First session Dungeon World actual play with single PC


So those are all of my thoughts on those two decisions! What do you think?

Very interesting to see your thought process outlined post mortem. Everything makes sense and follows well from the fiction. I agree wholeheartedly about trying not to utilize the same move vs PCs multiple times in a session (eg ablate or separate them from equipment), which I felt was a misstep I made in my first session GMing (noted in OP). However, I think I would have made the exception in having the wyvern mate threaten in situation two above, just because it seems so tightly a logical outcome of the fiction (appearing to avenge her recently slain mate). That said, your logic on not doing so in favor of the choices you made is sound and also logically follows from pre-established fiction. This speaks to a point you made recently in the "GM notes" thread about being graded by other GMs, I think, at least partially: there are many potential outcomes in any decision point, each with equal claim to logical consistency, fictional aptness, invitation to the making of hard choices, and so on.

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Very interesting to see your thought process outlined post mortem. Everything makes sense and follows well from the fiction. I agree wholeheartedly about trying not to utilize the same move vs PCs multiple times in a session (eg ablate or separate them from equipment), which I felt was a misstep I made in my first session GMing (noted in OP). However, I think I would have made the exception in having the wyvern mate threaten in situation two above, just because it seems so tightly a logical outcome of the fiction (appearing to avenge her recently slain mate). That said, your logic on not doing so in favor of the choices you made is sound and also logically follows from pre-established fiction. This speaks to a point you made recently in the "GM notes" thread about being graded by other GMs, I think, at least partially: there are many potential outcomes in any decision point, each with equal claim to logical consistency, fictional aptness, invitation to the making of hard choices, and so on.


Either decision there would have been a wash I think (if we're applying an "objective grade"), though my normative cognitive process is going to lead me to pretty much always make the move I made in that session.

On the first one though, my normative cognitive process is going to overwhelmingly lead me to make the "OMG AVALANCHE" move (as you noted you felt would be the "best" move). And I think if AVALNCHE is an "A" grade there (I think it is), what I actually went with was a "B."

Voidrunner's Codex

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