For Suliss

Lee Tackyhands

First Post
**A note is tacked to the corkboard in the Rotunda**


I apologize for my long journey. I will endeavor to be home soon, however. I pray to the gods that you are healthy and still well supplied.

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in a garden.
**The note is signed in a smooth, ptacticed hand**
Leevelios Sta'keyha

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First Post
A small figure in a gray-green cloak and carrying a guitar case approaches the cork board. A slim dark hand reaches up to take the note. Anyone standing nearby might hear a soft murmur of, "He's alive... and hopefully well, since he was able to get this here."

Suliss moves off again, the note clasped in her hand and a happy smile visible on her face to anyone short enough to see under the hood of her cloak.

Voidrunner's Codex

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