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Forgotten Realms Campaign

Norman Firebeard

First Post
Sorry for the lack of a reply for a few days - my internet has been down. Oh well.

Deadline date for characters to be typed up?

I have not made a set deadline. As soon as I can get 8 characters that spike my interest then I'll get things rollin'.

Could you give us a rough idea of what type of adventures we'd be pursuing? Urban? Wilderness? Investigative? Combat-centered? Are we in fact going to be tromping around through the wilderness of Aunoroch searching for the lost city of Shade?
So, am I correct in ascertaining that this campaign will revolve somewhat around investigating the sudden disappearance of Shade? I just ask because, if so, I'd like to write up a background for a Thayan agent sent to find out just what has happened to the lately returned remnant of a great arcane empire

Expect to experience all of the above - dungeons, urban, wilderness, investigative, etc... this is a really long campaign which incorporates everything. I have been working on this adventure for a few years now, so it is pretty in-depth. However, it would be good for me to note that at first this game does begin with quite a bit of dungeon adventuring FYI. The investigation on the City of Shade will come later, but the first chapter of this campaign involves problems that are about to arise in Cormyr itself, as well as some Underdark stuff.

Interesting character Unkabear - great description of your character, this is how I like to see my character submissions. Thanks for being the first to setting the example. :)

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Hey, good to see the campaign is still going to happen :D I'll have my background put together by sometime tomorrow. Ok, so I got carried away - behold! Fhetek Ghot!

Background and Sociopolitical Context

Were they not all completely bald, the hair of every Red Wizard in Thay surely would have stood up in excitement at the news of King Azoun of Cormyr’s death.

Not least among those practically salivating at the sudden vacuum of power was Samas Kul, Master of the Guild of Foreign Trade. While Tharchion Kren was no doubt petitioning some Zulkir or another for permission to lead a flotilla against Marsember, Kul immediately began arranging for the establishment of an enclave in the heart of Suzail. By no means lacking in the Machiavellian aspirations of his colleagues, Kul is simply a proponent of those means of expanding Thay’s global stranglehold that will also expand his personal fortune.

Fhetek Ghot was born the only son of a doctor in the city of Bezantur. Like all children of freeborn Thayans, Fhetek was examined at an early age for signs of magical aptitude. It was discovered that he did, in fact, possess no small capacity for the art. Indeed, perhaps due to years of exposure to matters of life and death concerning his father’s patients – births, illnesses, the slow wasting of age – he seemed intuitively apt in the practice of necromancy. Unfortunately, the Tharchion of Priador is also the Zulkir of Evocation, and, in true academic fashion, his research interests find almost exclusive reflection in the Tharch’s institutions of arcane education. So, possessing no real wealth or influence, Fhetek was unceremoniously shunted off to a small school in distant Surthay; in fact, a decrepit estate on the edge of the Surmarsh, administered by an eccentric (to put it politely), but powerful necromancer. Fhetek’s tutor, Ghorus Khraat loathed taking on students, and much of Fhetek’s time was spent maintaining the animated corpses patrolling the grounds, or enduring such bizarre instructions as standing barefoot in the marsh for hours on end, in order to “truly internalize” his understanding of “the nature of decay.” Nevertheless, by assisting in Khraat’s rituals and experiments, Fhetek gradually attained the rank of outermost circle initiate, and was released from his apprenticeship.

Realizing that a necromancer had no hope of even playing the games of power among Priador’s Red Wizards, and being absolutely penniless, upon his return home, Fhetek went straight to the Guild of Foreign Trade, seeking an assignment abroad. As luck would have it, preparations were nearing completion for the opening of the Guild’s Cormyr enclave; the only setback was the difficulty in finding anyone willing to risk appointment in what would be, initially at least, hostile territory. Having nothing to lose, Fhetek signed up without a second thought.

Appearance and Personality

A fairly typical Mulan, Fhetek is about 5’9” tall, and a somewhat gaunt 114 lbs. His complexion is rather more pale than typical, even for one of his ethnicity, and his scalp and face are kept clean-shaven. His scalp tattoos, given to him by his old master, and forever setting him apart, even in his homeland, are a complex pattern of arabesques and stylized skulls. Not yet a true Red Wizard, Fhetek typically wears a simple, undyed linen or woolen robe. His duties in the enclave are mostly of an industrial nature, assisting in the brewing of potions and assembly of magical devices prior to their enchantment. He has little cause to interact with the public, which leads him to fall into a somewhat disheveled appearance.

Having endured unremitting frustrations to get where he is, Fhetek has no intention of complacently accepting what comes his way; he considers his current circumstances just a stepping stone on the path to power and prestige he knows he has more than earned. He approaches everything with an analytic calm, prepared to claim an advantage as soon as he discerns it.
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First Post
Not a problem. The little guy just sort of came to me. And though I am not a fan of starting at first level...a good story is more than enough to make me to wave my feelings toward that.
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Human Male
Lawful Neutral

Born in Saerloon as Faenel, your mother died shortly after you were born. Your father, who was a merchant, gave you up for adoption in grief, to his wife's oldest sister, who lived near Selgaunt in a farm.

Your aunt, Illustria, who had no husband nor children, had always wanted a child, but was ill-suited for motherhood, with her short-fused temper and being extremely strict as well. As you grew up, her temper got worse, unbearably so, and she treated you no better then a slave to work her farm.

A day after you turned thirteen, you ran away from the farm and your strict aunt, heading to Saerloon, hoping to find your father there. Three days after running away, an early blizzard came in, and caught you unprepared, with no shelter in sight. A kind monk, Uhlue, from the nearby Open Hand Monastery, spotted you, and took you in, saving you from the harsh weather. During the winter, he befriended you, becoming the father you had never known. After the winter passed, you asked if you could stay, and learn the ways of the Open Hand, and they gladly accepted you. You took a new name, Nalok, as a rite of passage from your old life, to your new life.

After spending eleven years at the monastery, you have decided to search out your father, and let him know you are still alive, and headed to Wheloon in Comyr where you heard he was at, from a merchant who just came from there.


Maelicent the Gudwulf
Goblin Male
Swordsage or Mindblade

Maelicent had trained with the other males since early childhood in the proud military tradition of the Gudwulf tribe. He'd learned the art of the shield, spear and bow alongside his six brothers. The young goblin had drilled in group tactics, been taught to hide himself and patiently wait for hours in ambush alongside his gangmates. Maelicent's had proudly underwent the rite of adulthood the previous year with his best friend Grishaaw at his side. He'd subsequently sworn the blood oath with his gangmates before the assembled kinsmen beneath the auspices of Chief Hortenz and his wife Aezza, the tribe's witch. He'd never been prouder in his life.

Following his official indoctrination into the Tribeland's military force, Maelicent's gang was assigned their first commission as warren-wardens; a tour which was supposed to last a year. If his sergeant, an old brutish shrew named Kurdven, found his gang's service to be satisfactory then the young goblin could have looked forward to a tour of duty as one of Tribelands perimeter warders. Two more years of faithful service and he would have been eligible for duty amongst the esteemed Gudwulf raiding warbands. If his exploits amongst their number caught the eye of one of the Chief's lieutenants then Maelicent might even be considered for training amongst the tribe's elite warriors, the Thunder-riders; the military's mounted worg-rider division. Maelicent dreamed of nothing less grand.

Never in his wildest dreams however did Maelicent imagine what would bring about the end of all such hopes. It started simply enough; a horn call warning of trespassers entering the Tribelands. Maelicent's gang was put on alert along with all other members of the military. His gang would remain so until the all-clear was sounded. Somewhere nearby traps were being set, troops were deployed and ambushes were being prepared; all pre-planned defenses. The first hint of a problem soon followed in the form of another horn-call signaling a retreat. Maelicent and his gangmates were suddenly on edge and nervous. Would they possibly see battle on that day? Would they bleed in defense of the Tribelands? There yet remained many more defensive lines of entrenched warriors waiting in ambush with a network of traps protecting all advances into the warrens. It seemed unlikely.

Too soon however, another horn-call announced that the second perimeter had been breached. Panic began to grip the warrens. Maelicent and his gangmates did their best to maintain order. Sergeant Kurdven soon appeared, informing the young wardens that the invaders were a gang of small giant-kin; humans and dwarves most likely. It sounded ludicrous; a gang only totaled 4 to 8 individuals. How could they have possibly penetrated through two lines of defense in so short a time? It would mean that they'd bested nearly two score goblin warders. Very quickly however, the Thunder-riders were saddling their mounts and heading out of the warrens at the behest of the Chief. Nothing could surely stand against their vicious onslaught.

Something did; and kept coming.

The witch was busily trying to divine these invaders' weakness while her husband ordered the women and children to flee down into the underdark through the secret tunnels. Maelicent's gang was ordered to hold their ground at the warren's gate to buy their fleeing kinsmen time to escape. Maelicent and his trembling gangmates didn't have to wait long to meet their fate. Like gods upon the earth they strode forth, with nary a sign of fear or remorse in their eyes. Their footfalls left a trail of blood in their wake and the air around them hummed and glowed with power as they approached. Fire, lightning and other eldricht forces that Maelicent had no names for danced along their bodies and bared weapons. The young goblin had never seen anything the likes of these folk, they were the stuff of legend; they were Adventurers.

Maelicent and his gangmates didn't last long against the otherworldly might of such beings. It was either luck, indifference or perhaps a simple oversight which left the young goblin bleeding but alive in the invaders' wake. The carnage went on for many hours it seemed, though it was likely only a few minutes. The young goblin stared at the death ricktus upon his friend Grishaaw's charred face as he lay amongst his dead gangmates. From deep within the warrens Maelicent heard the crack of thunder and felt the shaking of the earth beneath his prone body. The Gudwulf tribe seemed doomed. The proud Tribelands would fall and nothing but blood soaked earth and ashes would be left of the world he'd known.

When the adventurers left, as easily and casually as they'd entered the Tribelands, Maelicent lifted his broken and bleeding body and crawled out into the light to catch a glimpse of the Harbingers of Death as they departed. He knew he was meant to turn around and crawl back into the comforting shadows of the warrens. There would be survivors in hiding down in the underdark, somewhere. They'd be determined, as always, to move elsewhere, lick their wounds, count their numbers and begin anew. Maelicent saw no point in doing so. He'd seen mortals men, not terribly unlike himself, wield powers previously undreamed of. The full might of the Gudwulf tribe had broken against the advance of the invaders like water upon a ship's prow. Crawling around in the dirt, breeding a new generation of warriors who in turn he'd teach to fight with the same paltry skills and tactics he'd been taught seemed ludicrous now. More than he'd ever dreamed possible existed out there, outside of the Tribelands; a might he himself could, would learn to wield in time. Then perhaps he'd have something worthy to teach the next generation of the once proud Gudwulf tribe.

Maelicent picked himself up off the ground with difficulty but with a fierce new resolve in his heart. He took an uncertain step into a larger world as he set off in search of a new dream; he would become an Adventurer.
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First Post
Saelwyn Ceiliandalarna

Gray Elf
Lawful Neutral

Saelwyn is an old elf, but has not seen much of the world. He has tended his small grove in the depths of Hullack forest for almost four hundred years. His hair, silver. His skin, old enough to be wrinkled. He would normally be content to live out the remainder of his days in his little spot in the woods, tending to his own patch of Faerun as best he can, but the woods speak, and when the woods speak a druid listens. The wind and trees and woodland creatures have warned Saelwyn that his own fugue could destroy the grove itself.

Saelwyn pondered this for a long year or two, but knew in his heart that the land knew best. He packed up what few possessions he had from his many years amongst the trees and headed out to see what had become of civilization. It wasn't long before he came to a small village, and after correcting his knowledge of the common tongue for the changes the years have wrought, he wandered into the larger city of Wheloon.


Saelwyn cares little but the health of the land, but does consider humans, and the other races of Faerun, to be natural parts of the world, and worthy of his protection as well. He fears the vision he has had of his grove dying beside him, so he seeks to revitalize himself among the younger races, as he has heard stories of other elves doing. Perhaps as well, he seeks a successor...


First Post
I went ahead and made my character using the 25 point by system you requested. If anything a miss for your campaigan then let me know and I've no problem chaging any of it. This is just a rough draft of what he would look like, though I would prefer if his background would be left alone, but as I said I have no problem changing it if you have any major problems
Ivellious Nailo

Male Wood Elf Ranger 1
Chaotic Neutral
Origin: The Yuirwood

Strength 	17	(+3)
Dexterity 	14	(+2)
Constitution 	12	(+1)
Intelligence 	8	(-1)
Wisdom 	       13	(+1)
Charisma 	8	(-1)
Size: 	Medium
Height: 	5' 4"
Weight: 	140 lb
Skin: 	Light
Eyes: 	Green
Hair: 	Blond; Wavy; Beardless

Sect: Solonor Thelandira

Total Hit Points: 9

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [leather] + 2 [dexterity]

      Touch AC: 12
      Flat-footed: 12

Initiative modifier:	+ 2	= + 2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:	+ 3	= 2 [base] + 1 [constitution]
Reflex save:	+ 4	= 2 [base] + 2 [dexterity]
Will save:	+ 1	= 0 [base] + 1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):	+ 4	= 1 [base] + 3 [strength]
Attack (missile):	+ 3	= 1 [base] + 2 [dexterity]
Grapple check:	+ 4	= 1 [base] + 3 [strength]

Light load:86 lb. or less
Medium load:87-173 lb.
Heavy load:174-260 lb.
Lift over head:260 lb.
Lift off ground:520 lb.
Push or drag:1300 lb.
Languages:	Aglarondan Common Elven

Short Sword [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]

Longsword [1d8, crit 19-20/x2 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]

Longbow [1d8, crit x3, range inc. 100 ft, 3 lb, piercing]

Leather armor [light; + 2 AC; max dex + 6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]


      Treetopper (regional feat)

      Track	[free to rangers]

Skill Name             Key Ability    Skill Modifier    Ability Modifier    Ranks    Misc. Modifier
Appraise 	            Int 	  -1 = 	                 -1		
Balance 	           Dex* 	  4 = 	               +2                          +2 [treetopper]
Bluff 	                     Cha 	   -1 = 	          -1
Climb 	                     Str* 	    5 = 	         +3                           +2 [treetopper]
Concentration 	         Con 	        1 = 	             +1
Diplomacy 	          Cha 	        -1 = 	               -1
Disguise 	            Cha 	  -1 = 	                 -1
Escape Artist 	          Dex* 	         2 = 	              +2
Forgery 	            Int 	   -1 = 	         -1
Gather Information 	Cha 	      -1 = 	            -1
Handle Animal 	          Cha 	         3 = 	              -1               + 4 	
Heal 	                     Wis 	     1 = 	          +1
Hide 	                     Dex* 	    4 = 	         +2               + 2 	
Intimidate 	           Cha 	          -1 = 	                -1
Jump 	                    Str* 	    3 = 	         +3
Listen 	                     Wis 	     4 = 	          +1	           + 1 	    +2 [elf]
Move Silently 	          Dex* 	          4 = 	              +2               + 2 	
Ride 	                     Dex 	      3 = 	          +2               + 1 	
Search 	                    Int 	     4 = 	          -1               + 3 	    +2 [elf]
Sense Motive 	         Wis 	          1 = 	              +1
Spot 	                     Wis 	      4 = 	          +1               + 1 	     +2 [elf]
Survival 	             Wis 	      5 = 	          +1               + 4 	
Swim 	                    Str** 	    -7 = 	         +3                           -10 [50 pounds]
Use Rope 	           Dex 	            4 = 	        +2                + 2 	

* = check penalty for wearing armor
** = check penalty for every five pounds
Wood Elf:

    * +2 dexterity / +2 strength / -2 constitution / -2 intelligence (already included)
    * Immune to magical sleep
    * +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
    * Low-light vision
    * Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow && shortbow
    * +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks
    * Notice secret doors; automatic search check if in five feet


    * Favored enemies
    * Track as bonus feat (already included)
    * Wild empathy (roll level + charisma bonus)

Favored Enemies:

    * Humanoids (goblinoid) + 2

Feat distinctive for Toril:

     Treetopper: Gain +2 on Balance and Climb checks, retain Dex bonus to AC while                                     climbing

Ivellious Nailo's Equipment:

Weapons / Armor /  (from above)     23 lb  
Arrows (quiver of 20) x1                   3 lb
Backpack                                       2 lb
Bedroll                                           5 lb
Flint and steel     
Rations (1 day) x7                           7 lb
Rope (50', silk) x1                            5 lb
Signet ring
Torches x3                                     3 lb
Waterskins x1                                 4 lb
Whetstone                                     1 lb
Healer kit                                       1 lb
Total                                            54 lb	
More about Ivellious Nailo:

      Ivellious is the prince of the wood elves in the Yuirwood. Though he was suppose to grow into his father's poistion, Ivellious always had different ideas, and dreamed of adventuring. When he reached the age of 123, Ivellious set out of the Yuriwood with nothing more than his armor and his weapons, and began trying to make a name for himself, but after a year of adventuring Ivellious hasn't been able to do a whole lot. His overconfidence has gotten him into more than one fight that he couldn't handle and has always been able to slip away before it has gotten him killed. He has finally concided to try and get others to help him with his quest to become an adventurer in the city of Cormyr. 
      Ivellious is most quiet until he finds that he must say something, though he is slightly more talktive to elves, and more so to wood elves. That is not to say he isn't a caring person, just doesn't know if what he wants to say is the correct thing to say. Ivellious does not metion anything of the fact of his role in his homeland as he does not want to be treated any different than anyone else in the party, and sercetly hopes no one figures it out. Ivellious has a strong sense of friendship, and will always help anyone that he deems a friend.
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First Post
I'm interested in this campaign if it is not too late. At the moment I'm too tired to write up the character any further, but will do so tomorrow.

Lenindal of Old Fables
Male (Lightfoot) Halfling of the Western Heartlands

Excuse me, but how is starting money going to be done? I'm going to assume everyone is getting a regional bonus equipment and feat.

EDIT: Here is the background / personality of my character. [Sorry if it's a bit long]

Lenindal was born in Corm Orp of the Western Heartlands 25 years ago on a full moon. For whatever reason, they said his birth was a cursed one. He contracted a disease that slowly drained him of his health and eyesight. Lenindal's family was big one, who have lived in the village for years and years as farmers and occasionally shopkeepers. Despite his ever developing disability, his brothers and sisters treated him like a normal boy. He was extremely intelligent for his age and the most charismatic of his family.

By the age of 5, Lenindal was partly blind and incredibly frail. He did not read many books or looked at many pieces of art because of his condition, but he did enjoy songs played by musicians who traveled through the town and tall-tales that his siblings read to him. Overall, he was conformable and his love of stories and music blossomed. Unfortunately, it didn't seem his life would last much longer. When he was 8, it seemed he was living in his final months. His parents could not bare to think about losing their child so they begged for help. Corm Orp has always been a warm place for a Harper to stay. A female Human Harper, who name Lenindal never found out, visited the town to answer the call of help. She discovered that Lenindal was suffering from a simple disease that could actually be cured with holy magic. This Harper happened to have the skills to do so and cured him. Lenindal, without asking her name, was curious of why she did it and who sent her. She told him that good people who strength should extend their help to others. She also told him of the Harpers.

Lenindal's health not only recovered but he became strong and lively like an average Halfling child. Despite being able to see clearly, he continued to favor music and vocal stories. In his teenage years, Lenindal had a friend of the family build him an instrument he liked most, the Harp. With permission he traveled to Berdusk, where he studied basics of song and slowly evolved into a Bard in his own right. However, what really interested Lenindal was Berdusk's alignment with the Harpers. He suspected that the Harper that helped him came from this very city.

When he gathered enough courage, he visited a member of the Harpers and asked what it took to become a member of it's ranks. The Harper told him that he would need experience, but he had to heart to join. The Harper he spoke to knew Lenindal well and he reminded him of something Lenindal had not calculated. Lenindal interest in becoming a Harper was second only to becoming an adventurer. He advised him to travel throughout the Heartlands and perhaps all of Faerun helping people, living out the legends he loved to sing about. If he had done enough good, the Harpers would be more than happy to add him to their ranks. Lenindal took his words to heart, and when he left Berdusk to return home, he could not stop thinking about it.

When he turned twenty, after working on his father's farm, he decided he would put his skills as a bard to use. He amassed his possessions, including mostly a bedroll and his trusty harp, and left his hometown, leaving only a note that simply read: "See you around - Lenindal of Old Fables". For five years he slowly traveled east, perfecting his songs, picking up on new skills, and gaining enough gold to buy him an adventurer's gear. He had many chances to follow leads that could have entered him into the world of adventuring, but he didn't like the type of stuff it involved: slaughtering this or that, robbing him or her. By the time he reached Wheloon of Cormyr, he realized he would be flat-out broke if he didn't accept something. After all, no one said that being an adventurer was nice and friendly, and Lenindal finally realized that.

He decided the next thing he came across he would accept. It just so happened to be a simple task as to carry a cloaked lizard to some mage fellow.

Lenindal is an usually happy Halfling who is a bit proud of his heritage, but never cocky or rude. He loves songs and legends and is always up to listen to a story. He greatly prefers peace over any sort of violence, and will go out of his way to avoid dangerous encounters through diplomacy or hiding. Otherwise, he fears little and has no fear of death, which he sees as something that he can not prevent entirely and welcomes it when it comes. This could be an effect from his near-deadly sickness as a child. Lenindal bonds well with children and animals, and is always ready to humiliate himself if he must to help someone or make them feel more comfortable. Despite being down to earth and understanding, he kind of shy when the topic of women comes up, especially if it is among Halflings.

While Lightfoot Halflings greatly respect the fox, Lenindal instead idolizes the Brass Dragon. He wishes to meet one or many during lifetime. Lenindal's biggest priority is become an experienced adventurer. He also plans on becoming Harper and hopes to be in a situation where he can assist them greatly. He is not sure if he will ever return home or not. At the moment, he will let fate decide that: if he dies before he can visit his home at least once, then so be it.

The name "Lenindal of Old Fables" is a name he created based on a his favorite set of stories that were collected in a book simply titled "Hafling's Old Fables". Lenindal does not let anyone know his last name and takes his new name quite seriously.

Lenindal is the average height and weight of a Hafling, and looks healthy enough, a big difference comapred to his childhood. He has amber eyes and light skin. While his eyebrows and a small goatee are a dark blond, his hair is oddly pale with a tint of blue. This is a result from the disease he had as a child. He often cuts it short and covers all but the front of it with a leather cap. Another notable feature of Lenindal is that he is that he keeps himself very clean and well kept, from his skin to his nails, using all sorts of cosmetics a male of any race would be embarrassed to mention. On his left forearm, he has a tattoo of a brass wyrmling, a symbol of his respect for the color of dragon. Whenever he is on a dangerous task or simply wants to look like an adventurer, he wears a suit of studded leather with his harp loosely tied to his back and a concealed shortsword on his right pant leg.

EDIT 2: I'm readily available, and can post daily (or more than once a day, during certain times) if needed.
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Out of curiosity: are the only races allowable LA +0 races? There's something I've been idly considering attempting, but I've been waiting for a game that sounds interesting enough to give it a shot: the race, however, is LA +2, so I want to be certain that it won't be a problem before trying to write something up for it.

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