WotBS Fleshing out Clan Millorn


I'm interested in expanding the simple core group of Clan Millorn, creating a sort of "B-Team" that can aid the heroes in case things go terribly wrong. Obviously, the three core members, Jorrina, Grelfin, and Oller, all have suitable NPC builds. Earnest, of course, should not be around by that point, as handing the players a Trillith antagonist is a recipe for... well, maybe not disaster, but certainly derailment.

That leaves the other five named members of the crew: Kaletia, Rendlas, Reuben, Verane, and Zooten. Obviously, these should be less impressive than the core three, but still feasible fighters with tricks up their sleeves... my desire is to create a brief personality blurb for each of them, perhaps with a suitably crazy surname like most Gnomes in this campaign seem to have, then apply a simple class template onto them (a bit beyond the straightforward "guard/warrior" builds in the book).

As I dive into this project... does anyone here have suggestions on things to avoid, or include?

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My initial thoughts are to stay away from anything that features strongly in direct melee fighting, leaving that as Grelfin's speciality. That eliminates most combat clerics, heavy fighters, and barbarians. Another goal is to try and include classes that my parties currently lack, so if these characters need to rescue the heroes, it presents some fun alternatives for the group.

I'm currently thinking of something like:
Druid of Dreams, for emergency healing in a quirky sort of way.
Wild Magic Sorcerer, adding just a twist of chaos.
Hunter Ranger, because range support is never bad.
Astral Self Monk, giving some nice control features.
Champion Fighter, probably a dex build, for a nice simple option.


So I'm putting together the other five members, but looking at the existing 5e templates for Clan Millorn, their stats are kind of all over the place. While I understand that their abilities are slightly nerfed from full PC capabilities for simplicity's sake, some of their ability scores and stats seem a bit off-balance. Outside of adjusting them to more appropriate HP levels, would you recommend building the other characters out to the equivalent of level 8-9, like Jorrina, Oller, and Grelfin, or suppressing their levels a bit?

These versions, of course, would only be used in the unlikely situation that the some or all of the PCs fall in battle and become captives.

Voidrunner's Codex

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