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Flying device, PrC and skills rules

Sidran suggested that I drop this in here. It's sitting on the House Rules forum as well. Please make comments.

As is probably pretty obvious, it's based on Green Goblin from Spiderman(TM).

Battle Glider (Magic Item)
A battle glider is a magical device that acts as a flying steed for one passenger. They are the size of table or similar piece of furniture and are typically shaped somewhat like a predatory flying creature (drakes, dragons, bats and hawks/eagles predominate). The user of a glider places their feet in two stirrups on the upper surface and can either sit or stand while flying. A command word is necessary to activate a glider.

A glider can fly with, with its passenger, at a speed of 90 feet (there is no penalty for wearing medium or heavy armour). The glider can fly up at half speed and descend at double speed. A glider’s manoeuvrability rating is good. Using a glider requires a skill, similar to riding a living mount, so a rider must make a skill check to attack or cast spells normally. A glider can charge but not run, and it can carry aloft a maximum load of one Medium-sized rider plus 500lbs. Gliders are frequently equipped with hooks, sheaths and saddle bags to carry equipment.

Battle Gliders are often enchanted to enhance the rider’s ability. Githyanki Raptor captains (level 6+) typically ride +3 battle gliders. The price listed below is for a basic glider. Wing blades can be fitted to gliders and it is not uncommon for individual gliders to be equipped with other magical enhancements, such as spell based devices, to provide additional firepower.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, fly; -Market Price: 15,000 gp; Weight: 45lbs; Hardness: 10; Hit Points: 50.

Glider Wings
The wings of a glider can be utilised by adept riders as a weapon. Some gliders also have special blades fitted to the wings, in order to maximise their effectiveness as weapons. A +1 synergy bonus is applied to wing and wing blade attacks if the rider has 5 or more ranks in Fly [Glider].
Weapon Cost Damage Type
Wing - 1d6 (x2) (B)
Wing Blades 150gp 1d8 (x2) (S)

Wing blades can be enchanted, and often are, but the cost must be paid twice, as per double weapons.

Fly [Glider] (DEX)
Check: Straight flying doesn't require a check. The character can mount and dismount from a glider, as well as fly straight, without a problem. Mounting or dismounting a glider is a move-equivalent action. All other tasks, including manoeuvring, require checks:

Flying Task DC
Bank (turn level) or Hover 5
Climb or Dive 5
Missile weapon use while flying 10
Soft Fall 15
Control Glider in Battle 20
Cover 15

Bank (Turn level) or Hover: the character can cause the glider they are riding to turn in level flight or come to a stop and hover.

Climb or Dive: The character can cause the glider that they are riding to rise or fall in altitude according to the typical manoeuvring capabilities of the glider.

Missile weapon use while flying:e character can use a missile weapon while flying. A –4 penalty applies.

Cover: The character can react instantly to bank the glider, using it as one-half cover. The character can't attack or cast spells while using the character's mount as cover. If the character fails, the character doesn't get the cover benefit. If an attack is made against the character and misses due to the effects of cover, that attack strikes the glider.

Soft Fall: The character reacts instantly to try to take less damage when the character falls off a glider. If successful, the character can ignore the first ten feet for determining damage from the fall.

Control Glider in Battle: As a move-equivalent action, the character can attempt to control a sky glider while in combat. If the character fails, the character can do nothing else that round.

If a Glider pilot takes damage in combat, then they must immediately make a Fly [Glider] skill roll (DC=10+damage taken) or fall from the glider.

If an opponent should grapple a Glider pilot, then the grapplers weight counts against the Glider's total carrying capacity. Also, as a standard action, the grappler may apply their BAB as a negative modifier to the pilot's Fly [Glider] skill, as long as they continue to successfully grapple.

If a grappler is defeated by a Glider pilot, then the grappler is considered to have fallen.

If anyone should fall from a Glider in flight, they may make a Reflex saving throw (DC=20) to keep themselves from falling. A pilot who falls, but saves themselves in this way, is considered to be unmounted, and therefore out of control of the Glider.

An umounted pilot may attempt to remount with a Fly [Glider] skill roll (DC=15).

A pilot subject to a successful bull rush must make a Fly [Glider] skill roll (DC=15+attacker's Str mod+attacker's size mod) or fall.

A Glider in flight that is not controlled will continue on its current course but will also begin to descend at its normal movement rate until it strikes the ground. The Glider will take falling damage based on the height it was above the ground when control was lost.

Aerial Combat [General]
Prerequisite: Fly [Glider] skill.
Benefit: A character with the Aerial Combat feat is trained at fighting while mounted upon the glider. They experience only a –2 penalty to melee attacks.
Normal: A –4 penalty applies to all attacks made from a glider whilst flying. A –8 applies to any missile attack if the glider manoeuvred during the movement phase of the same combat round.

Aerial Archery [General]
Prerequisite: Fly [Glider] skill, Mounted Combat.
Benefit: The penalty the character suffers when using a ranged weapon from a glider is halved: -2 instead of –4 (or –4 instead of –8).

Fly-By Attack [General]
Prerequisites: Fly [Glider] skill, Mounted Combat.
Benefit: When the character is in flight and uses the charge action, the character may move and attack as with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). The character's total movement for the round can’t exceed double the glider’s speed. The character does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that the character attacks.

Githyanki Raptors (Prestige Class)

Githyanki Raptors are elite warriors who specialise in fighting from gliders. They serve the githyanki military as scouts and tactical air support. They also make excellent terror troops, often using grenades to bombard tactics from a safe height. The Raptor’s skill in aerial combat is second to none.

BAB: +4
Feats: Skill Focus (Fly [Glider]); Aerial Combat; Aerial Archery
Skills: Fly (Glider) 8 ranks
Race: Githyanki

Hit Dice: d8
Skill Points: 4/level

Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex)

Weapons & Armour: Raptors gain proficiency with Martial Weapons and Light Armour

BAB: As Fighter
Saves: Ref (Good); Fort & Will (Bad)

Class Abilities
Level 1: My glider, my life I; Improved Aerial Combat
Level 2: Swiftwing
Level 3: Death from Above
Level 4: Bury me in the sky
Level 5: Death on the Wing
Level 6: Born to Fly I
Level 7: My glider, my life II
Level 8: Like a Hummingbird
Level 9: Wild Flight
Level 10: Born to Fly II

My glider, my life (I – Ex; II – Sup):
(I) Raptors have a personalised battle glider. They become intimately familiar with its workings and idiosyncrasies. As such, whenever riding this glider, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all manoeuvre rolls.
(II) At 6th level the Raptors’ familiarity with their personal glider has reached a semi-telepathic level. At this point the Raptor can control their glider by thought, as long as the glider is within 250’ of the Raptor. A Raptor no longer needs to speak the command word to activate their personal glider.

Swiftwing (Ex):
Raptors learn techniques to milk every ounce of speed and power from their gliders. The speed of the Raptor’s glider increases by +20’.

Improved Aerial Combat (Ex):
A Raptor no longer experiences any penalties to melee attacks made while flying. Missile attacks while flying draw no penalty unless the Raptor manoeuvred during the movement phase, in which case they receive a –2 penalty.

Death from Above (Ex):
If a Raptor makes a Fly-by Attack, and their glider dived in the portion of movement preceding the attack, then the attack enjoys a +2 circumstance bonus.

Bury Me in the Sky (Ex):
Due to their skill in flight, a Raptor may re-roll any manoeuvre roll which would result in their falling from the glider. If the Raptor chooses to re-roll, then the second roll must be accepted.

Death on the Wing (Ex):
Raptors learn complex attack routines that allow them to maximise the combat potential of their glider. If a Raptor has made a missile attack or melee attack with a melee weapon, then they may make one additional attack per round, using the gliders wings (or wing blades) as though they had the Ambidexterity and Two Weapon Fighting feats and the wings were light, off-hand weapons.

Born to Fly (I & II – Ex):
(I) Raptors become so adept at glider flight that it becomes almost second nature to them. Whenever manoeuvring, even while in melee combat, a Raptor may take 10 on their manoeuvre roll.
(II) At 10th level, Raptors improve the manoeuvre class of their personal glider while flying it. The manoeuvre class becomes perfect.

Like a Hummingbird (Ex):
At 7th level, a Raptor gains a +4 dodge bonus against all attacks in any round in which the Raptor’s glider manoeuvred.

Wild Flight (Ex):
At 9th level, Raptors gain a special use of the Whirlwind Attack Feat in conjunction with wings or wing blades. If the Raptor’s glider has not manoeuvred during this round, (that is, it has either flown level or remained stationary) then the Raptor may perform a whirlwind attack with the gliders wings or wing blades, against any and all opponents within melee combat range, as a standard action.

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Unattainable Ideal
Very cool, NoOne. Thanks for the ideas!

Here's how that would fit into our current rules notions.

The Glider is a Fine Construct (Vehicle). It has, let's say, 5 HD and is made of Steel. It includes a magical power source and engine (never runs out of fuel or anything) and a Open Cockpit. It has sufficient Strength to be able to carry 750 lbs at Medium Load (whatever that is), and 0 CON, INT, WIS and CHA. Some can be fitted with melee vessel weapons that the pilot can use to make attacks with while flying the vessel. Magically enhanced gliders provide handling modifiers for the pilot's Piloting skill checks.

The pilot uses the Piloting skill (DEX) to maneuver the vessel.

As a vehicle it has no Dexterity and cannot take a run or double move action.

Cool stuff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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