[Free League] Coriolis : Smugglers of the Horizon Campaign


-------- April 15, 2018-------- Session #1 / 4 hours
Our test game was a success. The players understood the system very quickly. I found a one page cheat sheet online which helped a lot during play. The Dark Flower mission was perfect for a trial run of the system. (we didn't use models or terrain this time - no pictures). We will start a mini-campaign in the coming weeks.

-------- April 28, 2018-------- Session #2 / 4 hours

Creating Characters :

Last night's session went very well. Before the game I used our private FB group to publish three short texts about the setting to save some time in-game. The first text is a general timeline description of the founding of that Third Horizon and events until a few years ago. The second text is a quick summary of the factions and important organisations. The third text is a description of know facts about major recent events that could change the dynamic of the Third Horizon.

Rather than waste everything that happened during session one we decide to continue the narrative but with characters created by the players instead of the pre-gens of the previous session. As group concept they decided to be smugglers.

The smugglers are :
  • Mina, Pilot class, Captain and Pilot
  • Jaul, Engineer class, Ship engineer
  • Zithane, Data spider class, Sensor Operator
  • Amirah, Legionnaire class, Gunner (npc)

Actual Play :

We are able to do 2 hours of role play. During the previous session I had to rush the «wrap up» segment of the Black Flower adventure with a short description of events. Last night we role-played them which was more satisfying. They received a reward of 20,000 Birrs for the information and scientist they were able to save. I gave them one XP each. It takes 5XPs to raise a skill by +1.

At the start of Black Flower the group is already on a mission to transport goods to an unspecified location. The delivery was interrupted by the Black Flower exploration mission. The group resumed the delivery. I elected to send them to Aram's Ravine despite not having an actual mission to give them. It was a good sandbox exercise. I'm blessed with players who love to role-play so it was easy to GM. After their meeting with the recipient of the goods (+10,000 Birrs delivery fee), Shusal Moro recommended Nohak's Cantina as a good place for evening refreshments.

With typical player paranoia they started scanning the Cantina's main room for possible hostile reaction. One of them, the ship engineer, rolled a critical success on his Observation skill (4d6)+(Wits Attribute 4d6 = 8d6. He rolled three sixes, which is a Critical Success). I decided he noticed a dispute «obviously fake to him» between Zelena, one of the «courtisans», and a tall muscular customer. During the «fake» dispute the man slipped a piece of paper in the left hand of Zelena. She promptly left for her room on the second level of the Cantina. At this juncture I'm fishing. I don't even know what the message is and I haven't decided if its actually related to the players - because not everything is about the players in a cantina... The Engineer's personal problem is that he is too curious for his own good. The player decides he has to know what the message contains. So he moves to the bar and asks about courtesan rates and wants to «see» the women who just went upstair (Zelena)...

I ended the session at this point. I love it when the player run the aventure for me. No idea how its going to go. But I have two weeks to think of something.

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-------- May 12, 2018-------- Session #3 / 4 hours

Getting ready for our next game this Saturday. I decided not to do the Dying Ship module this time around because exploring a ship is exactly what they did during their first mission. Instead, I'm mixing the corebook's hunt for a lost alien treasure mini-adventure with plot hook from Aram's Ravine. A freighter ship crashed landed two years ago in Jasma Drop, a crevasse in the territory of the Kalite, a local tribe of sand people, who are prone to capture slaves. Shulan Moro, the local governor, as learned a fable alien statuette of great value might be hidden in the freighter. He is ready to pay 20,000 Birrs if the statuette is brought back and share the freighters unidentified cargo fifty-fifty if its salvageable. A very rare window of 48 hours without acid rains is nearing Aram's Ravine. Its the perfect opportunity to accomplish this mission...

Aram's Ravine

A few pictures of last night's game. The character accepted the mission to retrieve the alien statuette from the crash landing site. When they arrived at the location they discovered that the crew had survived for some time and build a small colony outpost using the cargo of their ship. But something went horribly wrong at some point. The survivors were now controlled by the statute which was imbedded in the chest of a troll-sized human. They were all overtaken by some sort of disease or nano-virus. Even the dogs looked feral. They PCs were no match against the 9 creatures and 2 dogs.

Having heard about a group of local desert dwellers the PCs managed to rally the Kalite and their lizard mounts to their cause. Together they attack the statuette's forces. The Kalite were happy to destroy these foul looking creatures who infested their territory. As part of the deal they negociated to keep the cargo and colony building kits for themselves. The PCs only wanted the statuette.

The possessed creatures were attempting to finish the construction of a communication antenna when the Kalite and PCs attacked. The slow moving creatures suddenly acquired quick reflexes now that they felt threatened. The combat last for 4 rounds. Several Kalite died during the battle. PC were lucky, their armor reducing damage to 0 each time. Once the leader was killed the surviving creatures stopped shooting and became immobile.

When the PC tried to remove the statuette from the leader's chest they discovered that alien device was actually healing the creature. Using his mercurial blade sword, Amirah, the Legionnaire of the group, chopped off the head of the leader. The PC put the cadaver with the statuette still in his chest inside the ship in a locked cabine. They said their farewells to the Kalite and lifted-off to deliver the statuette to Shulan Moro. On the way they had a heated discussion about the ethical dilemmas such an item posed. Some argued they should leave the planet and give it to The Foundation who would keep it in a safe environment and research it properties. But in the end the crew needed to make cash to pay the ship's debt and survive another month. They gave the statuette to Moro, who was extremely pleased. He even payed for the repairs done to their ship during the battle at Jasma Drop.

The Narzalus and her crew left Aram's Ravine with a chill down to their spine. They decided to head for the Coriolis space station in the center of the Horizon. A few hours after arriving the Bulletin new agency broadcasted a report about Shulan Moro, an exiled high level fonctionary, soon returning to Coriolis with after the discovery and containment of a life threatening alien artifact. In the interview Moro gave himself all the credit and never mentioned the contribution of the PCs. In their infinity wisdom the PCs had decided to record the battle at Jasma Drop using the ship's camera. They plan to use this against Moro at some point...

Thank for reading me.

[For those wondering, the engineer did go up to the prostitute's room. Zelena is a humanite and can alter her appearance by changing the color of her eyes, skin, hair and even modify the size of her breast. Being an engineer and extremely curious the character started asking all kinds of questions about her augmentation. After a while Zelena was really upset about this. He wasn't behaving like a typical customer and seemed to be fishing for something. She called the bouncer which expelled the PC from her room. During the scene the player failed all his rolls to Manipulate Zelena and Observe the room. It was sad to watch... we will never know what was written on the piece of paper!]


-------- May 28, 2018-------- Session #4 / 4 hours

Wadim's Cantina

Game #4 happened last night. No pictures this time. It was more of an in-between adventures kind of session. The crew arrived at Coriolis Station (the center of the Third Horizon), bought some equipment, weapons, payed for repairs to their vessel.

The Engineer built two hidden crawl spaces in the ship to hide smuggled goods. The player rolled a triple six each time (a critical). Anyone trying to detect them will have a -3 to Observation rolls.

The Captain and Data Djinn went looking for a contract at Wadim's Cantina. Mina, the captain, managed to find a good contract. A corporation lost contact with the crew of one of its ice haulers, the Olun II. The ship changed direction suddenly 13 hours ago and its heading towards a very dangerous and large asteroid field. All attempts to contact the captain or crew have failed. The corporation wants to keep the «authorities» out of it. Mina negotiated a fee of 30,000 Birrs for the mission. Adzem Kembouri, the corporation representative, will be onboard with them to make sure everything runs smoothly. The mission is to find the ship, learn what happened, steer the ship away from the asteroid field and save the cargo and crew.

A few hours later Narzalus left Coriolis in direction of the last known coordinates of the hauler Olun II. Sadly, the captain failed her piloting roll (no sixes). The trip takes longer then expected. This means the Narzalus will reach the Olun II only one hour before the hauler reaches the asteroid field. The mission just became far more dangerous...!


-------- June 9, 2018-------- Session #5 / 4 hours

The Dying Ship

Game #5 happened last Saturday. I ran The Dying Ship scenario. The pilot botched her piloting roll so they arrived at the Orun II with only one hour left before it enters the asteroid field. To simulate that I created a visual aid. Using my Battleship Galaxies ships and hex board I placed the Orun II six hexes away from the asteroid field (on the right). A timer was set on a 60 minute count down. Each ten minutes I would move the ship one hex towards the field. It worked very well. They managed to save 4 crew members but the ship was destroyed.

Spoiler Alert: they found and stole the drugs on board the ship. They parlayed with the Djinn and agreed to send it back to the Kua jungle. The mercenaries believe they stolen the drugs but are not sure. A confrontation happened on Coriolis after the mission but the characters held their ground and had good manipulation rolls. The Mercenaries and Lt Remora will leave them alone... for now.


-------- June 27, 2018-------- Session #6 / 4 hours

The Opium Gambit

Stealing drugs on board the Olun II is proving a problem. According to station news the surviving crew of were kidnapped, tortured and left for dead. The Coriolis station police are investigating but the smugglers are convinced its Remorza working for the Syndicat trying to recoup the drugs. The PCs agree they need to fence the drugs urgently.

Before they can do that, Zithane detects something wrong with one of the landing struts. Jaul, the engineer, goes outside to inspect the ship. Amirah, the Legionnaire, follows him in case Remorza tries to force the situation. Jaul soon discovers the problem. The young female deckhand from the Olun II is hidden in the landing gear access port. She cries and begs to get on board for her own safety. She offers to work as crew member. She has been hiding since the others were killed. After a heated debate the crew decides to take her on board as an employee for a monthly fee of 800 birrs per month. Ecstatic Ayda climbs on board the Nazarlus.

The PCs contact Abu Nazir, owner of Wadim's Cantina, also a broker for the import & export of goods. After much innuendo Nazir calls them and offers to give them the coordinates of a buyer for 10,000 birrs. The net value of the drugs is 150,000 birrs. Mina, the captain, closes the deal. Nazir gives them the coordinates. Its in the middle of nowhere 2 days from the station. Paranoid the smugglers leave Coriolis station for the rendez-vous point.

Not long after they arrived at the location they detect a ship but its not the buyer. Its Remorza and his crew. They threaten to attack and board the Nazarlus if the smugglers don't hand over the drugs. Remorza's ship is heavily armed.He has no proof they have the narcotics. Mina tells him as much and the discussion degenerates rapidly. Remorza fires his cannon. Mina does some very clever evasion and avoids the shot after which the smugglers try to shake the mercenaries hoping their ship is faster. A few rounds into the chase a third ship arrives. Its the buyer. Bhofass the captain assess the situation and fires a shoot at Remorza's ship. Two against one is not a fight the mercenary is willing to do. His ship leaves the area.

Relieved the smugglers meet with their rescuer. Bhofass is the representative of the Salt Widow from Aram's Ravine. She is willing to buy the drugs for her local market. Aram's Ravine is a back water world so the smugglers feel safe to sell to her. They sell the drugs for 70,000 birrs. Once the transaction is done Bhofass tells them to come to Aram's Ravine in one week. The Salt Widow has a shipment of specialty salt and bauxite that needs to be shipped to three systems. Mina and her crew accept the rdv glad to have another contract so soon. They return to Coriolis.


-------- August 3, 2018-------- Session #7 / 4 hours

The Odacon Salt Run [part I]

During their stay at Coriolis Jaul hits on the idea of building a luxury loft on the Nazarlus and a spa in the arboretum. The crew agrees it could be useful to branch out in VIP guest transportation. Ayda the deckhand helps Jaul to convert two standard cabines into a large suite. She remains on board the ship at all times refusing to leave to get supplies. She is still worried about Remorza...

A few days later they leave for Aram's Ravine. On their way Jaul builds the spa. Things are looking good for the smugglers so they throw a party in the loft. Much alcool flows. Late at night Mina and Amirah disappear in a cabine until morning...

Once at Aram's Ravine, Mina manages a superb landing (roll with three sixes) in the middle of violent acid storm garnering the applause of the control tower. She recorded the landing and now plays the applause section on the internal speakers each time she lands the ship.

Shortly after Bhofass meets them and drives them to the Salt Widow's headquarters. After much negotiations they agree to transport three shipments of salt and boxite to three other systems. The journey back and forth will take fourteen days if all goes well. They receive 22,500 Birrs as first payment. The second half to be handed over once they come back with the credit chips from the clients.

During the first leg of the journey nothing much happens. A minor glitch in the computer system freezes all screens for several hours. Jaul and Zhitane finally find the burned out hardware and replace it.

The smugglers deliver the first shipment on Silas. But as they near the portal crossing, en route to the next system, they are pursued by three strike ships of the local authorities. The Nazarlus' crew is charged with drug smuggling and ordered to surrender. Mina pushes the trusters and they cross the portal to the next system.

Its panic on board. Everyone agrees they should have seen this coming. The impound seal on the two other shipments can't be broken without leaving a trace. if the seal is broken the authorities will be suspicious. The crew decides to complete the deliveries. At the next stop tension is high but the agents of the custom authorities of the planet Zhaus are very lax. The planet is at the beginning of the backwater section of the Horizon. The goods are delivered and all goes well. Two down, one to go.

Mina sets the coordinates for the next delivery at Khõban Station in the Odacon system, also know as The Dead System...



-------- August 24, 2018-------- Session #8 / 8 hours

The Odacon Salt Run [part 2]

The delivery at Khoban station goes well. The space port master suggest the Redram's cantina to the crew for a well deserve meal and change of scenery. While eating they receive a message from the head of security from an ambassador. The ambassador needs to leave the station urgently to return to her home planet. She wants to meet the crew before to decide if she will here the crew.

They meet a a park called The London garden that has a victorian look. The ambassador and her chief of security are waiting. After arriving and small talk, negotiations start over the price for the trip.

Suddenly a man in full body armor, armed with vulcan gun and a mercurial sword arrives at the park with a goon at his side. At the other entrance of the park 3 other goons with vulcan guns arrive. Its an attack. The leader of the ambushers yell «welcome to Khoban station loosers. Shulan Moro sends his regards!» and he starts shooting.

Vulcan guns are fired by both sides. The smugglers are hurt but they survive the first round of shots. One goon is dead from a critical hit to the neck. During the second round the leader of the attackers is killed when the artery of his left arm is severed. He bleeds to death on the pavement of the park. Police sirens can be heard in the background. They are coming closer.

The 3 remaining goons fire once last round before fleeing the scene. When the police arrive at first they want to arrest everyone but the ambassador, despite not being involved in the feud between the smugglers and Shulan Moro, intervenes and says the smugglers saved her life. After a few successful manipulation rolls the police officers are convinced the smugglers are good samaritans and heroes. They can go free. The ambassador wants to leave the station in 3 hours. The crew decide its a good idea.

Three hours later the ship leaves the station with the ambassador and her chief of security on board. They cross the portal in direction of Tarazug, the ambassadors home planet.


The campaign ends with an open ending. Maybe we will come back to this storyline later or maybe we will start a new storyline with a different group of characters.

I really enjoyed the Coriolis rule set. Its simple and gritty. Very leathal, with critical hit locations, so its not recommended for players who charge in without thinking. The setting is very rich, original and the thing I enjoyed the most about the book. I might buy the campaign book that was a successful KS a few months ago when it available through retail.

Hope you enjoyed reading my modest session reports. Its time to pass the torch the another GM in the group who will do a 4 session Modern AGE adventure.

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