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Yellow Sign


For the past three years the United Planets has been at war with the Ghoal, a cybernetic alien race. The Ghoal Empire is a vast one and so far the war has seen the UP forces being slowly pushed back. Resources and military units are being stretched thin in the fight though new units are starting to be produced more rapidly.

The game will take place in Haskins Corridor Sector (see strategic map). Your characters will be the Military and Civilian commanders of this sector. Though far from the battle front with the Ghoal. The Haskins Corridor is an important trade and supply route for the UP. It connects the rich Ares Cluster (about 3 dozen systems with several large population planets and rich in resources) with the main body of the UP controlled worlds.

The Sector is pretty quiet save for an occasional pirate attack. You main duty is to keep the Trade Route (the Blue hyperspace connection lines on the Strategic map) safe and open.

Strategic Map and Movement:

Normally Ships have 2 movement points that they can expend during a turn. Fast Ships have 3 movement points.

The Black and Blue lines are Hyperspace Connections. It takes one movement point to travel from one system to another via a Hyperspace Connection. This is uncontested movement. If enemy ships are present in a system there is a chance of the moving ship to being noticed or intercepted. The Blue Lines denote a important trade/supply route for Blue.

To move one hex without use of a Hyperspace Connection, it takes all of a ship’s movement points. If the hex to be entered has Nebulae or Dust (the fuzzy stuff) it will require the ship to use two turns of movement points.

A Ship cannot spend more than 6 turns traveling through empty hexes (including nebula or dust hexes). One empty hex counts 1 turn and a dust hex counts a 2. Otherwise a ship can keep using jump connections as long at they want. They are considered to be getting supplies as they go. There will be some special ships that allow resupplying in conditions where ships or forces are out of touch with their main supply depots.

Map Notes:
Color Legend

Green Systems are UP controlled with some sort of UP presence in the system.

Grey Systems are basically empty systems, though pirates are believed to operate from them.

Olive Systems have small human settlements in them that are not part of the United Planets. These systems are called the Backwater Worlds. These settlements are normally small fringe groups who want to run things their own way. There is some trading with UP but mainly they just want to be left alone. Some pirate activity is believed to also come from these systems.

Brown System is the home world of the Krell, an xenophobic race which while not hostile is very reclusive. While they do trade with the UA they do not allow ships to land on their planets and any use of their Hyperspace Connections is heavily taxed and controlled. Their system is heavily industrialized and they have a large standing fleet for a single system.

The Hyperspace Connection going off map from System B leads to the main body of the United Planets worlds. The Hyperspace Connection going off map from System Z leads to the Ares Cluster.

B. Esperance – This system has a Class M (Yellow) Sun. It has 5 planetary bodies. Esperance 3 is a habitable world with a population of over 12,000,000. It possesses a Class B star port and three Class 3 Orbital Fortresses. There is also a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station in system.

C. Russell’s Star – This system has a Class G (Red Giant) Sun. It has 3 planetary bodies and 3 asteroid bands. Small human settlements are scattered on Russell 2 and there are several mining operations in the asteroid fields.

D. Mariner – This system has a Class M (Yellow) Sun. It has 7 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. A small agricultural colony of 1,200,000 people is on Mariner 4, an earth sized water planet. It has a Class C space port.

E. Venture – This is a Binary Star System with two Class A (White and Blue) suns. There are no planetary bodies but 4 large bands of asteroids. Five small human colonies dot the asteroid fields and they belong to groups of separatists who left UP controlled space many years ago. The live in domed cities and conduct sporadic trade with near by UP planets and are thought to also be sometime pirates. Fewer than 80,000 people live in this system.

F. Freedom – This system has a Class M (Yellow sun) and 9 planetary bodies. On Freedom 3 is a rugged frontier world of 200,000 people. It has an extensive black market and is noted as a smuggler haven. It has a Class D star port.

G. Beta Hydri – This system has a Class K (Orange) sun and 5 planetary bodies. There are large settlements on Beta Hydri 3 (2,000,000) and Beta Hydri 4 (1,200,000). A Class C star port orbits Beta Hydri 3 and it is know for as a entertainment world. The Military use it frequently as a R&R port. There is a Class C Military star port on Beta Hydri 3 and a Class C Star Port on Beta Hydri 4. Two Class 2 Star Forts orbit Beta Hydri 3 and one Class 2 Star Fort orbits Beta Hydri 4.

H. Margrave – This system possess a Class B (Blue) sun with 3 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. A domed research station is on Margrave 3. It has a crew of about 2000. Also a small space station orbits close to the system’s sun.

I. Thule – This system has a Class O (Violet) sun with one very large asteroid field. While there are no settlements in the system. Mining ships to visit the asteroid field.

J. Galileo – This system has a Class M (Yellow) sun with 12 planetary bodies. Galileo 4 has a thriving colony of over 1,000,000. It has a Class B star port with several civilian star ship construction docks. A old Class 1 star fortress orbits this world. There is a UP army base on Galileo 6 that is used for training.

K. Sparta
– This system has a K Class (Orange) sun with 4 planetary bodies. Sparta 2 has a Class B star port and a UP naval base. There is also a civilian population of 400,000 in a large city next to the base’s ground facilities. There are four Class 3 Orbital Fortresses protecting the base.

L. Paradise – This system has a K Class (Red Giant) sun with 5 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. Paradise 2 is a beautiful habitable world with over population of over 5,000,000. One of the older settlements in the Haskins Corridor. It has a aging Class C star port and two older Class 1 Star Fortresses.

O. Pan-Paris – This system has a Class A (Green) sun and one small lifeless rock of a planet and 3 asteroid belts. The Novartis Space Station which is the largest space station in the Haskin’s Corridor orbits the sun. It possesses a Class B star port and has a population of over 500,000. It is a popular stop along the Trade Route. There is also an extensive navigational buoy network in system that aids ships as they pass through.

P. Bryant’s Star – This system as a Class F (White) sun and 7 planetary bodies. Bryant 4 is currently being terraformed and has a small domed colony of 300,000 souls. It has a class D star port.

Q. Eldorado – This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun with only 1 planetary body which is a gas giant. It also has 2 asteroid belts. There is a military research station on the largest moon of Eldorado 1.

R. Gehenna
– This system has a Class M (Red Super giant) and one small asteroid field.

S. Fargone – This system has a Class K (Orange) sun with 12 planetary bodies and 2 asteroid fields. No settlements but mining ships sometimes visit and pirate ships have been known to use it as a jumping off point to attack shipping on the Trade Route.

T. Olympus – This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun with 6 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. Olympus 3 is the sector capital with a population of over 18,000,000. It has a Class A star port and 5 Class 3 Orbital Fortresses. There is also a domed city on Olympus 5 that (500,000 people) that services extensive mining of the asteroid belt. There is a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station in system.

U. Cyteen – This system is a Class T (Protostar) that is in the early stages of development. It surrounded with a large gaseous belt. Strange reports of a ghostly alien starship frequenting this system have been made by starship captains over the years. Though no proof has ever been provided of it’s existence.

V. Keid 3 – This is a system with a Class A (Green) sun and 5 planetary bodies and 5 asteroid belts. It is very dangerous to navigate with the strong fluctuating gravitic fields that are produced by the sun. Some brave pirates and smugglers use this system as a home base.

W. Krell – This is a binary system with two Class G (Yellow) suns. There are 10 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid belt. Krell A-3 and Krell B-2 are heavily populated and industrialized. Several star fortresses are scattered through out the system.

X. Viking – This system has a Class B (Blue) sun with 6 planetary bodies. There is a small Krell Orbital outpost on Viking 5 but the Krell themselves do no claim ownership of the system. The outpost is believed to be some sort of research post. Pirates sometimes frequent the system.

Y. Glory – This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun with 5 planetary bodies and 2 asteroid fields. There is a settlement on Glory 4 with a population of 600,000. It has a Class C star port and a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station orbiting the planet.

Z. Istra – This system has a Class A (White) sun and 8 planetary systems. Istra 2 (1,200,000 population) and Istra 3 (1,00,000 pop.) are heavily industrialized with a majority of the planets output going towards the war effort. They each have Class C star ports and one Class 3 Star Fortresses orbiting them.

Haskins Threats:
Here is what INTEL has to say about threats to the Haskins Corridor.

1. Pirates Thought not powerful in themselves and not organized they do pose a threat to civilian commerce in the sector.

2. Ghoal There is no Ghoal presence within 30 Hyper Connection jumps of the Haskins Corridor (thats 10 turns of fast ship movement) and the systems between are heavily patrolled by UP forces.

3. Krell Though not overtly hostile, they are beligerant. The size of their standing fleet is a bit of a worry if they indeed become hostile.

4. Ares Cluster There are at least three other star nations in contact with the Ares Cluster. But they would have to fight through any defenses in the Ares Cluster to reach the Haskins Corridor.

5. The Vanti A Insect-like race of religious fanatics. The Vanti seem more concerned with putting down fringe groups within their own race than with dealing with aliens. A nonaggression treaty has been in effect with the UA for over 100 years.

6. The Kalish A war-like race. They attacked the UA some 80 years ago and were promptly beaten. A guarded peace has been in effect since then. Stout defenses guard the UA's border with them but the Kalish are allowed limited trade as well.

7. Ji-Ku-Ve A race of 9 foot tall furry yeti like creatures. They reproduce quickly and have been know to move into contested systems with swarms of colony and warships. These Ji-Ku-Ve swarms are a danger to unprotected worlds. They are always looking to expand into habitable systems.


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Yellow Sign

Tactical Information:

Star Port Ratings

A - The best of the best. Large extensive starship berth, repair, cargo, and construction facilities.

B - Pretty Good. Can handle multiple starship landings and take offs. Good repair yards and some construction facilites.

C - Good for handling basic traffic and repair. Orbital Docks. Limited construction facilities.

D - Poor. A fair ground side landing pads and docks. Fair repair facilities.

F - Primative dirt landing pad with poor service facilities.

Star Fortress Ratings
Class 1 - Cruiser sized.
Class 2 - Battleship sized.
Class 3 - Twice the size of a Battleship.
Class 4 - Four times the size of a Battleship.

They are more heavily armored that a same sized ship. Though they are immoble a space tug(s) could move them within a system if needed. At a tactical disadvantage against a moble force.

United Planets Space Ship Data

Here is a list of the different ship types available to the United Planets forces.

Prince of Wales Class Battleship
The Prince of Wales class of battleship has been around for more than 80 years. Way past it's prime even with continual upgrades. Current plans are to decommission the class and scrap them. They are armed with nine Force 10 Shock Cannon, six mid-range anti-ship launchers, and multiple defense laser batteries.

Warspite Class Battleship
The Warspite class is a tough and hard hitting ship. Heavily armored and with a powerful weapons mix it's only short fall is it's engine performance. Slow to respond and accelerate, the Warspite is mainly seen as a defensive ship. They are armed with nine Force 12 Shock Cannon, a Particle Accelerator, two long range anti-ship missile batteries, and several defense laser batteries.

Andromeda Class Battleship
The next generation in Battleships, the Andromeda are just now coming off the production lines. They are Fast, well armored, have the new Saturn defensive energy screens. Their offensive armament includes a spinal meson cannon, twelve Force 14 Shock Cannon, long range anti-ship missile batteries, and defense laser batteries. They also have next generation command and control electronics, sensors, and electronic counter messures.

Renown Class Battle Cruiser
Basically a Fast pocket battleship. The Renown class gives up armor protection for speed. They are armed with nine Force 10 Shock Cannon, two batteries of torpedoes, two long-range anti-ship missile batteries, and defensive laser batteries.

Nelson Class Heavy Cruiser
The main stay of the United Planets fleet. the Nelson cruiser is a multi-role ship capable of handling most situations. She is armed with six Force 8 Shock Cannon, torpedoes, mid-range missiles, and defense lasers. She can also carry one squadron of fighters or assault shuttles with one brigade of infantry.

O Class Destroyer
The O Class destroyer is an older design but still in widespread use today. Fast and maneuverable the O Class is mainly used for fleet escort and screening. They are armed with six Force 6 Shock Cannon, a mid-range missile battery, and defense lasers.

P Class Destroyer
A more modern destroyer, the P class is slowly replacing the aging O Classes. They are Fast and durable with eight Force 6 Shock Cannon, a light meson cannon, torpedoes, and defense lasers. They also have a next generation sensor suite.

Ranger Class Corvette
Mainly used by the Frontier Fleet and for local defense, the Ranger Corvette is the smallest warp capable manned ship in the United Planets navy. It is commonly used in anti-piracy patrols. It is armed with three Force 4 Shock Cannon, a battery of short ranged missiles and a light defense laser battery. They are FAST and very maneuverable.

Lexington Class Fleet Carrier
Queens of the United Planets fleet, the Lexingtons are some of the finest carriers in existence. They are solidly built and hard to put of commission with just one shot. The can hold twenty squadrons of fighter craft (240) and can launch them quickly. For close defense, the Lexington's rely on their fighters, six Force 6 Shock Cannon, mid-ranged multi-task missile batteries, and several defense laser batteries.

Yeager Class Escort Carrier
The Yeager Escort Carrier was a stop gap measure after the lost of so many fleet carriers in the Battle of Altair. They are small and of simple design. They can carry five squadrons of fighter craft (60) and only have two defense laser batteries for defense. They are mainly used for training, escort duty, and in the transport of fighters.

Beachhead Class Drop Ship
This rugged designed ship is designed to get troops into a hot combat zone. It is a particular favorite of the Star Marines who use this craft. It can carry 3 brigades and/or Squadrons. Armed with two multi-task mid-ranged missile batteries and defense lasers the Beachhead can hold it's own in ship-to-ship combat.

Avenger Class Interceptor
The standard naval fighter/interceptor craft for the past five years. They are very maneuverable and fast and are armed with four light lasers and short ranged missiles or rockets.

Kingfisher Recon Gunboat
A large gunboat, the Kingfisher has a expanded sensor and ECM suite. Are used for recon, rescue, and strike missions. One squadron of Kingfishers take up the space of two other fighter craft. Normally armed with mid-ranged anti-ship missiles and a single light laser turret.

Huntsmen Class Bomber
A dedicated strike craft, the Huntsmen can carry a weapons load ranging from torpedoes, anti-ship missiles, or air/space to surface missiles. It has a large turret that holds two Force 2 Shock Cannons.

Cutlass Class Fighter
A older fighter design, the Cutlass was the main fighter used by the UP at the beginning of the Ghoal War. But it was quickly outmatched by the Ghoal's Phantom attack craft. They have been pulled from the front lines and are now regulated to backwater systems for local defense. They are armed with 2 light lasers and a mixture of short ranged missiles.

Ground Force Information

Ground units are in Brigades which is equal to about 1000 troops. A Infantry Brigade has support vehicles and weaponry. Aircraft are in squadrons of 12. Tank brigades have about 50 vehicles.

Planetary Militia
The standing defense infantry of Civilian populations. Lightly Armored and armed with light laser rifles. They are pretty much limited to defense and normally do not leave their home planets. Planets have one brigade of Militia per 500,000 population.

Jeager Infantry
United Planet’s light infantry they are very mobile and expert in covert operations. Carries light weaponry and wears light powered armor.

Grenadier Infantry
Heavy Infantry. While slower they have heavier armor and weapons. Good in assaults and in static defense.

Star Marine Infantry
The cream of the United Planet’s infantry, the Star Marines have special powered armor suits and is capable of drops from orbit. Armed with personal shock weaponry and other support weapons.

Osprey Attack Aircraft
Atmospheric interceptor/attack craft the Osprey is armed with missiles and a light laser.

Leopard Mk 3 Hover Tank
A heavy hover tank with reflex armor, heavy pulse cannon, and missiles.
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General Mykael Kage is a STAR man through and through. He prefers to lure his foes in, using different kinds of soldiers for different aspects of the battle. Every once in a while, he will oversee the battles personally either from well behind the lines or (even more rarely) the front lines. He has heard his men call him "Loki" although the reason is not totally known to him. He assumes command of any drop ship his men travel on, and insists on having a say as to who is flying escort to them. Every one of his men are important to him, and even if it means stepping on a few toes, he will protect as many as he can. He has been known to hold a grudge for years, typically only against his enemies.

Skill: Ground Warfare
Trait: Vindictive
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Yellow Sign

It's up to you all to divide your forces, select a Sector Commander, and create your characters. There will be enough forces for everyone I think. Just because your character is a ground pounder will not mean that they cannot control navel units.

Yellow Sign

Order of Battle

Prince of Wales Class Battleships (currently at Olympus in the process of being decommissioned and then to be scrapped)
BB Duke of York, BB Queen of Scotland, BB Prince of Wales

Warspite Class Battleships
BB Warlord, BB Warrior

Renown Class Battle Cruisers
BC Repulse, BC Resolute, BC Revenge, BC Royal Sovereign

Neslon Class Heavy Cruisers
CA Drake, CA Nimitz, CA Bonaparte, CA Hood, CA Grant, CA Hannibal

O Class Destroyers
DD Oracle, DD Occult, DD Opportune, DD Oberon, DD Odin, DD Oxley, DD Otus, DD Osiris, DD Orpheus, DD Orion.

Ranger Class Corvettes
CT Courage, CT Fury, CT Impulse, CT Ready, CT Restless, CT Saucy, CT Spry, CT Surprise, CT Temptress, CT Tenacity, CT Brisk.

Yeager Class Escort Carrier
CVE Prince, CVE Jamaica, CVE St. Andrews, CVE St. Joseph, CVE Cordova

Blacksmith Class Repair and Supply Ships
RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4, RS-5

Beachhead Class Drop Ships (Can carry and drop 3 Brigades with assault shuttles)
DS Normandy, DS Sicily, DS Siapan

Queen Class Troop Transport (Can carry 2 Brigade and/or Squadrons)
TT Martian Queen, TT Ceti Queen, TT Antares Queen, TT Regel Queen, TT Deneb Queen

10 Huntsman Bombers Squadrons
30 Cutlass Fighters Squadrons
10 Kingfisher Squadrons
5 Avenger Squadrons

15 Jaeger Infantry Brigades
10 Grenadier Infantry Brigades
3 Star Marine Brigades
20 Osprey Squadrons
5 Leopard Tank Brigades
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First Post
Yellow Sign, do you have a link to the original thread, where I did my write-up on Admiral Cross and such?

Yellow Sign

Rhun said:
Yellow Sign, do you have a link to the original thread, where I did my write-up on Admiral Cross and such?

Admiral Dmetrius Cross
Cross is a grizzled veteran of the United Planets' Stellar Navy, having served with distinction for many years. He is a stern but fair commander, and an excellent tactician, extremely talented at fleet maneuvers. Admiral Cross prefers to command from the bridge of his flagship, the battle cruiser Resolute, as opposed to the relative safety of an office at a starbase. He is known for his aggressiveness, always citing the value of first strikes and surprise attacks. Although he recognizes the value of heavily armed and armored ships, Cross prefers using vessels that are fast and maneuverable. Often his tactics are reminiscent of ancient Earth calvary.

Skills: Fleet Maneuvers
Traits: Aggressive


First Post
Yellow Sign said:
Admiral Dmetrius Cross
Cross is a grizzled veteran of the United Planets' Stellar Navy, having served with distinction for many years. He is a stern but fair commander, and an excellent tactician, extremely talented at fleet maneuvers. Admiral Cross prefers to command from the bridge of his flagship, the battle cruiser Resolute, as opposed to the relative safety of an office at a starbase. He is known for his aggressiveness, always citing the value of first strikes and surprise attacks. Although he recognizes the value of heavily armed and armored ships, Cross prefers using vessels that are fast and maneuverable. Often his tactics are reminiscent of ancient Earth calvary.

Skills: Fleet Maneuvers
Traits: Aggressive

Perfect. Thank you!

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