Pathfinder 2E Five unusual things I'd like to see Paizo do.

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I could see some sort of conversion document, but most of the rest might asking a bit. I assume that they will gladly take new customers that want to buy their products. They can see that a large amount of new customers are 5e crossovers and might try to make the change easy by making a conversion document. The assume that they need to change their business model to cater to these new customers seems a bit much.


I could see some sort of conversion document, but most of the rest might asking a bit. I assume that they will gladly take new customers that want to buy their products. They can see that a large amount of new customers are 5e crossovers and might try to make the change easy by making a conversion document. The assume that they need to change their business model to cater to these new customers seems a bit much.
I think people would be disappointed. The Pathfinder 1e conversion guide is very high level. It’s not like the D&D conversion manual for 3e. I expect any such guide for 5e would be a slightly (but not much) more verbose version of the following:
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Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
5E refugees -- the majority of whom probably will return to 5E and 1D&D within a few months.

As an MMO player (hopefully recovering MMO player) I don't see it that way. I'm seeing the current situation as being similar to what happened last year with World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV.

When WoW had it's fiascos a LOT of YouTubers and players both switched to FFXIV. Yes, most of the YouTubers went back to WoW when WoW's new expansion came out. But sales numbers are telling us that the regular players stayed with FFXIV. WoW's new expansion, despite very good reviews, has done extremely poorly on the market.

I think a lot of people, once they play PF2E in a good environment - will discover that it is actually NOT math intense. It is in fact math consistent.

Its also well balanced and things like the 3-action system work to dramatically speed up gameplay as there's no guessing when your turn is up or what you can do.

Anecdote: Judging by the actions of the people at the table I'm at who all just switched from 5E - it's also easier for people to keep aware of what the other players are up to. The system works to help keep up player engagement. Then again I'm an 'Old School Champions / Hero system' GM where a single player's single turn could take up an hour to resolve so by the time the next player's turn came around ain't nobody got no idea 'bout not'n and we were lucky if the player had not yet died of starvation... So I'm in total shock feeling like I'm the Flash all of a sudden. But the D&D players are telling me they're also finding it faster.

I suspect that if most of the people who are currently buying copies of PF2E actually manage to sit down to a game of it, they won't be going back to D&D. Especially if they do so with the aid of tools like Foundry - even if they just have that open on a laptop around the in-person table. But even without it, things in PF2E just seem to be made to keep the flow moving.

The YouTubers on the other hand, they will be back to D&D. Many already are. But that's not to say they want to (some do, some don't I suspect). Its for the same reason the WoW YouTubers "publically" went back to WoW - YouTube's algorithm punishes people who change things about their content. If can slap you into obscurity really hard if you branch away.

Even as a viewer - if the person you watch changes format, and you're actually following the new kind of content more than the old one, the algorithm prefers to push that channel off of your recommendations, even if you're subscribed. Even when I've "clicked the bell to be notified" I've found it ignores that for channels it's punishing.

YouTuber rarely allows people to re-invent themselves or even evolve their style.

So the YouTubers won't stick with PF2E in public, even the ones who are still saying they want to play PF2E - that will end the moment they see their channel stats. But who knows what they will do in private.

Voidrunner's Codex

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