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Floating City - In Character Part 1


Winter has fallen. Even here, in the South of the Jade Empire, the lands are covered in snow.

Liandurel, Obsidian, you are still at castle Stormoak. The land has been eerily quiet in the last weeks. The Orcs have retreated South after their retreat, but reports are that there is a new army forming in the Storm Plains. If the rumors are true, this new force could easily squash the scattered pockets of resistance in the Jade Empire, and even this castle might not be safe. Surely, these are not times to sit around and wait for spring.

Taryn, you have joined a resistance group that is based in a castle to the South of Brodak-Baator. There, you have made friends with a Genasi Swordmage from Al-Mathka, who is called Obsidian. Obsidian is organizing the defenses of the castle. You've been around to help, but I leave up to you what kind of jobs you have been doing.

Threilen - New battle scars, and a shining new suit of armor tell of your adventures in the Storm Plains. Down there, you became aware of a new, big orc threat that is building. You have returned to the Jade Empire to warn your friends. You have heard that they are now in a fort that is known as Castle Stormoak. After a long month of travel, you are back within sight of the caste, and cross the frozen river that leads up to it. In the snow, you find the figure of an elven girl, hunched, freezing and in pain. You pick her up and make your way up to the castle gates.

Liandurel, Obsidian, you rush down to the castle gates because you hear about a strange visitor arriving. A man of giant proportions is said to climb the path up to the castle. Could that be... your old friend Threilen?

Taryn, you were just helping out in the stables when you hear a big ruckus, and rush to the gates.

... and off we go!

[sblock=Notes]Use <OOC> to mark comments etc. that don't describe character actions. Pick a color to mark what your PC is saying. Feel free to add scenery, descriptions etc. as you like, it's your story too. Don't worry about doing something wrong, we'll figure out how to do things best together. May the dice be with you![/sblock]
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Obsidian greets Threilen

Obsidian rushed through the gates to greet his old friend, red hair trailing wisps of smoke. His eyes flashed yellow as he hailed the giant: "Threilen! I'd recognise that gait anywhere." The welcoming smile faded somewhat as the genasi noticed his companion's burden however.


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Liandurel strides out purposefully behind Obsidian. As always, he holds himself with pride, his draconic form almost as tall as the half-giant, but something else catches Threilen's eye: wings have sprouted from the invoker's back!

"It is good to see you Threilen. Your arrival is most timely," he begins, before noticing the limp form in his arms. "Not just for us, it would appear ..."


First Post
Threilen marches up toward the castle. As his old friends approach he raises his stone hand in greeting, happy to see them once again. "I've heard news that the orcs are preparing retaliation. Their numbers look to be great. I got here as soon as I could." Looking down at the small form in his arms. "I just hope I got here soon enough."


The joy of seeing an old friend is cut short by the whimpering and coughing of the young lady in Threilens arms. This is not the moment to stand outside in the snow and exchange old stories. A quick exchange of glances, and the three of you rush down to the little hospital that Kari is running, an old halfling woman and the local healer.

Threilen carefully puts her down on one of the beds. You stand in silence while Kari examines her. After a while, she shakes her head thoughtfully. "She is weakened, but it appears as if some inner force has kept her warm out there. I don't see any freeze marks on her fingers and toes. I'll get Taryn to make some tea and soup to prep this young lady up again."

Liandurel: You do sense a strong presence of the dragons in her. Someone or something has indeed held a hand over her.

And there, it looks like she is opening her eyes...

Feel free to do some chatting, character introduction, information exchange and planning. I'll be in the background in case someone needs info, or wants to roll a skill check etc.
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The young woman struggles to open her eyes and she seems to take the briefest of glances around her before her eyes again close and she slumps back onto the bed. Thinking her once again unconscious, those gathered around the bed are startled when she speaks.

"Whe... Where am I? How did I come to be here?"

Her voiced question also startles because its low rich timbre seems at odds with her apparent age. However her voice causes those around her to look twice at the woman who spoke them. On closer inspection she is not perhaps as young as she first appeared, merely slight of frame. And while she does indeed have very distinct elven features it seems obvious now that she isn't of pure elven blood. She is only half-elven.

"Where am I and how did I come to be here?" And there again is the other thing that seemed off, or at least unexpected. The voiced question is not one of timid and shocked query. It is one of command.

<OOC Apologies for the font colour. I'll try change it later to something a bit lighter and easier to read. Sadly my internet is so crap that I can't get the pulldown colour options to work and the default is set on black.>

Edit: Speech font colour fixed.
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Rushing out from the stables Taryn is surprised at and slightly suspicious of this newcomer and the bundle in his arms. However seeing as Obsidian greeted him so warmly she is happy to help. On instructions from Kari, she makes up some tea and searches out some food to warm the belly of this giant and hopefully bring some life back to the mystery woman. Sensing that the relationship of the three standing around the bed has a history, and they may want more privacy, Taryn places the food down and appears to leave them. However she lingers in the shadows, hoping to find out whatever she can about the situation.


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Liandurel thanks the retreating halfling and turns his attention to the half-elf on the bed.

"Greetings friend. I am Liandurel Twiceborn and my companions are Obsidian Zephymane of Al'Mathka and Threilen Hammerfist, whose timely arrival may have saved your life. And of course this is Kari, your nurse. You are in Castle Stormoak, stronghold of the Alliance of Wolf's Crest, though how you came to be here is as much a mystery to me as it is to you."


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Threilen steps forward, his voice surprisingly gentle in spite of his massive frame:

"I came to warn my friends of coming danger when I found you seemingly near death outside. Who are you, and what is the last thing you remember?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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