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Foot Cream Kills HIV by Tricking Cells to Commit Suicide

Dog Moon

What is the Hive?

It looks like it's EnWorld's version of the What Do You Want to Talk About Thread that was just recently started that you are a part of it... except it's EnWorld's thing and has been going on for YEARS. It kinda blew up a couple years ago and slowed down, but it's still going.

I'm sure one of the other Hivers could explain it better than me.

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Naked and living in a barrel
You are more than welcomed to post in the WDYWTTA thread. It is not like we are an elitist clique. I'm the only member of the elite that is part of the OTTers. Post-bourgeoisie, to be precise.

Dog Moon

Here's the current Hive thread. http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?304864-Happy-Haggert-Hurried-Hungry-Hitch-Hiking-Hired-Henchmen-Hivers-apply-within/page57

There's more, older Hive threads if you're REALLY bored and want to read through them and you decide to search for them, but that's the current one and probably the final one.

Before they always limited us to 1,000 posts so at approximately 1,000 posts a new thread was started. But apparently they stopped that recently and that's why the current one is still going.


If it passes the clinical trials, that could go down as one of the great medical discoveries in history.

...gonna have to come up with a better delivery system, though...

I can't imagine a topical cream getting into the body deep enough to truly cure HIV.

A crazier cure I invented for HIV is hypothermia. By the specs, HIV can't survive outside a body, namely because it's optimal range is body temperature.

So, if you lower the patient into an ice bath to induce hypothermia, when the body's core goes below the HIV survival temperature (and hold it long enough), you'd kill the HIV.

It seems doable (science can induce hypothermia and bring the patient back to normal temperature), but it's pretty risky, and a weakened patient with HIV probably can't survive the cure.


So who thinks that pharmaceuticals are unhappy with this? Cause right now treatment means taking pills for the rest of your life. Much more profitable than afew pills that kill the virus.

On an other side note, I feel vindicated for not using condoms all these years.

Quite possibly, not happy. though they've got a vaccine in the works, I've heard in the news (as in getting tested right now).

A related tale from a friend who used to work for a medical testing lab of national size was that there was this new colon cancer test that just needed a poop sample they were training for (training on how to run the actual test on the material, not the collection). The test was going to be $30. So it was very reliable, low cost, and less intrusive (just poop into the cup, sir).

However, the project stopped because hospitals refused to adopt it, because they'd spent millions of dollars on colonoscopy machines that they were still making payments on.

The story is reasonably true (my friend really did train to perform the test, and that is the background he heard on it at his job to run tests).

What that means is that there is likely a plethora of medical treatments, tests, cures, etc that don't make it to the public, because there's money to be made with the current stuff.


Naked and living in a barrel
Quite possibly, not happy. though they've got a vaccine in the works, I've heard in the news (as in getting tested right now).

A related tale from a friend who used to work for a medical testing lab of national size was that there was this new colon cancer test that just needed a poop sample they were training for (training on how to run the actual test on the material, not the collection). The test was going to be $30. So it was very reliable, low cost, and less intrusive (just poop into the cup, sir).

However, the project stopped because hospitals refused to adopt it, because they'd spent millions of dollars on colonoscopy machines that they were still making payments on.

The story is reasonably true (my friend really did train to perform the test, and that is the background he heard on it at his job to run tests).

What that means is that there is likely a plethora of medical treatments, tests, cures, etc that don't make it to the public, because there's money to be made with the current stuff.
Same thing with cold fusion.


Chaotic Looseleaf
What that means is that there is likely a plethora of medical treatments, tests, cures, etc that don't make it to the public, because there's money to be made with the current stuff.

This is a pretty commonly held cynicism, but it's probably not accurate for the most part. I could go on about drug pipelines and pharmaceutical regulation, but it ultimately comes down to one simple point that anyone who has ever worked for any corporation knows: corporations do not look to the long dollar. They aren't built for it. They will gleefully sacrifice profitability five years from now for profitability this quarter.

Even if there were trepidation in the industry regarding the adoption of a one-shot cure for herpegonosyphilaids in place of a long-term treatment, /one company/ would break with the pack to manufacture the cure, just for the 90-day jetpack on their stock shares. And then everyone's herpegonosyphilaids treatments are worthless and it's a race to see who can manufacture a cure with fewer side effects, with a friendlier presentation, or for less money.

In your grim assessment of corporate greed you are forgetting one thing: corporate greed.

However, the project stopped because hospitals refused to adopt it, because they'd spent millions of dollars on colonoscopy machines that they were still making payments on.

What is far more likely is that the hospitals realized that the poop test would not replace the colonoscopy as a diagnostic instrument. A guaranteed accurate negative result is the Loch Ness Monster of the world of diagnostic medicine. Put another way, it is comparatively simple to prove that a thing is there. Proving that it is not there is virtually impossible.

A negative result from the poop test would be inconclusive at best, requiring a follow-up colonoscopy, and a positive result wouldn't tell you where the cancer is, requiring a follow-up colonoscopy.

Either way, if you're over 50, PREPARE THYSELF.

Voidrunner's Codex

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