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Kickstarter [Frog God Games] The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete Kickstarter

Shadow Demon


Deliver us, O Lord, from the fury of the Northmen…

Wyrd Bið Ful Aræd
-- “The Wanderer,” from the Exeter Book

Beneath the leaden winter skies of the Northlands wyrd is fate, and fate is inexorable. Wyrd bið ful aræd.

Where raging storms sent by malevolent spirits of the Ginnungagap howl from the Far North and bury steadings and towns alike under several feet of snow, while unnamed things of tooth and shadow hunt those who dare to emerge and brave the cold. Where the blood of fighting men and women sings in harmony with the death cries of the spear-din, and the clash of wood and steel when the shield walls meet. Where enchantments older than the race of Men linger in barrow fields and primeval forests waiting to ensnare the unwary or the foolish. This is the realm of the Norns, where they measure and cut the threads of a man’s wyrd. This is the Northlands.

The Northlands Saga Complete picks up where the Northlands Saga series of adventures released in 2010 and 2011 left off. Created by fan favorite author Kenneth Spencer and extensively developed by Greg A. Vaughan, these four adventures first introduced Frog God Games fans to the barbaric Northlands, the stalwart folk who dwell there, and the perils from savage beast and demon alike that they face.
Now The Northlands Saga Complete updates and expands those original adventures with new material, completing the saga with six more adventures by Ken Spencer, Greg Vaughan, and Kevin Wright that follow directly after the originals. If you want, you can resume campaigns that “ended” after the last adventure was released in 2011, or start fresh. In addition, an eleventh new adventure is added as a “prequel” to the original four, so you can play an entire adventure path to take PCs from level 1 to 20 (about level 1 to 9 in the Swords & Wizardry version). You can play any or all of the eleven adventures as standalone sessions, or you can use them as a single continuous campaign to explore the Northlands and beyond. And as a bonus, authors Ed Greenwood, Ken Spencer, Kevin Wright, and Jeff Provine have committed to write four more adventures as stretch goals to take your campaign beyond the adventure path. This book has an estimated page count of 800-900 pages (this will vary depending on the number of stretch goals reached), and will be library bound, for years of use.

As a part of the Lost Lands campaign world, The Northlands Saga Complete includes a full-color poster map as well as a complete campaign guide detailing the cultures, history, races, nations, languages, geography, new monsters, magic, and equipment unique to those lands. In the Pathfinder version there is also a chapter dedicated to new optional rules that you can use in your game to capture the authentic spirit of the Northlands with rules for things like a character’s wyrd, death speeches, becoming a jarl, the examples of early representative politics in the Things and Althing, and trial by combat in the holmgang. In addition there are a multitude of new archetypes, feats, player-character races, and character traits for use in your Pathfinder game! When you delve into The Northlands Saga Complete, you step into the living, breathing world of the Northlands.

Take your wyrd by the throat. With The Northlands Saga Complete you can break a shield wall on trampled fields or pull a sweep upon gray icy seas to find new shores to explore or raid. Live the adventure; complete the saga!

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to check out the Kickstarter project which lasts through the month of September.
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