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Forked Thread: Describing a setting in 12 bullet points - Spelljammer

Forked from: Describing a setting in 12 bullet points

Hussar said:
Hey Silverblade, I never really gave Spelljammer a chance when it came out. But, how did the ship to ship combat rules work out? That's one place where i've found D&D doesn't do very well, when you have some thirty or forty combatants to a side. Too many die rolls.

How did SJ handle ship to ship combat.

forking to not clutter up a good thread :)

lol, they were good and bad.

The Helmsman was major part of it, their level of spell casting, and THAC0 (Base attack bonus for younger whipper snappers :p) affected how fast the ship could move, and how good they were at ramming.
That and damage TO the ships were ok (10hp damage = 1 hull point, fair enough). So movement and ships themselves were ok to work with.

You could criticals on ships, and a tbale for varied effects, including "Jammershock", the helsman is stunned. Basically the Helsman IS the ship whe he's using the helm, the ship becomes an extension of himself.

Problem did come with mass crew fights :p
2nd ed was easier to deal with multiple combatants than 3rd, OMG, 3.5 would suck for shipboard fights.
Also, if you used the rules from Battlesystem for the 2nd ed rules it was simpler. (basically each hit dice or level became "1 hit point", a precursor to the minion idea, any melee hit removed 1 hp and dice of damage removed 1 hp per die of damage)

I think now with 4th ed it could be a hell of a lot easier!
4th ed rules for minions, and ships as "creatures" vastly simplifies it.

For simplicity sake, what I'd say is that a SPellajmmer ship should be treated like a creature (see the rules for a "Spelljammer" in Manual of the Planes which i what 4th ed ha sdone, vehicles = creatures),
with multiple attacks who's attack/damage is just based off what the weapon/crew are, but ignore the weapon crew per se, because as long as enough crew are alive to fire it, who cares!

Sort of liek this:

Gargantuan Vehivle
HP 500 Space blah blah
Resists: All 5
AC: low (easy to hit as they are big) Fortiude Reflex (no WIll)
Speed 12, Fly overland flight 15
Helmsnan must be at helm and conscious or ship slows and levitates to the gorund over 4 rounds.

Crew *only* trained crew can affect the ships handling, if they die, nothing happens ot the ship. 10 trained crew can EITHER improve speed by 1, or manouverability (varies on size, dunno what sizes they will have)

Leaders/sargeants etc would be full NPCs, rest as minions, those with a ship weapon skill would grant a +1 attack bonus in 4 square radius as an aura, as simple rule.

There has been official rules for ballistas and damage but I can't recall where, think it was 4d10 damage for a light ballista?

:ranged: Ballista standard at will; x4 though, 4d10

What I don't agree with form the Manual of the Planes Spelljammer, isthat if the ship lsot crew, it goes out of control. That makes no sense, it's the Helm and Helsman who powers the ship! Crew just help with manouverability (sails etc). Frankly I think crew should be ignored as much as possible for ship handling, Spelljammers are *not* "sailing ships" per se, they are flying ships.
leave the crew for fighting, or improving, when suitable, ship performance, not degrading it by their loss.

Hm, something like:

Sailing Master
Fast Warship: Aura 10, while conscious, when a ship and helmsman are both in range, the ship gains a +2 square speed bonus

you could have stock NPCs with proffessions, and feats, for Spelljammer ship improvement....oh the ideas!! :p

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Now that looks sweet.

I'd love to see a 4e take on all the naval combat rules that 3e had. I loved me things like Broadsides!! But, man, oh man were those rules SLOWWWWW! Sorry, I do not want my fight between two sailing ships to be played in real time. ;)


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But, man, oh man were those rules SLOWWWWW! Sorry, I do not want my fight between two sailing ships to be played in real time. ;)

Don't tell my naval war gaming friends! They'll keelhaul you!

(Me, I play fast and loose with the WizKids game.)

Yeah it needs ot be FAST! :)
with a ship played like a monster, it can be done.
4th ed is perfect for this, I believe.
also you have push/pull/slide/teleport, and ability grant speed, all those rules work into Spelljamer neatly.

Warlords would be perfect "deck cpatains", leaders of baording parties etc.

I'm not sure how best to run helms, they used to drain magic from the caster, personally I like that, but you could either say it's the "at will powers" that keep it going, or if you want ot be harsh, a daily?

imagine deckplans of spelljammer ships in the "Dungeon Tiles" packs!!

I adored films like "Captain Blood" long before the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films came out, so having D&d, in SPACE, with ships...nerdgasm!!! :D
lol this is sooooo true:

that's why I've spent os much time doing art, I adore D&D and especially Dark Sun and Spelljammer, so I learned how to build ship models in 3D...I can't paint like Easely, Caldwell, Brom etc.
I'm not WOTC, I can't make Spelljammer be published again, lol. I'd beg on me knees if that's what they wanted.
but I'm damn well determined to make the wonder and beauty I see in those settings and adventures come to life for everyone ot enjoy, and make someone else have a sparkle of wonderment, ya know? :)
So that's what I've been doing for years. The games are fun and great, they also engender fantastic ideas and scenes, so I try and make 'em come alive.

I want Dark Sun and Spelljammer 4th ed ASAP!!

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First Post
I'd like a Spelljammer setting, too, but I definitely don't want a) easily portable helms, and b) helms draining spells/whatever from a party member.


Y'know, I don't know much about Spelljammer. Scratch that, I know next to nothing about SJ. But, it seems to me that if you were going to have helms that drain from the user, burning healing surges would do the trick.

Using the helm is so mentally draining that it sucks out all your energy. If you run out of healing surges, you start taking damage. Take enough and you die.

Means that any class could drive the ship, not just casters (which I believe was how SJ was set originally).

Well, you could have "martial" "divine" and other helms now ;)
helms could merely require the pwoer of at wills for energy

Lifejammers and Death helms should be kept though, those use life energy (healing surges would be perfect for 4th), the death helm is worst of all, it charms you into being a willing vicitm :devil:
both are used by the neogi, another great bit of fluffish reason to hate the SOBS, hehe

for 4th ed the Campaign guide would need a chapter detailing well the three main settings systems: Realm Space; Grey Space and Krynn Space, plus Rock of Bral and Refuge as mainstays of Spelljammer adventures, so folk have a starting foundation
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Honestly Silverblade, and I know you're not going to love me for saying this, I would say that any new Spelljammer should be a complete rewrite of the setting. For one thing, Greyhawk doesn't even exist in 4e. Nor does Krynn for that matter. Trying to bring forward canon from material that is that old is a bad idea.

I would rather see Realmspace be used to navigate the Astral Sea. Sort of a fusion between Spelljammer and Planescape.

who says it doesn't exist in 4th ed? it's just not been released (discovered) yet! ;)
Lot of folk think there will be "Astraljamming" which is cool, but you NEED space jamming too.

OMFG!!! roflmao!! :D hahaha!!! that's bloody awesome!

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