Free League Develops Two New Open Game Licenses

At this point, I'm going to throw my hat into the ring with my own OGL.
I can only read this as
My Own OGL.jpg


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aramis erak

If I remember correctly, there was one on Google Drive that was shared in the Kickstarter where this was unlocked as a stretch goal. Not sure if they really ever published it openly on their website (I think not, but I might be wrong).
I was able to find and download it without being in the KS...
but they pulled it from share in their drive. (so I only have the one I was pruning)


Interesting news—though it seems the Free League games I care most about won’t be included, unsurprisingly since they are based on licensed IPs (The One Ring and Alien).
The SRD copy I found from 2019 includes at least some mechanics from their licensed games. For example, it presents the push mechanic from MYZ as the default, and offers the versions from Alien (pushing gives a stress die), Tales from the Loop (pushing gives you a condition), and Coriolis (pushing gives the GM a Bad Stuff Happens point) as variants.


The SRD copy I found from 2019 includes at least some mechanics from their licensed games. For example, it presents the push mechanic from MYZ as the default, and offers the versions from Alien (pushing gives a stress die), Tales from the Loop (pushing gives you a condition), and Coriolis (pushing gives the GM a Bad Stuff Happens point) as variants.
I think that's the most recent version. I downloaded the Year Zero SRD from the Fria Ligan site a couple months ago, and the copy I have is copyrighted 2019 as well, so it's probably the same as that one, though I haven't actually compared them.

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