalwart champions take the principles of the Fire Lords and make them a core part of their being.
Background: The barbarians of the Fire Realms are the proven warriors of their tribes, showing their devotion to the Fire Lords. However, there is only room for one tribal leader, and if you do not wish to serve under him, you must either defeat him or leave the tribe. Many such barbarians are drawn to quests of personal strength, and this can lead them far and wide.
Races: The orcish tribes were savage before the coming of the Four Forces. Since then, they have honed their wrath to a fine edge in the hopes of destroying their enemies with the Fire Lords blessing. The savage humans that settled alongside them refined the skills the orcs developed and spread them. The half-orcs that come from their unions are also natural candidates to become Fire Barbarians. The goblins scrambling among the remains of Ember and Sparklight aspire to become as powerful as the larger races, and train in the ways of the Inner Flame. Salamander flamebrothers who escape their efreeti masters tend to naturally develop the style of barbarians when they fight.

Fire variant barbarians have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Constitution allows the barbarian to wade in to battle and to rage for longer periods. Strength determines their melee prowess and damage. A high Wisdom increases their cunning and is useful to many of their skills.
Alignment: Any non-good.
Hit Die: (Normal) d12

Class Skills:
The Fire variant barbarian’s class skills are as a normal barbarian’s, except that Spot replaces Swim as a class skill
Skill points: (Normal) 4+Int modifier

Class Features:
All of the following are class features of the Fire variant barbarian.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: (Normal), but adds torches and lamp oil to the list of simple weapons, and alchemist’s fire and orcish fire staves (quarterstaffs coated on both ends with rags and pitch) to the list of martial weapons.
Smoke Immunity (Ex) Years of training amidst the flames and ash has heightened the senses of the barbarian and improved their body's filtering ability. The Fire barbarian can always negate the effects of smoke and fire, including concealment miss chances, Fortitude saves to breathe in smoke, etc.
Illiteracy: (Normal)
Rage (Ex): The Fire barbarians gain the same STR CON and Will save bonuses and have the same AC and fatigue restrictions from their rages as a normal barbarian. However, while a normal barbarian moves fast at all times, the only time a Fire barbarian can push his racial movement limits is while in a rage. Also, the burning flame inside a Fire barbarian is more easily stoked back to life. During his period of rage, if the Fire Barbarian successfully deals more than 3 points of fire damage to any target, the barbarian can attempt a Will save vs. DC 25 minus the amount of fire damage dealt to add another round of effectiveness to his rage. The normal morale bonus from his rage applies to this save. Each round the barbarian has taken beyond his normal limit applies a -1 penalty to this save. If the barbarian does extend his rage, he is exhausted instead of fatigued when he ends his rage (either by failing his save or by choosing to end it). If the Fire barbarian has doubled his rage by extending his rage 3 + his Con modifier, he immediately falls prone and is dazed for one round, and is exhausted.
Example: Grashnar (Orc Fire barbarian Wis 10, Con 15) flies into a furious rage in the middle of a battle with paladins. His constitution score lets him rage for seven rounds normally. During the fourth round of raging, he smashes a flask of alchemist’s fire on one of his enemies, setting him ablaze for 4 points of damage. The sight of the paladin’s singed flesh fuels Grashnar’s fury, and he makes a Will save DC 25 - 4 = 21. He rolls a 19 (+0 Wis, +2 rage) and succeeds. He can now rage into an 8th round. During that 8th round, he torches another paladin coated in oil and deals 5 damage. He roars in anger and attempts another Will save DC 25-5-1=19. He rolls a 13 and fails. His inner flame has faded and he is exhausted. If he had managed to extend through round 14, at the start of the 15th round he’d collapse, prone, dazed and exhausted.
Endurance: At 3rd level, the Fire variant barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Normal), but gained at 5th level, not 2nd.
Fire Resistance (Ex): As the Fire barbarian spends more and more time revelling amidst the destructive power of Fire, his skin grows a callousness to it. At 8th level, the Fire barbarian gains resistance to fire/5. This rises to 10 points at 14th level.
Damage Reduction (Ex): (Normal)
Diehard (Ex): At 9th level, the Fire barbarian gains Diehard as a bonus feat.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Normal), but gained at 10th level
Greater Rage (Ex): (Normal)
Tireless Rage (Ex): (Normal)
Mighty Rage (Ex): (Normal)

So, what’s the consensus? Too powerful? Too weak? Let me know.
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First Post
Kisanji Arael said:
How do the extra rounds of rage apply to tireless rage? Can a masochistic barbarian set himself on fire for more rage?

At that point, exhausted is downgraded to fatigued if he extends, and collapsing is reduced to exhaustion. And yes, the masochist can set himself on fire. I just like the flavor of someone so crazy they'd hurt themselves to be furious longer.

Kisanji Arael

First Post
So, if he has damage reduction 3 vs. fire.... and is helped by doing 3 points of fire damage...ohmygodthat'ssocool!

Let them have more than two rounds. Please. I'm not even in your campaign, and I want you to. You can change the penalties around; make it worse; do whatever you want to. But I know that if I was in your campaign and played one of these, I would want it. Come on. You're setting yourself on fire. It should be good for more than 12 seconds.


First Post
Kisanji Arael said:
So, if he has damage reduction 3 vs. fire.... and is helped by doing 3 points of fire damage...ohmygodthat'ssocool!

Let them have more than two rounds. Please. I'm not even in your campaign, and I want you to. You can change the penalties around; make it worse; do whatever you want to. But I know that if I was in your campaign and played one of these, I would want it. Come on. You're setting yourself on fire. It should be good for more than 12 seconds.

It's done for three successful points of damage to any target. If damage reduction negates it, it doesn't count. However, any target counts objects, NPCs, and any number of things he can set on fire. I would think himself is a last resort. As for the length of extension, I still want to stick with 1 round / 3 damage attack. It seems to strenuous to give him more for that little damage. Anyone else reading see this as wonky or whatever?


First Post

Fire Eyes (a Su ability, and 0 level spell) for Fast Movement (a Ex ability, and 1st level spell) isnt a fair trade at all. That is my first problem with this class build. You need to give them a bit bigger boost than that. The fact is, a barb needs that so that he can outrun fighters in medium armour, and have an advantage (one of his few, the other being his will save bonus) against stunning-fist monks. Those are two classes which the barb are basically balanced against. He would never be able to duke it out against fighter for more than his rage (unles he has a phenominal str and con scores that wont take much of a hit with lost str and HP after the rage) and when he becomes tired after, he can run away easily. With stunning-fist monks, he can become virtually helpless, not to say that his speed bonus helps the balance (since he gets it in armour too).

I'd personally keep swim on their skill list - you obviously have no idea how hard it is to navigate a magma pool ;)


For removing Trap Sense (which didnt make any sense in the first place for a savage warrior) and Fast Movement, you add a lot in. Two feats, limited fire DR, an appropriate (but kinda crappy) Fire Eyes ability, and an extended Rage ability (which seems balanced enough . . . I'll have to mull over it some more though).

My suggestion? Drop Uncanny Doge line of abilties to pick up what is lost. I'd still consider giving them fast movement though - it kills off too much of their potentcy


First Post
Nyaricus said:
Fire Eyes (a Su ability, and 0 level spell) for Fast Movement (a Ex ability, and 1st level spell) isnt a fair trade at all. That is my first problem with this class build. You need to give them a bit bigger boost than that. The fact is, a barb needs that so that he can outrun fighters in medium armour, and have an advantage (one of his few, the other being his will save bonus) against stunning-fist monks. Those are two classes which the barb are basically balanced against. He would never be able to duke it out against fighter for more than his rage (unles he has a phenominal str and con scores that wont take much of a hit with lost str and HP after the rage) and when he becomes tired after, he can run away easily. With stunning-fist monks, he can become virtually helpless, not to say that his speed bonus helps the balance (since he gets it in armour too).

I'd personally keep swim on their skill list - you obviously have no idea how hard it is to navigate a magma pool ;)


For removing Trap Sense (which didnt make any sense in the first place for a savage warrior) and Fast Movement, you add a lot in. Two feats, limited fire DR, an appropriate (but kinda crappy) Fire Eyes ability, and an extended Rage ability (which seems balanced enough . . . I'll have to mull over it some more though).

My suggestion? Drop Uncanny Doge line of abilties to pick up what is lost. I'd still consider giving them fast movement though - it kills off too much of their potentcy

Nyaricus, I take it you're less than thrilled about this build than the other ones. :( Oh well, can't win them all. Ok, so I'll work fast movement back into the build. I wasn't sure whether to keep it or not, considering I don't picture these guys being as fast as a typical barbarian. The Fire Eyes bit just seems natural to someone that lives in an ashen, smoky wasteland. I picture these warriors chucking smokesticks into any battlefield before combat starts, just to put their enemies at a disadvantage. As for swim, they're nowhere near bodies of water, and they may have some resistance to fire, but nowhere near enough to actually go wading around in magma. As for that last comment, what did you mean by "pick up what is lost" I'm not following you....


First Post
errg, sorry man for not sounding so entusiastic - i like this build, in fact all of your builds that you have submitted, but this one has some balance issues in my mind. For the Uncanny dodge, i meant that if you were to drop it, this clas would be a bit more balanced.

Allow me elaborate a bit here on what i said:

---You removed Trap Sense and Fast Movement and

---You added two feats, limited fire DR, Fire Eyes ability, and an extended Rage ability

Trap Sense gives a nice (substancial, actually) bonus vs traps - something the average barb won't be facing a lot. that kinda halves its effective "worth" - makings it +3, or worth about, say 1 or 2 feats - the equivalent to diehard and endurance, I'd say. There, that's even now.

Fast Movement is a first level spell, Fire Eyes is a 0 level spell (worth about 0.5 of a 1st level spell). How about giving them Fire Eyes and +5 feet of movement. They sacrifice some speed for a unique ability (that i would make Ex).

but they still have Fire resistance (pardon my previous references to fire DR) and the very potentially potent extended rage ability. In thinking about this, I'd say drop Uncanny Dodge line of ability, period. Again, these are abilities tht don't suit the barbarian - as someone put it (roughly) in my Berserker classes post "they seem more like the type to sucks it up and grin, rather than try to dodge a petty blow." If you still want to intro duce Uncanny Dodge (only, I'd say, for class balance) do it after level 11 or 12.

Dammit man, i do love these guys, all of em. I will so steal some too ::devil smiley::. Sorry for sounding so grim before - I just say some things that struck as unbalanced, and i kinda jumped on em a bit early.


First Post
That's no problem. Just wanted to understand some of your reasoning better. As for Uncanny dodge, even though they are the kind to suck up damage, I picture them wading into the middle of a fight and always being on their toes. That's why I kept that in. I see how I'm at a net positive with the Fire resistance above the trade-offs, but somehow I'm reluctant to give away the uncanny dodge. Maybe I will shift it up the level progression some. And as I said in the first post, I feel the rage extension ability balances itself out as I see it. You can push the rage by doing fire damage, but it's not easy, and then you risk being exhausted instead of fatigued at the end, and exhuastion has some stiff penalties. I'll have to do some mulling of my own on this one (not to mention finish up the Earth monk.)


First Post
DamionW said:
That's no problem. Just wanted to understand some of your reasoning better. As for Uncanny dodge, even though they are the kind to suck up damage, I picture them wading into the middle of a fight and always being on their toes. That's why I kept that in. I see how I'm at a net positive with the Fire resistance above the trade-offs, but somehow I'm reluctant to give away the uncanny dodge. Maybe I will shift it up the level progression some. And as I said in the first post, I feel the rage extension ability balances itself out as I see it. You can push the rage by doing fire damage, but it's not easy, and then you risk being exhausted instead of fatigued at the end, and exhuastion has some stiff penalties. I'll have to do some mulling of my own on this one (not to mention finish up the Earth monk.)

Hmmm . . . .lemme think here. Extended Rage is okay as I, I guess. It is definitively an original idea, and i like that!! Perhaps move Uncanny Dodge to 9th level - That seems like an okay trade-off. Drop Improved Uncanny Dodge - thats only useful against rogues, but you don't really need it for this guy. Uncanny Dodge is good enough, its already a nice boon. Furthermore, maybe get rid of Indomidable Will, or move it to a higher level too? Do you see that as being a core concept in this guy? I think with Uncanny Dodge at nice, and Indomidable Will Dropped, this Class would be fine. Thoughts?

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