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[FR] Heroes of the Vilhon Reach II (updated 3/6!)


First Post

YAHOO! The check is in the mail. =) heheh (refering to the fact that Broc finally posted for those who don't understand my obscure and strange humor).

Btw Broc, as I remember it, they were burrowing in two parts, ended up in the cells, were upset that they hadn't planned efficiently and were making another attempt when the ugly squid popped up just as they were attempting to burrow to the surface of the arena. For a moment *they THOUGHT* they were gonna get away with it. That's when the dood appeared and you were just a sick and twisted mind after that with all of the stuff you put us through! =) hehehe

*hugs* Hey Aris! I miss you guys!!! Must hang out soon! Love you bunches both of you.

Your effervescent Rei, alkaseltzer wannabe.

Erm when do you guys plan on playing next. I like wanna go down and stuff but I need to know like when you guys are gonna do it!

Having fun kickin' it. -yrs truly. =)

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here comes 'sick and twisted'

The Rescue of Dorthan Lhal, part II

the day after Ellysidell fell and the same day Benito and the Heroes destroyed the Temple of Lovitar beneath Twillight Hollow

Manta del Ray drew first blood as his greatsword split Dorthan Lhal's (aka The Scourge) breastplate. The raging gladiator behind the mask only screamed louder and hacked into Manta three solid times. The last slice, to Manta's leg, spun the water genasi around with its shear power and he fell prone.

Valeria the Red winced for both Manta and her father, then movement caught behind her caught her attention. Turning, she saw "Jenner" rush at her. Before she could react, the doppleganger had run his shoulder into mid-section and she toppled over (amidst gasps from the nearby ladies) into the sand of the arena.

"Traitorrrr...," she cried, spitting sand out of her mouth and looking for the fleeing betrayer.

Jhovan from his position, saw the shapechanger act, but before he could follow him into the throng of people who had clustered on the rail to see the "accident", he noticed a tattooed monk of the Quivering Thumb slowly draw a wand close by.

Silently, the ex-assassain sprung and stabbed deeply into the wand-wielder, with no one else the wiser.

"Not today, Jack," he whispered into his prey's ear, clamping a hand over his victim's mouth as he eased the corpse to the ground.

The task complete, Jhovan the Grey looked up to see that Kith was getting away and Zert trapped by the curious spectators. He sighed and went to collect the half-orc, trying to keep one eye on the traitor.

In the pit, Manta had not faired well. Even after rolling away from the crazed ex-paladin, more of his blood flowed onto the sand as the Scourge had chased him down and chopped into him again. Over the noise of the crowd, he heard a song dedicated to him, and somehow rose to close with the Scourge again only to be sliced and dropped...again.

Valeria stood up and looked across the arena to the combatants. She reached between her shoulders grabbed the hilt of her hidden longsword and pulled up, tearing her expensive gown. Some "oohhs" issued from the nearby crowd and at first some ladies and young men averted their eyes, but the gasps soon turned into cheers as, red-hair flowing behind her, Valeria began sprinting across the floor of the arena in shining, full plate armor.

"Father, I'm coming!!!" she yelled.


Down below, Kyros and Jenner shook off the effects of the first mind blast, but Nosr floated in a daze. The genasi tumbled past the athachs and the guards, striking the mind flayer as he stood up. It's tentacles writhed, but what emotion this displayed Jenner could not fathom. He hoped it signified pain.

Kyros began the combat by throwing the guards into each other and the ceiling breaking skulls and necks. Then, sped up as he was, attacked the first armored, three-armed giant. Fortunately, Kyros had had the forethought to cover himself with displacement and the not all the initial steel-shod giant club strikes hit. When they did, however, Kyros felt bones fracture.

An athach swung at Jenner and knocked him away from his illithid master back towards the hole. The genasi grimaced, but before he could go back after the main adversary, another mind blast hit the stalwart heroes.

Kyros, trained and prepared to deal with psionic attacks chose the best mental defense and withstood the assault. Jenner fell to the ground, aware of what was going on, but stunned and unable to make his muscles obey. The psionic warrior did not flinch and threw two dead guards into the squid-head. He thought he heard a squeal and the battered and bloodied creature shimmered away.

Now to deal with the atchachs! Kyros exclaimed to himself dodging and weaving and cutting at the tree-trunk legs of the beasts and keeping them too busy to finish Aris or Nosr.

A slavering foul-breathed mouth almost closed on his head.

Aaaarggh! And poison too!

But the voice came again, You think I am foolish. I did not reveal all

Kyros spun to look above and behind him. Another mind flayer shifted from the shadows near the back of the room, across the pit they had dug. It mind blasted the lone psychic warrior.


In the stands, Seance observed the situation. With all the concerted movement of guards and monks in the stands, he guessed that the Quivering Thumb had been expecting them. Alberia ran across the sand towards where the Scourge was about to kill Manta. She dodged and weaved as beams of light from the stands were fired at her by various robed and tatooed monks. They were probably sorcerers also. A few times she barely avoided being held in a globe of force that would materialize at the end of a gray beam. She was also hit by some of the green beams, but kept going unaffected by whatever they did.

Impressive... thought Seance.

He had already lost Jhovan and Zert and Kith amidst the crowd. Somewhere in front of him, the bard sang while invisible to encourage a bloody and nearly defeated Manta.

Just stay down, you fool! thought the mage as he shook his head.

But Manta had risen again. The Scourge kicked the water genasi in the chest sending him sprawling to the ground again and stepped on his weapon to prevent Manta from picking it up. The lesser gladiator was down and dying. Then Dorthan Lhal raised his bastard sword to deal the killing blow. The crowd was going wild.

That's when Alberia crashed into the Scourge and gave him a bear hug.

"I love you, Daddy...Dad I love you dont do this. "

The crowd paused as the words echoed across the stadium.

Varen's song stopped, "I've never seen this before!" he exclaimed and shortly after Seance saw footprints appear on the sand running towards the opening to the chambers below.

Now it was his time. He wove a spell and in seconds he was standing inbetween the "touching" reunion between Alberia and her father and a dying Manta.

While Alberia held on, Dorthan tore at his collar until his fingers bled. Somehow, the crazy woman's words had gotten through. As Seance saw guards begin to spill into the arena, he put a his booted foot on Manta.

You'll owe me laterl he thought.

"Okay, Red. Grab my shoulder. Where are we going again?"

Despite flowing tears Alberia realized the situation. "Temple of the Blinding Truth," she replied and put her hand on Seance's shoulder.

With a flourish Seance teleported the group from the Colisseum of the Quivering Thumb...

...and in an instant they were outside the temple of Tyr.

"Nooooooooooo!!!" screamed Alberia falling to her knees.

As the after-daze wore off, Seance realized what Alberia just had. The paladin clutched empty air. Somehow, Dorthan Lhal had been left behind!
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The Rescue of Dorthan Lhal, part III: The Attack of the Storm Cows

Kyros, the Mithral Knight reeled from the mental attack but remained unaffected. Then by the grace of Tymora, his dispalcement helped him to avoid another mauling from the armored athachs. Aris could only watch sprawled and stunned on the floor, and he was amazed. The next few moments allowed him to see Kyros become a hero.

The Mithral Knight dashed over towards the mind flayer with amazing speed, and before the illithid could act and flee, split its skull. The creature slumped to the floor, tentacles still writhing. Then the psychic warrior bounced back towards the three-armed giants and took one down. He had bought Aris enough time for his motor control to return as he bobbed and tumbled and weaved between the clubs of the remaining athachs. Aris rose and dropped the second and last armored hulk as Kyros became less blurry.

As if on cue, Varen's yell of "Let's get out of here!" and beams of light, followed the brief pause after the victory. The bard ducked under the floating, umber-hulk form of Nosr, and dashed past Aris and Kyros, down into the tunnel. Kyros and Aris looked at each other with resolve, and prepared to fight against a new assault of enemies, wand-wielding sorcerer monks. As the heroes watched, platforms were lowering to admit something big and hairy into the lower chambers. Nosr only had time to change back into his normal form before being paralyzed by a green ray from one wand. Then he was encased in a clear sphere of force from the grey beam of another.

Varen called from the tunnel, "A little help down here!"

Aris, seeing that they were soon going to be cut off, gave the order to retreat. Rolling the entrapped Nosr, he followed Kyros into the tunnel. Close on their heels, the Monks of the Quivering Thumb followed, firing wands behind the cover of a collared dire bear. In the tunnel, Varen fought bugbears stacked three deep and wielding ranseurs. The injured and outmatched bard fell back while Aris and Kyros engaged more of the servants of the Quivering Thumb. Nosr's rolling prison provided cover from the rays. Kyros and Aris fought side by side.

The psychic warrior hacked away at the goblinoids attempting to drive them back. One bugbear tripped the genasi and drove the but of the ranseur into his ribcage. Aris felt bones crack, but sprung up from his prone position driving Blue Destiney deep into the bugbear's gut. The next minion stepped over the body to take his fallen comrade's place, and apparently trained both in close-quarter and formation tactics, the bugbears attacked in the front row by choking up on the haft, and in the second row by stabbing past their ally with the prongs of their military pitchforks. The fighting was desperate, but shortly, bloodied and on their last legs, Kyros and Aris prevailed. One bugbear escaped and had a head start for the other end.

With his last bit of mental power, Kyros collapsed the tunnel behind him and still rolling Nosr along the three Stormwolves began to head towards the other opening, knowing that more of the enemy awaited.


At the Temple of the Blinding Truth, soldiers loyal to Tyr flooded from behind the mighty iron doors to aid the heroes. Seeing the troops, Seance vanished. Potions and healing were administered to Manta.

"I'm going back. Are you coming?"

With a groan, Manta replied, "If we failed, Aris told us to regroup at the townhouse and then head to Reddanspyr."

That was the extent of his arguement as Alberia was adamant about returning to where Aris and Nosr had started the tunnel and go in to rescue her father the back way. The gladiator muttered something, but clearly Alberia did not hear as she was already running back towards the colisseum. Manta shrugged his shoulders and followed.


Cautiously approaching the tunnel entrance, and stepping over the dead body of the escaped bugbear, Aris held out his 'mirro-on-a-stick' contraption only to have it smashed by a hairy fist. A fiendish-looking ape then charged into the tunnel and drove the genasi tumbling back, startled, but unscathed. By this time, the paralzying effects of the wand had expired on Nosr and he had dispelled the resilient sphere. Thus he was able to toss a fireball at the tunnel entrance, blowing the creature out and sealing the tunnel. Of course, this also collapsed the dirt and rock around the heroes leaving them buried alive.

Fortunatley, Nosr was able to move his hands and concentrate enough to use his last polymorph. The umber hulk rose and began digging it's friends out. Varen had nearly suffocated, but still lived. Huddling close to the digging umber hulk the heroes began to move forward at Aris's direction. He was attempting to flank whatever else the Quivering Thumb had in store for them, or if was too powerful, to flee the city.


Seance had teleported in the wrong direction. Realizing his error he began walking towards the arena. With a spell, he changed shape to assume the form of an overweight merchant. Then he flagged down a carriage, suggesting that a driver stop. when the young fop reached his head out to complain, Seance was already climbing aboard.

"I've heard there is a riot at the Colisseum. We MUST go and see!" he said pretending he and the noble were old friends.

"The bloodsport is so barabaric..," began the fop,

Seance made a subtle gesture and muttered some arcana under his breath.

"But for you my friend I will go. Driver!" he called "We have had a change of plans. Let's go see a riot! To the Colisseum!"

The driver complied and soon the carriage was bouncing along the cobblestone streets of Westgate at full speed.

Seance saw Manta and Alberia running along the streets as the carriage careened past. Seance was about to feel important for getting to the arena first when he felt the weight of the two warriors cause the vehicle to lurch to one side before stabilizing and rushing out the gate.

"What was that?" asked Seance's new friend.

Defeated, the wizard answered, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Very soon, the carriage was forced to come to a halt as patrons were streaming from the Colisseum en masse and jamming the road to the venue. Alberia and Manta jumped off and began running again towards the grove of trees.

Jhovan and Zert spotted them and intercepted the duo as they neared the grove.

Seance watched and then his new annoying friend whined, "Ahhhh, we're too late."

The wizard raised an eyebrow and quickly cast a sleep spell. Then he left the vehicle ordering the driver to take his master home and casually began following his companions.

Breaking through the trees and bushes to the clearing, the four Stormwolves stopped short, but it was too late. They had been spotted by the Quivering Thumb's welcoming committee: a banelar and a half-dozen armed bugbears. Manta was torn as he saw Alberia and Jhovan charge the snake-creature. He winced as Zert was cut down by three bugbears in a matter of seconds.

Then he relaxed and felt at ease when he saw one of his new masters, an illithid leader of the Quivering Thumb, appear behind the banelar. Soon his adventuring companions would be part of the family.


The buried heroes eventually began angling up based on Aris's prediction that they would come up on the opposite side of the grove and attack the bad guys from the rear. Aris had greatly miscalculated. The umber hulk popped out in a cow pasture, startling several bovines as they munched on the grass. Nosr changed form and climbed out, followed by Aris and Kyros, who carried the unconscious Varen. The mithral knight revived Varen while Aris tried to get his bearings. He pointed to the grove, heard a series of explosions and began sprinting in the that direction. Nosr created wings and took flight. The psychic warrior wanted to go, but was out of power and Varen could not be left alone in his state, but then he looked around and an idea popped into his head. He began waving his sword and yelling. Varen catching on, began first to hum and then sing.


Realizing Manta's betrayl, Alberia turned her horror into anger and fought valiantly as the banelar and the bugbears surrounded her. It hurt her even more as Manta joined the fray. Jhovan took the brunt of the snake-like banelar's attacks and after being constricted by its snaky coils and then impaled by the creature's barbed tail went unconscious.

Seance arrived and sent a series of small explosions into the midst of the ring of bugbears, dropping a couple, and harming the banelar, but not even fazing the illithid.

The mind flayer sent Manta to deal with the mage and the gladiator charged, severely injuring Seance. A bugbear speared the young wizard through the abdomen and he crumpled to the ground. Then Manta returned to help subdue Alberia who had already taken and resisted one of his master's mind blasts.

As bravely as she fought, her luck ran out. The banelar's barbed tail again struck, slicing her across the face and sending her into darkness.

Aris and Nosr had arrived just a second too late. Arrows and arcane missles struck the banelar and the illithid. The snake-creature convulsed and died. Acting quickly, the aberration grabbed Jhovan and Alberia, dragging them into the ring of surviving bugbears and keeping Manta close. He put his tentacles around Jhovan's head and then reconsidered seeing the ex-assassin's now greenish skin-tone and sensing poison. Then his tentacles writhed around the semi-conscious paladin. Alberia wanted to scream, barely aware of what was about to happen, but lasping in and out of consciousness, could not.

Surrender and I will spare one of your friends. sent the mind flayer to the cluster of trees.

"Spare them both and we'll talk," replied Aris readying an arrow and hoping he was quicker.

The illithid commanded two bugbears to go and find the pesky new foe. Nosr sailed overhead and fired another barrage of missles. These had no effect on the aberration.

You anger me! You have caused me much trouble. His tentacles clutched Alberia's head tightly. She felt her head being squeezed and blood dribbled down her forehead.

Aris drew his bow back but choked back a sob. He had a better chance to hit and kill Alberia than the illithid. Better to kill her and deny the squid its meal.

Then all the beings in the grove heard a steady, but growing rumbling. The mind flayer hesitated, and Aris raised his bow. He couldn't bring himself to kill Alberia. He fired at the mind flayer, striking its shoulder, as a stampede of cattle crashed through the grove. As it clucthed at the arrow, the mind flayer's eyes and then tentacles went wide as the animals plowed into him and the bugbears. The illithid, trampled by several of the beasts, did not survive.

Miraculously, Jhovan still held loosely in the banelar's coils, did. Alberia also lived as Manta trying to absolve himself, tumbled with her unconscious form between the legs of a few crazed cows. Two bugbears survived and after picking themselves off the ground ran back towards the Quivering Thumb compound. The heroes let them go. Kyros and Varen high-fived each other as they arrived to survey the damage.

However, Aris did not feel congratulations were in order. They had failed. This victory in the grove had been pyrrhic. Kith was lost. Zert and Seance were dead. Giving terse orders, Aris--forcing a concoction down Jhovan's throat to neutralize the poison coursing through his veins--had all the bodies collected and the group shortly began marching towards Reddanspyr, and the temple of Oghma there, with heavy hearts.

Aris, eyes narrowed and ever vigilant, kept Manta in front of him the entire way.
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DM comments!

Carnifex said:
Well, looks like I've got a lot of reading to do to catch up! :)

Yes, you must! Thanks for stopping by.

BTW the above post is now edited since usually the first go has grammar and clarity problems. Now the post is even better. Please go and re-read it!


This was one of the best sessions that I've run in 20 years of gaming. It was crazy throwing nearly unwinnable scenarios at the players and having them suprise me and also jumping back and forth between the split groups.

My players are awesome! The person who played Alberia for the session (reighne) totally got into the role, with emotion and valor actually saying what I posted above (see part II of the RoDL) (and surprsing the DM) during the confrontation with her father, screaming when he was left behind, and then fighting to the last and totally freaking out in character, in the clutches of the mind flayer.

Aris's player (honorwolfII) was ever the clever general suprising me first with tunneling and then somehow escaping my well-conceived plans!

Finally, Kyros's players idea to send in the cows....

It was a classic. I set the DC for him to rouse the stampede at 25 and he rolled a 20 which along with his Charisma and Varen's skill-boosting bard power, did it. I role-played the expression of the illithid as it saw the cows coming by putting my hand in front of hands and quickly spreading them with eyes wide. I wished we had had a camera. Gotta hate it when a cow beats you at initiative, though....;)
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First Post
that was a very cool post Broc, heh kinda makes me wish I had been there :) Well lookin forward to the next few posts and seeing how those turn out. It will be interesting to see how you write those up.


First Post
Screaming? I hear no screaming...

Scream? I screamed? Ladies don't scream. =)

Don't you even DARE comment Aris. I know exactly what you are gonna say and the first person to say I'm not a lady gets a stubbed toe. *waves a piece of fried calamari at you*

Btw, I love you guys. You make life so much fun!:D

And come on Broc. We all know you're a softie at heart. You love us too much. :p *warm fuzzy feelings everywhere* I've always thought of broc as this nice fuzzy teddybear. Aris too. *laughing*

Love you!
Rei, letting all of your deep dark skeletons out of the closet today!


First Post
less yakkin more postin ;) I already sent you the notes I had Broc so lets get goin <snaps motivational whip> , heheh lookin forward to seein how you write the stuf up bud, it should be entertaining :D


back to Benito's group

6-7 Tarsakh, Year of Rogue Dragons: Benito Windwalks across Faerun!

I depart from the usual story format and retell this in present tense since it seemed to flow better that way...

3/7/03....I was wrong about the "flow"

Leaving his companions in the the Chondalwood, Benito wind walked to Alaghon in Turmish to pursue his own agenda and take care of loose ends. After six hours of travel, almost getting lost somewhere over the Vilhon Reach, he materialized in the courtyard of Temple of Justice in Alaghon causing much commotion.

Fortunately, he was recognized. His holy presence amazed many young acolytes and no repurcussions arose. Benito, exhausted, made his way to his old rooms only to find that his quarters were occupied. Diplomatically Benito resigned himself to sleeping on the floor to accomodate the guest priest from the Turmish interior.

In the morning, after having prayer and breakfast with his old mentor Gippeto, Benito met with Denton Crimsgard, the High Abbot of the Temple of Justice. He ran into the time honred stalling tactic of the high priest. Already in line to see the High Abbot were dwarves from Iron Fang Keep. To keep his growing frustration at bay, Benito struck up a conversation. Not long in, Benito realized they were inquiring about Moradin's Prayers to the Faithful, a prayer book of extreme power that the Heroes recovered in Khundrukar six months prior.

"My companions and I recovered the book from the depths. I will be glad to intervene on your behalf and get what is rightfully yours back into your hands."

As the small talk ensued, Denton barged out, "Benito, I will speak with you now."

Benito growled under his breath and entered saying, "Lord Denton why do you hold onto the dwarven prayer book and make them wait."

It was Loud enough for the dwarves to hear and before walking fully into the room. He felt another presence or two in the room with him. A soft metallic clop echoed at the edge of his hearing.

Denton replied with an edge of anger, “Your arrogance in this matter has clouded your vision young one”

“And your stagnation and complacency has destroyed yours."

Benito emphasized with a stare and silence. Denton looked away.

"Lord Denton, what do you know of the Gatekeeper's Crystal."

"It is destroyed."

He did not meet Benito's hard gaze.

“You are either lying or ill informed Denton. Tyr himself says that the Crystal does exist. The will of the Triad is clear in this matter... Suldolphin himself came to me in Twilight Hollow and commanded that I finish those that came before me could not. The Elven God Felmaril Mestarine bade the same command to his newly appointed Chosen, Ellysidell of the Chondalwood. The will of the Heavans is clear in this mandate High Abbot.

"We can no longer hide behind the walls of our temples but we must venture forth and bring hope to those that are in darkness. Grigor does this in Westgate. Why can't you?"

Denton began to weep.

"Benito forgive me, I feared that you would turn out to be just like your father. I hate himto this day, and it has blinded me from accepting you as a true brother in Tyr's service. Grigor can see this where I could not. Many months ago I tried to have you dealt with. I tried to hire thugs to scare you away. Please, forgive me for my lack of faith in you."

Benito's mouth dropped. His mouth dry and his eyes glazing with tears, he forced himself to continue.

"Lord High Abbot, the past does not matter. Only the will of the Triad matters from here on out. I must know what you know."

"Alas, I do not know much. The artifact you seek does exit. I know one piece lies far to the north. Your parents died trying to find it, but were unsuccessful. It led to their downfall. "

They sat again in silene for a while before the conversation resumed. It turned to current events. With Alaghon threatened by the snake-bloods of Hlondeth, Benito convinced Denton that returning a holy ancient relic to the dwarves could perhaps also help gain a much needed ally if the war between Hlondeth and Surkh spilled over into Turmish.

Later that afternoon, a repentant Denton Crimsgard held the ceremony to return Moradin's Prayers of the Faithful to the dwarves. He allowed Benito to present the book to the Dwarven envoys.

As the alliance was beginning and with a promise to visit, Benito took his leave. Benito windwalked back to the High Tower in Iriaebor arriving there in the late evening.
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