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From the ashes will rise a new Hivemind.

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I am the master of everything I see and know of. You are all weak willed and unimportant.

Whaaaat! Stop waving my hand in your face?!? Have you no knowledge of whom you speak to?!?


Who am I?!? If I don't know how can someone else? Are you a headshrinker? Oh I am so confused. Need to adjust my meds again. and Bob thought he had it bad.

I have over a dozen things watching me now......

It's not paranonia if its true.

To my left next to the monitor I have Igoo, Peter Stanchek, Emerald, Megamania (2009), Megamania (1999), Albech-Re and two other female warriors staring at me.

To the immediate right of the monitor The Destroyer and Lightning Lad are watching me. Iron man and Vision towers over them also watching me...or dancing....where is Vision's hand? Tony- how well do you know that android?

Above the monitor looking down on me are Crimson and Gore (Infernal Warforged), a Cannith mage and his Iron Guardian. Also there is a 1/2 orc bounty hunter, a possessed assassin, a barbarian leader, a druid and a mummy (or is it an adherer?).

On top of the speakers are Doom, wargforged, a HUGE gator and about 12 other misc warriors. The Hulk holding a Compound Longbow +25 is looking to shot something behind me. It is behind me right hulk? Not at me... right hulk...

Then under the printer on the scanner stalks 6 Infernal T-Rexs along with Piik and a few characters that resemble characters my son has created and planned to use.....

Under the Printer Pamela Anderson watches me and someone else with puppies wagging.... what is she.... oh. She not watching me. She's busy.

To the right about three feet away on the shelf of DnD books is Red Hulk and what is he doing to that Anime girl? No place for Hentai Rulk. Blade andGray Hulk.... Gray Hulk put Ms. marvel down! On a different shelf is Darksied, Ronin and a very big muscle flexing Green Hulk.

The next shelf down has Wonder Girl, Voodoo and AOPC Wolverine

Batman hangs out below them.

They are watching me.

They are ALL watching me (well- maybe not that one girl)

I am not paranoid. The next thing you will say is I'm bored. I am not! I am an art-TEEST.

Un-oh.... behind the monitor.... near the world of Eberron map.... The Valiant Universe comes!


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