• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

From Slaves to Heroes in the Making (Heroes of Destiny)


First Post
For those of you who would like a sneak peak at some of our characters, we have a webpage set up with some pictures.

For your convenience, I have provided a link and you can take a peek at the figures we use. These are temporary pictures, since we're not happy with the background used, but they'll do untill I can reshoot them and post them again.

There are pictures both for The Heroes of Destiny (From Slaves to Heroes) and for The Heroes Of Haven. There are a couple of PC's missing since they weren't available when the pictures were taken.

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First Post
The Dragon Priest

They made their way back through the passage into the Dragon Priest’s crypt. Thorin and Turk made quick work of the locks on the sarcophagus. They all took up positions in the room so that the mages could cast their spells, and the fighters could best get in range.

Not knowing for sure what they’d face, they tried to prepare for anything. Thorin pushed the lid off, as soon as everyone said they were ready. As soon as he did, they got the strong aroma of sweet herbs and spices.

Snap and Geirmund were paralyzed instantly with fear, at the same time that Turk felt evil emanate from the mummy that had been released from the tomb. Kierwin prayed that Ehlonna would bless the party.

Minx, not knowing that Turk felt the unmistakable presence of evil, tried to speak to the mummy in draconic, “We mean you no harm”, but there was no response.

Turk struck a strong blow to the mummy, feeling it in his bones, but it didn’t even slow it down. Thorin moved to get over the lid of the coffin, tripping as he did so.

Snap and Geirmund were still transfixed by fear, and Kierwin was doing her best to think of something she had that might hurt a foe so powerful. The first thing she did was try her best weapon against the undead, a greater turning. It didn’t even phase the undead Dragon Priest, it actually laughed at her, taunting her for her futile attempt, then ignored her.

The creature turned its attention on Turk, the only one who had shown he could hurt it so far. Kierwin would have to think of something better, it was much to powerful to turn. She need something that could actually hurt it.

Minx used magic missile against the creature, it turned its attention from Turk to Minx then, calling her a "bitch" and hit her this time, while Turk continued to take chunks out of it with his greatsword. No matter how often he hit it, it kept standing.

Geirmund, recovered from the fear that had gripped him when the lid was lifted from the coffin, hurried to help Thorin get up from the floor. Once Thorin was up, he got his axe and rushed over to aid Turk against the creature.

Kierwin remembered the Spiritual Weapon scroll she’d found on the island where they’d been stranded after escaping from the slavers and tried it. It startled her by appearing as a crab claw, she directed it to hit the creature, but didn’t seem to hurt it.

They were trading blows back and forth, with Turk and Thorin doing the only real damage. Turk couldn’t believe how much damage it seemed he was dealing out, and the creature kept taking it. The mummy struck Turk once, but Turk struck it right back. Kierwin kept trying to handle the strange claw she had summoned, but it just didn’t seem to be helping much in the fight.

Snap had recovered from the paralyzing fear he had suffered when the mummy was released. Geirmund, knowing he couldn't help in the fight, was shouting encouragement from behind them, watching for openings, looking for anything that could help.

Snap had gotten into the fight, and was getting ready for his own attack. He’d gotten over to the side where he could cast a spell, and then pulled his scarf down, opened his mouth, and a stream of fire shot out. Unfortunately the mummy dodged the fire, and he missed.

Turk nearly jumped backward from the creature when the stream of fire came straight out of Snap’s mouth directly between him and the mummy! When the mummy dodged the fire, he let out an angry roar. Turk's experience kept him in the fight, and he didn't miss a beat. The mummy was angry, now more unintelligible than before and just striking at Thorin and Turk with an amazing strength.

More blows had been exchanged, and Thorin and Turk had gotten in good hits when Snap finished the monstrous mummy off with a well placed magic missile, and the mummy finally dropped to the floor.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the Dragon Priest’s mummy finally fell to the floor. Minx, Thorin, and Turk had all been hurt by the mummy. Everyone relieved to believe they had survived the unbelievably intense fight. Kierwin healed Thorin first, then headed over to Minx.

While Kierwin healed Minx, she and Minx exchanged a look that said they needed to find out what was going on with Snap. They weren’t waiting any longer, something had definitely happened to him over the years. The stream of fire that blasted from his mouth was definite proof of that! They knew that Turk and Thorin weren’t going to be patient after what they had just witnessed.

Now, they had time to search the mummy and the sarcophagus that had been the Dragon Priest’s prison for so long.

Inside the coffin, they found silver, gold and four scrolls. Kierwin and Minx finally identified the scrolls as being clerical in nature, but would need more time to study them to figure out what they were. Kierwin recognized the word “wounds” on a couple of them, but could tell this was going to take some work. She packed them away for study later.

Then, they inspected the mummy itself. They found various jewelry, rings, amulets and bracelets, but then, they took a look at the weapon they found. Thorin checked it out first and identified it as being made out of jade. The weapon was a very nicely made sword.

Minx identified it as magical. She took a closer look and found writing on it. After a very close inspection, she found that the writing was a magical combination of Draconic and Elven. It said “Spirit Cutter.”

They gave Spirit Cutter to Turk, who packed it safely away for the time being.

Kierwin hadn’t healed Turk yet, so she headed over to him. While she healed him, they also needed to talk. While they were busy, Minx and the others searched the rest of the room more thoroughly. Minx also spoke to Snap.

While Turk and Kierwin were alone, he mentioned that he remembered what she said when he had the orb. She had been very openly offering to flash him, or anything else it would take to get him back to his senses, and she meant it. Of course, he would never expect her to do that, he would never expect a lady to do anything like that for him for any reason. What he loved about her was her sizzling smile, and wanted to be surrounded by the glow of her bubbling personality as it burst from her lips.

At which she did smile, and blush, and she’d known Turk was too honorable to hold her to something she’d said when she was desperately searching for a way to bring him out of that trance.

Then she surprised him, by saying that she’d love to talk to him alone, away from the others when all of this evil was over. There was something different about him, and she wanted a chance to get to know him better, he wasn’t like anyone she knew. She could feel the honor inside of him, she could see it in his eyes. She didn’t tell him that she’d felt it the moment she’d met him in the hold of the ship.

Then the Citadel brought them back to the present. Questions needed answering. Kierwin was needed with Snap and Minx. She was also getting that look from Minx that said “what are you two talking about over there?” They were just talking, and just trying to find out more about each other, nothing more.

Kierwin excused herself and went to Minx and Snap. She flashed Turk a smile and went over to find out exactly what was going on with Snap, praying that the truth was something that they could all handle. Nothing was ever easy.

Next: Snap!
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First Post
Snap, Revealed at last!

They talked in the corner, Turk, Thorin and Geirmund gave them privacy for now. Snap finally showed the girls his face. The half-orc had started to develop scales…and fangs. Then he showed them his hands. His nails were growing into claws. His jaw could unhinge, that’s what had happened when he had breathed fire at the mummy. He had dragon’s blood flowing through his veins.

He’d left the village before the physical changes had happened, he'd known there was something changing inside him and it scared him. Then later, his physical appearance had started to change. That’s when he’d begun to be more and more reclusive. He didn’t want anyone to see him like that, he didn’t know what they’d do.

He went in search of answers. He’d been wandering for years, trying to find out who he was, what he was. Then, he’d been kidnapped in Aguila and they’d met in the ship’s hold. All he knew was that he was developing the physical signs from the dragon’s blood. Today was the first time he’d actually even breathed fire.

Kierwin asked him if he wanted them to tell the men, she knew that they had to. He said yes. She asked him to go wait in the room with the orbs. She wanted to make sure he was safe for now, she was sure she could talk to Turk (at least she hoped so), but she wasn’t sure about Thorin, and knew nothing about Geirmund.

Turk, Thorin and Geirmund saw Snap run from the room through the secret corridor that led to the room with the smashed orbs. They looked curiously at the ladies, waiting for answers. Then, Kierwin walked to Turk and Minx to Thorin and Geirmund. Of course, all were standing together, but Kierwin made a point of standing directly in front of Turk, keeping Minx further away from him.

Kierwin started it off. “We’ve talked to Snap, and found out what he’s been afraid to tell us all. I asked him to leave while we tell you. It’s going to be hard to take, but I ask you to trust me, please. Do you trust me?”

Turk’s answer was that he trusted her. Thorin of course was withholding judgment, and she didn't blame him. All three men were waiting for the explanation. Minx and Kierwin both explained as best they could, they didn't completely understand it all yet.

They explained about the dragon’s blood flowing through his veins. They were still withholding the fact that he was a half-orc, Kierwin was coming to that. The men asked questions about Snap finding out about being part dragon, all fair questions.

They told them everything they knew. He was still trying to find out. Kierwin would call him back in (once she was sure they wouldn't kill him on sight) and he would talk to them about it, but first she had to tell them one more thing.

Minx wasn’t thrilled with her about this. Kierwin took a deep breath, she knew that many people hated orcs, even half-orcs. She prayed that Turk really did trust her enough to go on her word for this, that Snap was one of the good guys. She didn’t know enough about Thorin or Geirmund to make any assumptions. That was a problem.

“What you don’t know about Snap is that while he only recently found out that he’s part dragon, he is also a half-orc.” Thorin stopped her.

“A half-orc? Orcs killed my entire clan, I’m sworn to kill all orcs, including half-orcs!” Thorin was even more angry than Kierwin had expected, but she hadn't known about his clan being killed by orcs.

Turk wasn’t happy, but he was listening, as was Geirmund.

Minx took over. “Our village raised him from before he could talk. He was a baby. He doesn’t even know what it is to be an orc. There’s not an evil bone in his body!”

Thorin wanted to know if he’d ever in his life burned a village, killed an innocent, anything that could possibly be evil, or indicate that he may stray toward that direction. Kierwin swore an oath that he hadn’t. Minx promised that he hadn’t and she knew him best, they’d learned magic together. Minx had known him since he'd been found as an infant. Minx did most of the talking since she knew him best, her family had raised him.

After a long talk, between the five of them, Kierwin promised both Turk and Thorin that if the changes going on within Snap turned him evil, or if for any reason he attacked innocents, turned on them, gave them some reason to have to fight him, she would stand with them against her friend.

She called Snap back in and he happily threw his scarf and robe away. The days of secrecy were finally over, and Snap seemed like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Kierwin hoped that she would never have to keep her promise and have to stand against her friend. He’d shown today that he would stand with them, she just hoped with all her heart that he stayed true to that purpose.


They headed back to Meepo and the other section of the Sunless Citadel. It was time to continue the quest.


Hey guys? Any loyal readers out there? I'd love to hear some comments or creative criticism! Not to mention that I'd like to know if I actually still have any loyal readers!;)

Especially now that Snap has finally been revealed both to you and to the players! Rest assured, the DM has more surprises coming up!
(We really didn't know what Snap was, besides a half-orc! The fire was a shock to us!) :D
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World of Kulan DM
Re: Snap, Revealed at last!

Taboo said:
Hey guys? Any loyal readers out there? I'd love to hear some comments or creative criticism! Not to mention that I'd like to know if I actually still have any loyal readers!;)

Especially now that Snap has finally been revealed both to you and to the players! Rest assured, the DM has more surprises coming up!
(We really didn't know what Snap was, besides a half-orc! The fire was a shock to us!) :D

I'm still here Taboo, although I've been busy with my own story hours as well as several other projects for Beyond the Moons and Dark Sun. My time is limited now.

But I'll be around...




First Post
Beyond the Throne Room

Thanks KF72! I've been busy myself! I've been keeping up with your stories, and I can see how busy you've been, great job!


They headed back to find Meepo where they’d left him in the room that Calcryx had been kept in. It was time to find their way deeper into the Citadel.

They got back into the room and Minx called to Meepo. He came running to her. He was excited that she had come back alive. He noticed that she smelled funny, and that she had fought something. She tried to explain that they had killed the mummy.

“How you kill something that’s already dead?” After trying to explain how they killed something that was undead (and what undead meant) for a several minutes, she finally gave up, it was hopeless.

While Minx was trying to explain killing the mummy to Meepo, the others were searching the room, since they hadn’t done that very thoroughly on their first visit here.

They found a wooden bench that appeared to have been used as a sort of an altar. Thorin searched it and found containers of green dye, paint brushes with coarse bristles (which upon close examination turned out to be goblin hair), and 4 jade figurines of dragons, one each in green, red, orange and white jade. He said the craftsmanship of the figurines was actually pretty good, so he pocketed the dragons.

Minx asked Meepo where the figurines had come from, and he just said down there somewhere, indicating a direction. She then asked him about the various doors in the room, one which led to a room containing food for Calcryx (rats), two empty rooms, the hole in the wall that the goblins had made when they stole the dragon (which the other adventurers had gone through), and the door leading to where it turned out the kobolds were holding some goblins hostage.

Upon hearing that news, they certainly wanted to talk to the goblins! Meepo wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but went along with it. Geirmund tried to pick the lock, but his lockpick broke. So, Turk decided to try to bash the door down. Meepo panicked and went to see if he could get a friend of his to get them into the room with the goblins, before Turk got him into trouble.

Fortunately, Meepo’s friend, Crix, was willing to help. The guard pulled out the broken lockpick, glared at them for trying to pick the lock, and unlocked the door. When the adventurers entered the room, they found four filthy goblins chained in the room.

Minx tried to talk them into giving them a map of the underground. The goblins would only do it if they would get their freedom. Meepo wasn’t a happy kobold because he knew what the humans were going to want him to do.

They were limited on chalk, so Turk broke two pieces of chalk in half and gave each goblin a piece. Then, told each one to draw it’s own map on the floor. If the maps were right, they would be escorted out of the Citadel. If they were all different, then when one proved to be right, that goblin would be given its freedom. The goblins got to work.

Meanwhile, the party had to figure out what to do about writing the map on something they could take with them. They finally decided to have Meepo take Thorin to get some charcoal. Kierwin volunteered the use of one of her clerical scrolls since they had no paper to use for the map.

Meepo decided that Thorin was his new best friend (next to Minx of course, who was his real best friend), because he could see in the dark.

When Meepo and Thorin returned, the goblins had finished their maps. There were two different maps. It appeared that the goblins had drawn two different sections of the citadel, so they had indeed all four earned their freedom.

When Minx asked the goblins about traps and ambushes, they made her make the kobolds leave. They said there were no traps or ambushes set up. They didn’t know where the dragon was kept, they hadn’t ever been there. They did show them where the leader was, he was in the big room. Belak is in the underparts with the tree, and the goblins didn’t think the party should mess with him.

It seemed that the goblins had tried to be truthful and kept their word. The party walked them out to the front of the citadel and let them go. Meepo and Crix weren’t happy because that was their meal for the next few days that was walking away. The group told them not to worry, there would be plenty of dead goblins soon.

Looking at the map, the best way to go would be through the throne room, rather than the more direct route which was the way the goblins had broken through and taken the dragon. So, they stashed Meepo again, warning him to stay out of sight, and started off through the throne room.

Once they got there however, the guards warned them that the way was blocked with a pit trap. There was no way past it, and no way to disarm it.

Turk felt his way around until he triggered the trap, to know exactly where the pit was. Then they explored all their options. There was no way to throw a spear across with a rope attached, there wasn’t anything to anchor it in. The pit had massive sharp spikes in the bottom and there was nothing they could cover them with. The kobolds had never made a way to reset the trap, so that was out. Finally, Turk made his decision. The rest of the party wasn’t happy with it, though.

Turk took off his armor, preparing to jump across the pit full of spikes. Everyone else was still trying to think of another way across it, but there wasn’t one. Turk jumped. He made it. Kierwin and Thorin were in the room with him, but still on the other side of the pit. They were both relieved when he made the jump across the pit. They threw his armor and supplies over so that he could use his piton and fasten the rope off to get them over.

He muffled the sound to help keep the noise down while he hammered the piton in to fasten the rope. Just before he could get his armor back on, goblins burst into the room. Even though he had taken care to muffle the hammering, they had been on the opposite side of the wall and had still heard it.

While Turk started fighting, Thorin crossed the rope, followed by Kierwin. Thorin got across and engaged a goblin, but there wasn’t room for Kierwin to step off of the rope. Fortunately, Turk killed a goblin with his first blow, and stepped forward as it fell to the ground, allowing her to step up onto solid ground. Thorin and Kierwin both had to fight goblins through the doorway, and didn’t manage to hit any.

Now that Turk, Thorin and Kierwin were all across the pit, the others could finally enter the room. They waited to come across since there wasn’t room for them on the other side until the fight was over or moved on.

Turk managed to move forward and took out a second goblin, but then got hit by a crossbow bolt, and slashed with a sword, now he had blood running from two wounds, fighting with no armor on.

In the end, Turk had killed three of the goblins and Thorin had taken out the fourth.

Kierwin helped Turk don his armor, then, being low on healing, she decided to try out the healing scroll she’d found on the island. She was a bit wary of it after the way the Spiritual Weapon had surprised her, but tried it.

The results were definitely not what she expected. As she used the scroll to heal Turk’s wounds, a purple glow appeared and they had feelings of arousal and pleasure, but for Turk, he still felt pain, but the pain felt good too. Well, that had certainly never happened before! What kind of god did they worship on that island or dimension, whatever that place was?

It was very strange, and she was really glad she hadn’t used on certain other members of the group! It took quite awhile for Kierwin to get over the feeling, and she wasn’t too sure she wanted to use the last spell on the scroll later, it was a group spell. She didn’t ask Turk how long the feeling lasted, in fact, she didn’t ask him about it at all. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know right now, it was probably a good thing he’d already gotten his armor back on before she healed him.

By now everyone had made it over there, and they were ready to move on, they went through the doorway to the next room. They didn’t find anything. Thorin searched thoroughly.

They got to the next door, and Geirmund searched it closely for traps, but didn’t detect any. Thorin opened it. The room was so hazy from smoke they could barely see. The room was full of columns. So far the map the goblins had drawn were pretty accurate.

When they got to the next door, they could hear movement, so they prepared for battle. They worked out a strategy, including having Geirmund spike the door shut if he needed to in order to keep any of the goblins from escaping.

Kierwin had one last spell left, and that was the Bless spell on the scroll from the island. She was hesitant to use it, but they needed every edge they could get. So, she cast it on the group. As she did, the purple haze appeared. This time, the whole group felt strangely aroused, and they were oddly excited about the idea of getting hurt and feeling the sensation of pain. Except Turk, who felt slightly repulsed by it as though it was wrong.

So, with this strange blessing, they went through the door and found goblins and hobgoblins, a lot of them, and the two fighters and the cleric went right into combat without a second thought.

Geirmund stayed at the door as planned at the beginning of the battle, ready to spike it shut, or to head into battle where needed.

Minx and Snap stayed back where they could fight from a distance at first. Minx was ready with a sleep spell and put 3 goblins to sleep. Snap followed her example and cast sleep on 2 goblins and a hobgoblin.

Turk went to the right cut a goblin in half with one blow of his greatsword. Kierwin followed Turk, but didn’t manage to engage any of the goblins in combat.

One of the goblins kicked the hobgoblin that Snap had put to sleep and woke it up.

Thorin went to the left and cut a goblin down the middle with his war axe, a puddle of blood starting to form at his feet.

Minx had her composite longbow out and pierced a goblin right through the heart, a perfect shot, it dropped straight to the floor.

Kierwin saw her opening and engaged a hobgoblin. She sliced it open with her sword, not killing it, but wounding it bad enough that when it tried to fight back, it missed her completely.

Snap cast sleep on two more hobgoblins, but then two of the goblins that had been asleep previously woke up. Geirmund had been keeping a close eye on the fight and noticed that the sleep spells were having a limited effect. He decided it was time to take action.

Goblins flanked Thorin, but both missed him when they attacked. Then two other goblins woke the hobgoblins up that Snap had just cast sleep on. This was getting frustrating, there were just too many of them.

Turk saw that Thorin was flanked and went to help him, killing one, the pool of blood was getting bigger. Thorin slashed at the remaining goblin, but missed it. Then the goblin fought back at Thorin and hit him, his blood added to the ever growing pool at his feet.

Minx fired at a goblin with her bow, but it dodged the arrow in the confusion.

Kierwin went for a finishing blow on the hobgoblin, but just as she struck at it, it managed to swing at her and just nicked her arm, throwing her aim off just enough to make her miss. It drew blood, but she didn't seem to mind that much, in fact that was just fine.

A hobgoblin had managed to come up behind Turk while he was killing the goblin. It just barely scratched him as he was turning to fight it.

Snap got his crossbow out and loaded it. Geirmund came in and started killing the goblins before they could wake up from the sleep spells. Meanwhile, Minx took another shot with her bow, but the wiry goblin got away again.

The hobgoblin tried to attack Turk again, but its weapon futilely bounced off his armor. Then Turk swung his greatsword and the hobgoblin’s head went flying across the room, spraying blood in a crescent behind it.

Thorin brought his war axe down and slashed the goblin down across the chest, killing it, dropping it straight down where it stood, the puddle of blood was getting bigger.

Kierwin thrust her sword through the hobgoblin, killing it, but as it went down screaming, it managed to slice her leg one last time.

Snap fired his heavy crossbow at a goblin, scoring a perfect shot and dropping it in its tracks, it fell mid-step.

Meanwhile Geirmund continued killing sleeping goblins.

Turk took a slight wound from a goblin, throwing his aim off as he tried to return the blow. Thorin stepped up and killed the one that had just wounded Turk. That was the last one. One last goblin had fled the battle through a door on the far side of the room.

Kierwin realized that she hadn't cared one bit about the wounds from the hobgoblin until the spell wore off, she wondered about the others. She also realized she'd gone right past four small goblins to attack the larger hobgoblin instead, not the smartest move she'd ever made. She decided not to ask the others about it.

They searched the room, it was full of junk. They searched the bodies and found a little gold and silver. Snap cast detect magic, but other than what they already had with them, there wasn’t any, but considering what the junk in the room looked like that was what they expected.

Kierwin was out of healing, and they were all hurt and in desperate need of rest. They talked it over and decided to return to Oakhurst.

Coming up: A Night in Oakhurst

Which heroes' lives will change forever?

P.S. A little note here: the next few stories are a little more adult oriented, but very important to the story. Parental Guidance is suggested! Just thought I'd warn you. Tab. :)
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Turk's Interlude

The Return to Oakhurst Begins:

As the Party returned from the Sunless Citadel and entered Oakhurst; Turk bade the others a temporary goodbye "I am off to check on Rowena and will meet you all back at the Boar's Inn later for dinner." Flashing a smile and a slight bow to all he winked surreptitiously at Kierwin and then spun and headed off...

After leaving the Party at the city limits Turk went to the Temple of Pelor to see Dem Nackle and check on Rowena. He had a long conversation with Dem about what had happened at the Sunless Citadel and learned how Rowena had fared in his absence. It turned out that Dem and Turk hit it off famously, probably due to their shared love of Pelor, and soon she insisted he call her Corkie, her not so formal name. Once they had chatted for near an hour Turk decided that he should take advantage of the wonderful day and take Rowena out for a walk to get her some fresh air.

Turk smiled warmly as he and Rowena strolled out of the temple. He steered Rowena to a country lane and soon they were arm in arm walking down the path. Rowena seemed to naturally take his arm in hers as she leaned on him as they slowly walked. They were in no hurry and somehow Turk could sense that Rowena wanted and needed his close attention. She seemed just slightly more coherent, though she still did not speak, and when Turk gazed into her eyes he could still see that haunted look as if trouble was following her. Turk's eyes continually scanned the horizon for danger, not that he expected any on this beautiful afternoon, but it was part of his training and he did it automatically. As they left the city boundaries he noticed some scraggly vegetation and for a moment his military training rose to the surface and he wondered how it would fair as a barricade for defense and then dismissed it as lacking to the task. Not giving it a further thought he returned Rowena's small squeezes on his arm with his own and he began to talk quietly to her.

Turk normally didn't talk much to woman. He had found out early on that woman enjoyed it when they were allowed to talk openly and some were actually surprised by it when he promoted it. They seemed to think men only enjoyed hearing their own voices and when Turk manipulated them into talking they usually burst forth like a dam. The fact that this emotional purge left them open to his maneuvering them into bed was the main reason Turk used this tactic, but partly he did enjoy listening to them as he was curious about all things feminine in nature. Of course, at the moment Rowena couldn’t speak, and even more importantly Turk had no intentions of bedding Rowena. It wasn't that Rowena wasn't pretty; in fact she was downright gorgeous, perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever met. But, in her present condition the thought never even entered into Turk's head. Turk had never taken a woman by force, nor had he ever taken one that had not willingly gone to his bed, and sometimes insisting upon it. It didn’t matter to Turk that his charm, or good looks, or wit, or heavy purse had enabled him to persuade or pay the many woman he had been with to willingly join his bed, the ultimate fact was they went willingly and that was all that mattered. But Rowena, in her present condition, could never willingly make that choice, so Turk was in the unusual situation of being in the presence of a good looking woman and not wondering how and when he could get her in bed.

In a way it was rather refreshing and Turk felt almost free in a sense. Of course, he had just been with Osa for many a pleasurable night and he could tell Kierwin would not be far behind so he wasn't too concerned about finding a bedmate at the moment. Kierwin would be a grand prize to bed, his first Elf and a beauty too. Turk sincerely liked Kierwin and he hoped that he would be able to give her many, many orgasms so that she would fondly look back on their tryst for the rest of her long life. Turk was an extremely considerate lover and always strived to make the most of every partner’s sexual interlude. Even when he paid for sex he enjoyed making the whores truly orgasm. He, for some reason, enjoyed the sex better when he knew his partners were enjoying it too. And of course, over time, he had become so good that he now prided himself on the fact that many women would remember him to their deathbeds.

But right now as he and Rowena walked through the marvelous countryside he had not the pressure of what to say and how to say it and analyzing the situation to take advantage of it...right now he could relax. So, as they strolled, Turk talked of his past, his present, and the possible future. He had not had anyone to talk to about his amazing transformation and even though Rowena would remember none of this it still felt good to tell her. So he talked and spoke of his inner thoughts, and he felt her closeness to him, and he felt at ease and at peace. Never before had he spoken so intimately to anyone. He told her of his beginnings as a lad, and how he had run errands for his banker Father. He told her of his early trouble with visiting places of ill repute, and how that had resulted in his charm school education, and then later his military training at the Academy. Even though Rowena couldn’t really understand him, as he spoke he still did not mention any of his many woman by name or by intimate detail. His personal honor would never allow him to discuss such things openly at any time; gentlemen simply did not discuss their private affairs at any time.

After a bit they reached the top of a low hill and Turk felt that Rowena might need a short rest. He placed his cloak upon the soft green earth and set Rowena upon it. Then he gave her water from his flask and the last of his fresh rations to nibble upon. As she sat there he scanned the countryside and took in all the beauty as he continued on with his story. He told her of that wicked day that had changed his life; the month of self imposed debauchery after that, and then the amazing transformation, guided by Pelor’s hand, that had changed his life forever forward. As he gazed upon her upturned shining face, “By what miracle has Pelor chosen me to carry forth His righteous justice upon the land? How is it that I have been granted the honor of being His vessel to be filled with His strength and goodness, and then its contents to be poured from me onto those that I meet?” Turk looked from Rowena and upon the horizon, his own eyes carrying a haunted look suddenly, “Do I have the inner strength to carry forth this mighty quest? To help the meek, to protect the weak, and to destroy Evil wherever it may lurk in darkness?” Turk sadly shook his head in a moment of weakness, and then looked upwards to the shining sun above and let its rays of strength and warmth fill him, “Of course I do not have the strength, but I do not need to nor am I capable of having it, but as long as I follow Pelor it shall be HIS strength that guides me and gives me the power and will to fulfill my new destiny.” And so with a proud and genuine smile a different feeling Turk lifted Rowena from the ground and they renewed their trek. And so they walked on and before they knew it they had completed their roundabout travels and come back to the temple.

Turk walked Rowena inside and made sure Corkie knew they were back. But before he left he took both of Rowena’s hands in his and leaned forward and lightly kissed Rowena upon her forehead, "Pelor's guiding hand protect thee till I may return to your side, Mistress of My Thoughts, Mistress of Mystery." With that he turned and headed outside to see a Dwarf about supplies.
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First Post
Return to Oakhurst continued......

Just a short post as we have some heavy character development/roleplaying in Oakhurst. Each section was written by each player, and the PC's name begins each section.



Kierwin flashed a smile at Turk, knowing he didn't see her as he left for the temple, but she hoped he felt it just the same. They headed toward the Boar’s Inn to book rooms for the night. Kierwin and Minx asked if there was a room available in the back where there was a view of the sunset. Fortunately, there was. After that, they headed for Kerowyn Hercule's place to trade the gems and jewelry that they had found in the citadel. They had already talked about it on the way back to Oakhurst, since Kierwin didn’t want to go alone.

They got there, and after making the trade, they also told Kerowyn that they were sorry they hadn’t found out much about her children yet. They had to come back to town to rest and heal after so many fights. They had found signs of the other party in the Citadel, but there were no signs that anything had happened to them, but they were going to keep looking. They were leaving to go back in the morning when they were back at full strength.

Kierwin looked around the shop, and her eyes lit up when she saw a certain emerald gown. "Minx, it’s beautiful, and I’m so tired of wearing the same clothes I was kidnapped in. It matches my eyes! I want to buy it, what do you think? I know it’s a little expensive, but I’ve never had anything so beautiful."

Minx smiled and nodded. She thought it was a little too formal for their travels, but that was okay. As for herself, she had the tailor fix up her emerald green gown and her cloak, and was good to go.

Kierwin didn’t know anything about the rash that Minx showed her, but wanted to accompany Minx to the temple to see Dem.

They got to the temple and met Dem who turned out to be just over 3 feet tall and with fairly tan skin, blue eyes and light colored hair. She was a very kind and mellow person, and had a very warm demeanor. She was the town's healer and knew a lot about injury and disease. She said that she had heard of people that had been lucky enough to survive a battle with a Mummy only to contract a disease known as 'Mummy Rot'. She was very impressed that your group was able to put the thing down. It seems that Mummy Rot was pretty obscure because it was a supernatural disease rather than a natural one and fortunately there were not hordes of mummies roaming about. But, of course most people wouldn't survive an encounter to tell about it.

She could sense Minx's increasing concern about the Rot and her rash so she tried to get back Minx on track. She had never seen Mummy Rot in person but from what she could recall about it was that its affects were not immediate but that it slowly lessened a persons vitality and health until they died. Someone that died of the Rot shriveled away into sand and dust. The healthier the person, the longer they could last. Some people don't even realize at first that anything was wrong until a day or two had passed and they start to feel run down. It could be cured only through magical means and unfortunately she was not strong enough to channel that kind of power.

She told Minx that her companion, Turk, had been blessed by Pelor Himself and perhaps he had the power to cure her? Sometimes Pelor's chosen Holy Warriors were gifted with the ability to remove disease. Also, Sir Bradford was a Chosen of Pelor and if he was still alive somewhere in the Citadel he may have the power. Of the course the Apple should have the power to cure her, it may be ripe enough to pick. The apple was a sure fire way if you could find it. All she knew about it was that it must come from somewhere in the Citadel as they have never found that kind of tree anywhere and the goblins were the only ones known to ever posses one.

The town tried every year to plant the seeds from the apple to see if they can grow a tree but after the weedy looking shootings reach a few feet in height they were gone. The township figures the Goblins must steal them at night so no one else has a tree. Dem regrets that she couldn't cure Minx of it, If that is what she had, "that rash does look rather Dry and flaky.. hhmm!" "Well stop by in the morning and I have a blessing I can give you that will bolster your health and endurance for several hours, maybe that will help if that is what it is."

After speaking with Dem, the two Elves went back to the Inn. Minx joined the others at a table for supper while Kierwin headed upstairs with her new gown. When Kierwin appeared again a while later, she had on her new dress and was headed for the door. Minx looked up and watched her leave, a concerned look on her face. She stayed in the tavern with Snap for several hours, and then finally headed up to her room to await Kierwin. She crawled into bed with a book until sleep overcame her.

To be continued with further adventures in a return to Oakhurst.
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First Post
One last short posting, before our long roleplaying session.

Kierwin halfway listened to Snap tell about why he'd left their village so long ago. Something was changing inside him, and he didn't know exactly what or why. He left, searching for answers, but he didn't find many, he only knew that he had dragon's blood coursing through his veins. Beyond that, Kierwin didn't hear much of the conversation, she was lost in thought.

She needed time to herself, even just for a few hours. She excused herself early, and had talked Minx into a room in the back of the inn. She wanted her own, but one wasn’t available.

She only had one interruption and she didn't mind that at all, it was Thorin, who was having a problem similar to the one Minx had, just not as severe.

As the party returned to town and got settled in, Thorin started to notice that there was an uncomfortable itch in his chest that would not go away. In his quarters, he removed his chain shirt and padding to discover a red, crusty appearance to his skin. He remembered hearing of the temple of Pelor and decided he’d better see if this foreign religion's healer may do some good, or at least, tell him what it might be. He decided to go and ask Kierwin the location of the Temple of Pelor.

Kierwin had retired to her room early, so Thorin found her there. Fortunately she had been to the temple with Minx earlier that day. She gave Thorin directions and told him that she wished that she could help him, but it was way beyond her experience, so she hoped the priestess could help him. She hoped to see him at dinner and that he would be feeling better.

Thorin thanked Kierwin for her help and headed for the Temple of Pelor. Believing that this temple would be no different than that of Moradin, he just decided to walk in and call out to see if anyone was there.

Next: A moonlight walk in Oakhurst
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First Post
It Began as a Moonlight Stroll.....

After Thorin left, Kierwin tried to get her mind back on track, and back to the diary she had started. So much had happened, the kidnapping, finding Snap, the arguments between Minx and Turk, the Citadel, the mummy, that orb. She didn’t even know where home was from here, but she wasn't even sure she cared anymore.

She wondered how Rowena was doing; she was frustrated that she hadn't been able to help her. The arguments with Minx and Turk bothered her most; Minx just wouldn't understand how much good and honor Turk had in his heart and in his soul. Kierwin could actually feel it. Maybe it was the ties shared between Ehlonna and Pelor. She had prayed to Ehlonna to help settle her mind when she got to her room, she had so many questions. Of course, even Ehlonna couldn't answer the biggest question on her mind......

A few hours later, as the Sun was setting slowly and gloriously in vivid colors, Turk sauntered towards the back of the Boar's Inn. His armor reflecting the brilliant but dying colors of the evening he looked up catching the vision of Kierwin in her bedroom window also looking out upon the sunset. Raising his voice to be heard from the second story window "How is it that my eyes, so pleased to see Pelor's glorious sunset, have been drawn to an even more amazing vision of Grace and Beauty?" Turk flashed his famous smile "Pelor shall surely grow jealous of your wanton beauty as you outshine even his magnificent sunsets." Turk stopped below the window and looked up "Perhaps, if I am so lucky, you would grant me a moment or two of your time before dinner and join me in a stroll through the streets?" He waved good naturedly indicating a general direction of travel his grin becoming a bit wider "For a bit of calm might help you digest your dinner better and my eyes shall have a feast of their own before the evening meal."

Kierwin was sitting in the room she shared with Minx, the diary forgotten, while she was watching the most beautiful sunset she'd seen in years, when she saw a flash of the setting sun gleam off of polished metal below her window. Then she heard a familiar voice call out to her and she looked down. The sunset was reflected in his armor, and he looked even more handsome than he usually did. Turk's smile met her gaze and her smile lit up her face as she smiled back, unable to help herself. His compliments made her blush, and she knew that he could see it, even from where he stood. His offer of a stroll through the streets of Oakhurst was an offer she couldn't resist.

"Of course, I would be more than happy to walk with you, I would welcome the chance to calm my thoughts, and to spend some time with you away from the others. If you would just give me a few moments to get ready, I will come down to meet you."

She brushed her long hair, leaving it loose and changed into the emerald gown she had bought when they got to town. She took a deep breath, smoothed her gown, and headed down the stairs to meet Turk outside the inn. Maybe Ehlonna had found a way to soothe her mind, one way or the other.

Turk's grin flashed "I shall count the moments as they shall drag by so slowly as if time has stopped, but I would happily wait all eternity for the chance to walk with one so fair in body and spirit as thine." He bowed to her as she disappeared from the windowsill.

Turk waited outside the front of the inn patiently for Kierwin. He knew enough about women that they would take what time they felt they needed and not appear a moment sooner or later. He glanced up and down the street out of habit from his days on patrol, always watching, always looking for trouble anywhere, everywhere. After a few minutes the door to the inn barely began to move and Turk turned to face the opening door. As it opened he let out a barely audible gasp of wonderment as he beheld what was truly a vision of beauty. Everyone knows the Elven race is by far the fairest of them all and Elven woman are naturally beautiful. But Kierwin was most beautiful even by Elven standards and Turk was sure that she was one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life.

Turk bowed lowly and waved his hand gracefully as he had learned at the charm school he had attended. As he straightened, for the first time since they had met, Turk spoke in Elvish "Ehlonna, the Mistress of the Forest, must have chosen that emerald green to bathe you in herself as that gown does not simply clothe you but radiates your beauty as a rainbow radiates its glory over a meadow on midsummer’s day." Turk's grin fairly beamed as he beheld the vision before him "But it is not just your outer beauty that shines but your inner beauty too that I can feel even from here; like the soft whisper of a light wind, carrying the first sense of a change in the weather. Thus your inner beauty I too can sense and with it a calming change, a peaceful change, from haunts in a Sunless Citadel to" he paused and then he held out his arm, cocked for her to take his offered arm as he gestured down the city road with a nod of his head and a grin "to whatever sweet music that we wish to make together along this path of... who knows what this path holds for us?"

Many things about Turk had surprised her, few more than when he had spoken to her in her native language, she'd had no idea that he spoke it. Stunned when he actually spoke to her in Elvish, even his voice made her heart jump, just as his smile did, she actually paused for a moment to gain her composure, before she walked over to him as gracefully as her startled nerves allowed. She answered him in the same tongue.

"You are much too kind, and compliment me so much more than I deserve. I knew that you were learned, but you continue to surprise me, I look forward to seeing just what other surprises you have hidden. Not only are you handsome, honorable, and chivalrous, you are intelligent beyond your years." She smiled, knowing how much he liked her smile, and it was sincere. He was one of the most fascinating men she had ever met, and there was certainly something about him that called to her - something in his soul, she'd felt it the moment she'd met him.

With that, she happily took his arm, still embarrassed by the compliments that no one had ever paid her before. She thanked Ehlonna for helping her find the emerald gown that afternoon, for it must have been Her, since it seemed to have been the only one the shopkeeper had that was even close to what she had been looking for, it matched her eyes perfectly, and it just seemed to have called her name. She had managed to keep her voice from shaking when she saw him, the sun had set, but looking into his eyes, she could almost see the sunset reflected there, whether it was her imagination or Pelor, she didn't know.

For the first time in weeks, she felt at peace. She carried only her Holy Symbol, she was never without it, but she trusted Turk in case of any trouble and didn't carry any of her weapons. She thought about what he said about whatever sweet music they wished to make together, and just had to decide what to say, or rather how to say it, and she didn't want to say it wrong, and appear to forward. She already knew what she felt and what she wanted.

As they walked, she suddenly put her other arm on his and stopped him for a moment, her eyes searching his. She had to look up, as he was quite a bit taller than she was. She could almost lose herself in those eyes, especially when he smiled. "Being with you right now, I feel peace and calm for the first time I can remember. I can feel the good and honor in your soul, I can feel your faith in Pelor. Let's find out what this path holds for us."

Turk scanned the streets as he walked with Kierwin arm in arm. He kept one eye on the lithe and curvaceous Kierwin and the other out for danger. He knew he was responsible now for not only his safety but hers too and that was one duty he was not about to shirk or take lightly. They had not gone far and had chatted about nothing in particular when suddenly Kierwin drew him to a stop and spoke tender words to him. Turk was surprised by the conviction in her voice and he wondered deeply about this Elven beauty.

He wanted to respond to her. He wanted to ask how she could have such outwardly amazing looks and yet even greater inwardly amazing beauty. How was it that she was kind and generous and considerate when her friend Minx was so hateful and demeaning of others? How was it that she cared for a Half-Orc, and now it seemed also a Human? Were not Elves haughty and pretentious and considered all others beneath them? Yet… Kierwin acted as if all were equals and were deserving of trust, honor, and a chance to do Good in the world. Turk had met his share of those who considered themselves better then others because of whom they were born of or by the amount of money they had or land they owned. Turk had turned his back on that old life of his and now, for the first time since he had found Pelor’s Grace and Strength he met someone whom it seemed shared his convictions.

Yes, Kierwin was beautiful. All Elves were beautiful and Kierwin was better then most Turk had seen in his life. In the dim light of the moon Turk could see her emerald eyes sparkle against her silky white skin, her hair blow slightly in the breeze, and her emerald dress swish softly and so very slightly as it accentuated all the right parts of an amazing Elven figure. Turk would have been drawn to this body no matter how he felt about Kierwin’s inner beauty. But her matching inner strength was what destroyed all of Turk’s defenses. Turk had no flanking maneuver, no back up defense to Kierwin’s clear, confident, and delicious smile. This woman wanted one thing and Turk knew what it was; experience had taught him that. And though he wondered about how he felt becoming involved with a fighting companion, about becoming involved with an Elf, about becoming involved with a friend of Minx, Turk still could not respond.

Though a million questions filled his mind and a million thoughts skittered through his head only his instincts had the initiative to do anything. Here in his arms was a gorgeous woman who wanted one thing and that one thing Turk wanted too right now more then anything. Everything else be damned; come what may tomorrow, one thing was clear, and in regards to that Turk knew how to act. Sliding his left arm from her grasp he slowly let his arms flow up hers until he grasped both her shoulders gently. Towering over her he bent his neck “The path is ours to bend and shape as we wish, for we are in control for once of our destiny” he whispered. Drawing closer to her with each word he spoke and gently lifting her with each breath he drew until there was nothing left between them but the melting of their lips upon another. The soft, sweetness of a first kiss, stolen upon a moonlight walk; where peace reigned for once, amongst all the horrors of the Evil world around them. And in the innocence of that first kiss, that seemed to go on forever; passions flame ignited and began to build.

Kierwin was surprised at herself; she couldn’t believe how open she’d been with Turk. She had as much as told him what she wanted, and that was something she’d never done before. It wasn’t like she went around throwing herself at men, not elves or humans. What would he think? Well, for that matter, it was true, she had flat out made her intentions obvious, but what had gotten into her? There were so many reasons that it was wrong for them to be together, but there were so many other things telling her it was right.

Would the thought of Minx scare him off? She knew she could handle Minx, but she wished that Minx didn't hate Turk like she did. She knew that Minx would find out, there was no reason to try to hide it from her, Minx knew her too well. Minx was her friend, but she didn’t rule her life. Minx would understand, although she certainly didn’t plan to announce it to her, assuming anything did happen. Granted, Kierwin had grown up with a human foster brother, and had spent a lot of her life around humans, and that made Kierwin even more comfortable with humans than most elves were. That was how she’d learned so much about Pelor, and one of the reasons she’d become a Cleric. It had been a difficult choice for her to become a Cleric of Ehlonna or a Cleric of Pelor because of Gerald's father. Her love of nature and Ehlonna had won out in the end.

She watched Turk’s eyes. She could tell that he was having a battle in his own mind. Had she been too forward? Was it too much to expect for him to be involved with a member of his own party? She’d thought about it and knew she could handle it during a fight, her training would win out, and whoever needed her would be who she helped when it came to it. She just prayed that nothing happened to Turk, he was special, no matter what happened between them tonight, it didn’t matter if they parted as friends and nothing more happened between them, although she wished for more from this. All of these thoughts crossed her mind in the split second that she watched his face. It was amazing what a person’s eyes could reveal. She almost wished that the moon hadn’t been shining, so that she couldn't see his face, but she couldn’t take her eyes off his, the moonlight on his face, held her captivated, even as her mind went over all the different thoughts.

Then, her fears were calmed. She felt his arms slide up around her shoulders as he bent his head down toward her face. She tilted her head as he lifted her towards him. As their lips met, she forgot everything except the taste of him, the feel of him, her heart pounded, and as the passion inside her began to build, she wished it would go on forever.

Time stopped. The wind halted. The clouds froze in mid-air. The world itself stood still. Only Turk and Kierwin moved, breathed, felt, and inhaled each other. Nothing else seemed to matter but her lips and his, her tongue and his, her mouth and his.

How long this lasted cannot be told but as their passion flared time was regained and the world could breathe again and the sky, wind, Earth, and plants came to life again. Suddenly there was more then just their kiss. But as their passions flared, even though the world moved again, they noticed not. What they did notice was each other and how well God in his wisdom matched the male and female form. Turk not only felt his flaming hot lips upon hers, his tongue entwined with hers, but his hands flowed upon her silky gown. They roamed over her shoulders and traveled upon her back and climbed to her neck. He pressed against her and his chest felt her heaving bosom, their waists and legs pressed against each other and as they kissed more passionately a fire enveloped them as a wild fire envelops a meadow. Breathless, yearning for each other they literally tore at each other as their passion screamed from them like live steam under pressure.

Only Turk’s armor saved them.

Turk was literally ready to tear the clothes from Kierwin when he felt, more then remembered, his heavy armor about him. As he realized he would need to get out of his armor to let the fire within him build even higher it suddenly dawned on him where they were; and it was not the place to ravish this magnificent Elven Lady. Struggling with all his will he warily held her at arms length and gasped “Kierwin, I want you now with all my heart and ardor, but Milady; this is not the place to consummate the passion which fills us.” Turk purposefully turned his head from side to side to remind Kierwin where they were. As bold as Turk was he was not about to take Kierwin in the middle of an Oakhurst street no matter how deserted it was. He spied just the establishment he required.

“We are likely minded in what we want, and our purpose is as clear as the stars above but pray tell we must calm ourselves a bit until we can reignite this flame in a more secluded place.” Slowly he smiled, that charming grin, but now a bit of lascivious larceny tipped it and he nodded towards the Bed and Breakfast sign on the nearby building. “I am sure they have a very nice room, one that would suit us very kindly for the next few hours as we” Turk gave her awesome body a meaning look “get to know one another much, much better.”

Any doubts she’d had vanished, the only thing she could think of was him, and at this point she wasn’t really thinking about anything but the passion building inside her. That kiss, that wonderful, passionate kiss, she put her arms around his neck. The kiss could have gone on forever, as she opened her mouth and her tongue met his, it was one of the most powerful sensations she’d ever had. Yes, tonight they make their own destiny. Everywhere their bodies touched, it felt like fire. The passion was building, and she wished they’d been in one of their rooms right now.

She’d forgotten where she was, not even thinking she was in the middle of the street until his words reminded her, and she followed his gaze. Oh yes, she was ready to walk with him to his room, her mind and body were ready for that. She’d forgotten that neither of them had their own room.

Her body had a mind of its own. The fire inside her screamed at her to satisfy it now, but her mind told her this was the wrong place. No, she wouldn’t obey the fire inside of her, no matter what she did; neither she nor Turk would ever do something like that.

Every part of her that could touch him was, but the feel of the armor was a problem. She took several deep breaths to calm herself, for now anyway there was time enough to get to know each other better when they got to a room. Then, it would be safe to help him get out of that hindering armor of his.

She answered him once she got herself under control, and could speak without her voice giving her away. “You are right, this is not the place to release the passion inside us, let us go over there and get a room and get to know each other better.”

With that, she couldn’t help it, she reached up and caressed his face, like she’d wanted to for so long. Then offered him one last kiss before she took his arm so he could walk her over to the inn and to a room. Only then did she actually notice how bright the stars and moon were that night. The moon glinted off his eyes and armor and that was all she could take. His armor prevented more physical contact, but she was completely pressed up against him and she knew that he could feel her body pressed close to his, even though the armor prevented more intimate contact.

Enough thinking, it was the embrace between them that counted and the walk to get a room. She enjoyed his company and enjoyed the night sky and the gentle breeze. It was a beautiful night, but even so, she could barely keep her eyes off of Turk. Every so often, she just had to steal another kiss, even if it was a short one. After that first one, she’d go crazy without another. She was in a hurry to get to the inn; it was definitely time to get him out of that armor!

The short walk to the Bed and Breakfast was not only slow but also hampered by frequent stops. Every few moments Turk stopped to taste Kierwin's lips upon his, to pull her close to him, to smell her, and feel her warmth. She was amazingly attentive and Turk could tell that some pretty special lovemaking was coming over the horizon. With one last kiss he brought her to the entrance of the inn and asked her to wait for him. In just a few minutes he returned and took her up the back stairs to his room. Turk had already quickly scouted out this safer and less obtrusive entrance. He had done it out of habit, both from a military standpoint, and one from years of wenching too. Ladies did not appreciate being dragged through a crowded room to a gentleman’s room; their honor suffered and thus so did their ardor.

Turk quietly opened the door and peeked inside quickly just to make sure it was safe and pleasantly respectable. Then he opened the door all the way and bowed as he motioned for Kierwin to step inside. As she did he stepped in behind her and closed the door behind him.

They finally arrived at the inn, but Kierwin certainly didn’t mind the delay, part of it was certainly her fault. She had more than lost herself in the moments spent lost both in Turk’s eyes and arms, and in the taste of him. It was the problem controlling the fire she felt inside her that had urged her on, but she knew that would be quenched soon enough.

Thankfully, when they arrived, she didn’t have to deal with the stares of Minx or any of the other party members, Turk had already thought of that by bringing her here to this charming little place. Even here, he was a gentleman and opened the door for her with a bow, but once he stepped in and closed the door behind him, the feelings she’d managed to suppress on the walk here nearly overwhelmed her and she fought to keep her knees from buckling. She’d gotten a glimpse of the room, and the bed, but right now, her mind was too busy to even think about that, it was on him, and how the feelings that threatened to overwhelm her.

To cover just how much he affected her, she stepped a little closer. She placed both hands around his neck, then moved one behind his head, tilting it gently toward her. She didn’t care anymore if it looked too forward of her now, he knew what she wanted. One more time, she looked up into those eyes that she always lost herself in, and stretching as tall as she could, offered him the most passionate kiss that she had in her, knowing that in spite of her best efforts that she was trembling, but by now, she didn’t care, she was right where she belonged, right where she wanted to be.

Turk returned the kiss of Kierwin’s and noticed she was shaking. As he kissed her tenderly and deeply his mind also considered the facts and overall situation. He knew that Kierwin was in years much older then he, but he also knew that due to the long life of Elves they tended to be protective of their young and raised them much more slowly then in Human terms. Also, Kierwin was a Cleric and chastity was very typical amongst most religions. Finally, she was shaking as if a bit nervous. So, Turk figured that as far as sexual experiences went this was, if not the first, then one of the first for Kierwin. If she hadn’t been so aggressive he would have definitely thought the first time, but she was not acting shy and coy as most virgins do.

Figuring then that Kierwin was not that experienced he decided to slow down and make this moment even more special. This was no easy task for him. Kierwin was beautiful. Her wonderful smell filled the room. Her figure was picture perfect and felt grand under his hands. Turk’s base instincts wanted to take her clothes off right now and let his passion loose upon her. But he knew deep down that was not the right method with Kierwin, at least not if this was to be a memorable night for her. He had to put her first, as that was his way. Definitely Turk wanted her to enjoy this night more then any other up to now and hopefully for many more lovers to come. It was an issue of pride with him to be memorable and only a true love he figured could best him and maybe not even then.

Turk now sure of how he wanted to proceed returned her kisses and tender caresses. Slowly, without any obvious moves he guided her to the bed and eased her into a sitting position on it. “Slowly, my passion flower” as he broke from her tender embrace “we have all the time we need, and it is better if we let our need for each other build even more.” He turned and trying not to stumble in the dark moved to the desk where he fumbled for a candle and tindertwig he saw as he had entered. The stick sputtered and came to life and then the candle flamed. Turk adjusted it so that they had enough light to see by but not too much to cause embarrassment.

Then easily, and without thought, he carefully began to remove his armor and weapon. “First I need to remove this metal barrier which keeps me from feeling your soft form before it bruises you from our embraces.” Turk started to undress but was careful to keep his underclothes on as he removed his armor, the time for those to be removed had not yet arrived.

After Turk gently sat her on the edge of the bed, he walked over and lit a candle. He had been so gentle, and taking things so slow that she finally quit shaking. She still didn’t know if she was shaking from nervousness or from the passion building up deep inside of her, or something that she couldn't yet identify.

When he removed his armor, she almost walked over to help, partly from habit, but really from passion. But honestly she couldn’t have walked over there if she’d tried, her knees wouldn’t let her. He got out of his armor, but remained in his underclothes. She realized she’d been holding her breath, and forced herself to start breathing again.

She sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him. Knowing what his kisses did to her, she couldn’t even begin to imagine what pleasures the night would bring. She sat patiently on the side of the bed, waiting for him to join her. Nervous, but at the same time filled with passion and anticipation.

Turk wished he had realized this was all going to happen tonight as then he could have planned it better. Some wine, good food sent to the room, music, and candlelight; ah the best laid plans. But he hadn’t known, so their sudden passion for each other would be all they had; he knew it would be enough.

He returned to the bed and joined her soundlessly and began kissing her again. Slowly, tenderly, with long lingering kisses. She returned them in kind and with much fervor. His hands roamed upon her shoulders, arms, back, neck, face, and hair. Wherever they went they felt a smooth, silky, and athletic shape. At the same time her hands could also roam now that his armor was removed and her touch electrified him. She giggled slightly when he started nibbling on her ears, but once he started to bite her neck her breath became shallower and huskier. After many minutes of his attention her soft moans started to fill the room and Turk became bolder.

He started to caress her bosom through her gown, and run his hands up and down her front from her neck to her thighs. She gladly and eagerly accepted his caresses and her kisses became even more fiery. Turk could hold back no longer as he desperately wanted to feel her soft skin so as he continued to kiss her he undid the laces to her gown. Within a few seconds the laces were undone and Turk was able to pull the gown from about her shoulders and for the first time her ample, yet pert breasts were exposed. Turk had to grin at himself for unlike many women who at this point might partially withdraw from shame Kierwin’s chest instead heaved as if proudly displaying itself and begging for his touch. He was quick to fulfill her desire and his hands and soon mouth explored all her glory. They then helped each other out of the rest of their clothes and in the dim candlelight their nakedness was there for both to revel in.

The next two hours were intimate in a manner that could not be put in mere words. A bit breathless, entwined amongst each other, but momentarily satisfied the two grinned at each other like school children caught playing hooky on a gorgeous spring day.

Turk chuckled “MiLady, that was most refreshing, completely fulfilling, and satisfying. We must take many more walks together in the future” he teased her.

Feeling like she had never felt before, and laughing at his teasing, not to mention liking the idea of more walks together in the future, she was rather exhausted. Kierwin was still laying entwined with Turk, her head on his shoulder. She could stay here in his arms forever. She took her fingers, at this point about all the energy she could manage, or so she thought, and traced it slowly down his chest and arms, not thinking about anything but him.

She noticed a scar on the front of his left shoulder and felt pangs of regret that a man such as he would carry something like that with him for the rest of his life, but was thankful that it was the only one. She also noticed his perfect build, but of course, she’d noticed that long ago, he was perfect, muscular and well built, and she’d certainly never seen anyone who looked like him. Even through her exhaustion, she couldn’t help but kiss the scar she’d traced with her fingers, continuing down his chest and stomach.

Still exhausted, and still grinning from what he said, saddened by what he must have gone through in his young life, she laid her head back on his shoulder. She stayed entwined with him, not ready to leave his sweet embrace. There was nothing she wanted more right now than to just be close to him for awhile. She didn’t care what anyone else thought, she’d deal with that when and if it came to it.

From the DM:

And so our two lovers settled into each other, basking in the comfortable afterglow. And drifted off contentedly to the kind of sleep that only easy lovers could know. Warm and peaceful in each other’s arms, neither one of them aware of the life they had just created together.

Just as Pelor, the Sun, has shone down upon down upon Ehlonna, nature herself, bringing life and blossoming her fertility; so had it gone for these two lovers. Earthly followers of the oldest ongoing act of nature since the birth of the planet itself. Surely their gods would be proud.

Meanwhile, in stark contrast to this scene of life and love, death was also at work in the world. Upon the morrow the lovers would be in for another surprise. The cycle of life continues. For some Death is only the beginning.


First Post
The Lovers Awaken

Kierwin opened her eyes, still in Turk’s arms, her head on his shoulder. He was awake, watching her. She smiled, realizing it was early, not quite dawn yet. Of course, at dawn, she’d need to pray, and she certainly would, she'd never neglect that, but there was still a little time.

Today was going to be a long day and a dangerous one at that. She looked up at him and smiled as he looked down at her, and she felt like she could get lost in him all over again. She wondered what he was thinking.

Knowing that soon they would head back into danger, and wanting to take advantage of what little private time they had left, Kierwin kissed him passionately for what could be the last time for a long time. There was no telling when they would be able to take another walk together. She just hoped that he responded to her the same way that her body was responding by just waking up next to his.

She’d never spent the night in a lover’s arms before, especially not like this. Turk had indeed changed everything for her, what had happened to her so long ago felt like it had just been a bad dream. The memories would always be there, but the memories of last night, the feel of him, the taste of him, his smell, everything, that was what was real. That was what she’d remember forever.

She tore her eyes away from his at last, leaving her arm draped around him and down his back. Before she could stop herself, she said, “Tonight you showed me what it meant to be with a real man, a man who wants nothing more than to please a lady, not someone who just wants to use her. You really are everything I sensed you were, heart and soul, and not just because of tonight. Thank you for healing the parts of me that were broken, even though I didn’t realize they still were.”

Turk accepted and enjoyed Kierwin’s kisses. He had been awake for almost thirty minutes before she had stirred looking at her nakedness as she slept. Turk was used to getting up early, very early, and thus even when he stayed up late, like last night, he still awoke from his slumber well before dawn. Kierwin’s shapely body was close to his and during their embrace he had some thoughts of enjoying her again but knew they didn’t have the time to do it justice. Better to let the attraction continue unfulfilled for a later reencounter then rush now.

He certainly hoped there would be another encounter. Kierwin was gorgeous both in face, body, mind, and spirit. He smiled as he remembered how she had responded so vigorously last night and even this morning he could still tell that her wanton animal instincts still controlled her inner self. He looked out the window at the blackness slowly turning to gray and sighed just a bit inwardly to himself. No, not nearly enough time, too bad.

As Kierwin spoke his appreciation of her grew. Now here was a woman who understood the magnificence of love making and the immense pleasure both parties received if also freely given by both. He wondered if all Elven women were like this and that thought immediately was dashed as he remembered Minx. Maybe it was just Kierwin. If so, he knew he had been lucky to have her as his first Elven bedmate. He smiled at her and stroked her hair and kissed her lightly on her bare shoulder. He was enjoying the moment though he wondered a bit what she meant about being broken and being healed but as he had to go he resisted the urge to question her. He figured she would think he respected her privacy if he remained silent and if he questioned her and then didn’t have time for her explanation then she would think him uncaring and rude.

So instead “I am pleased you enjoyed yourself last night for I surely did. I am also pleased you have awakened as I wanted to be here when you awoke and I almost had to leave before you did and I wished not to interrupt your much needed rest.” He grinned like a Cheshire cat at his innuendo to her requiring rest after her physical and draining experiences of last night. Regretfully he tore himself from her with his hand slowly sliding along her body as he twisted and rolled from the bed to stand upon the floor.

He stood there in all his naked glory unembarrassed by his lack of clothing. He had been intimate with Kierwin so now they had no secrets from each other, at least as far as clothing went. He had not told Osa of his past, nor the trollop he bought on the way to Aguila. He did not intend to tell Kierwin either, at least not yet. Though they had shared their bodies that was not why he considered her as a possible confidant. It was much more her amazing personality, her willingness to do Good, and her devotion to both Ehlonna and Pelor. Maybe, just maybe he could trust her, but right now was not the time and after conversing with, or more accurately to, Rowena yesterday Turk did not feel the need to mention anything of his past. He spoke kindly to her regarding the previous evening as he dressed both to fill in the time and to remind her how well she did and build her confidence. There was nothing like a confident woman in bed and Kierwin had already showed she was a willing and enthusiastic student.

As she watched him, he donned his undergarments, padded armor, chain, banded mail, and then his gauntlets to protect his body. As he arranged his two handed greatsword and sheath upon his back, he glanced outside and saw the dawn nearly upon them and realized he had to hurry. “I must go and meet Pelor as the new day begins; I am sorry I must rush off but I shall look forward to the pleasure of seeing you again at the Boar’s Inn for breakfast. I am sure you shall be safe now that day breaks to travel there unescorted.” He easily strode the two steps to the bed and leaned over and tasted her lips one more time before he turned, and as he put his helm on, briskly moved to the door, opened it, and then was gone as the wooden door closed behind him.

Even as much as she had enjoyed his lovemaking last night, she also enjoyed his gentle kisses and tender touch this morning. Kierwin had amazed herself at how open she had been with him, and how quickly she had wanted to make love to him, but it all felt completely right.

Then, the sky started to lighten, and he had to go. She laughed when he teased her about needing more rest after their vigorous night. Of course, he was quite right! As he stood, she let her hand follow his body as his hand had followed hers, wanting to touch him as long as possible.

She watched him dress, still lying naked on the bed, and talked with him, before he left to go back to the inn. She knew she should get up, and get dressed, but her body just wouldn't cooperate. She enjoyed every last moment with him, wishing morning hadn't come. She still needed to pray, and dawn was nearly there. When he gave her one last passionate kiss before heading back to the inn, she hoped it wasn’t the last. She certainly looked forward to future nights like this one, she didn't know if there would be, but she hoped so.

Then, she got up, and put her gown back on, realizing that she didn't have time to find a quiet place outside to pray, she slowly knelt by the bed to pray to Ehlonna as she always did, but this time as she finished something was different.

This time she finished with tears streaming down her face. Tears from so many emotions she couldn’t name them all. She knelt there for so long unable to move that she lost track of time. Then she rose and headed for the inn with one question on her mind.

How was she going to tell Turk he was going to be a father?

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