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From the Ground Up - Building a Game Company


De Nada, always glad to help a fellow gamer.

I must admit I am somewhat envious that you get to follow your dream. Being of the 'Paragon Consultant' (tm) prestige class myself I am better at telling others how to do things well then doing those same things myself... Your thread has gotten me to the point tho that whenever I get a job that allows for a bit more structured set of working hours and a bit more leisure time, I will definately try my best at following in your footsteps...

The best of luck

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Eosin the Red

First Post
Well, it has been a little bit since I posted.

The Ringmasters, a free introductory module is done with writing and is beginning the editing phase. Hopefully, I don’t get a note telling me to fire the writer :p

This has been a lesson in discipline. I lack a whole bunch of it. I prefer to research, doing setting stuff, and gab much more than I like to write modules. It was hard to stay on target. This will be an issue that I am going to have to address at some point if the company does well. The boss can’t be a loafer :p

Art is done barring two pieces. That is good news.

Overall, things are starting to firm up but I think our realistic timetables are going to cause some consternation to our customers. There are a number of work arounds for this type of thing but none of them are viable until I see what the first product(s) do in the market place. I am also still entertaining the idea of a “shareware” world, which may confound the issue further.

The Ringmasters should be available soon – but no set date yet. My best guess is sometime next week. It is about 16 pages of adventure [not counting stat blocks, creatures, magic items, or other sundry space hogs]. It does not have any art but will contain 3 maps.
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First Post
Hey Eosin!

I'm really impressed with everything you're doing. That's basically my dream too: to have my own setting published. I've sort of vaguely worked at it for years, but I have a really hard time organizing it in a manner someone else can follow. I would kill to get the template for the WotC 100-page write-ups!

So I wanted to ask you: how did you organize your setting bible? I'm stuck at a point where I have solid ideas, but am not ready to actually transform them into product without some serious organizational work.

Thanks, and good luck!


Another Footstepper

Yes, I too am one who has considered doing just what you are doing Randy (few of us closet writers out there hey)?

I am very impresseed with the research that you are putting into issues, that well, to be honest, I hadn't even considered. There must be some site out there that would love a whole bunch of freelancers :)

I have worked on a setting for many years and have recently joined with 2 friends to combine 3 takes into 1. This thread has gathered together some VERY important considerations and many helpful links and ideas too. Kudos to you for putting this out there 'warts and all' to see what is required to make it in the industry.

I will be watching this space with anticipation;)

Would love to work on a similar project. Wow.

Oh, and I hope your wife is fine. Nice touch of 'person' to your approach and these posts. That too is nice to see...and helpful, as all of us aspiring writers wonder how all this balances with other writers/gamers home lives.

Cheers guys, Connors

Eosin the Red

First Post
I have some initial reports back from the draft of Ringmasters and many rough lessons were learned there in.

1. On free stuff start out with a clear and simple objective – in this I failed. I just started writing and let the adventure take me where it would.
2. Keep a well-organized draft section. I lost 5-7 pages in one fell swoop because I was not properly organized.
3. Make sure that your project dovetails into the setting and line in theme and style – another major failure on my part.
4. Figure out how long it will take you to do it – add a month for all the editing and proofing and then double it.

I am going to have to do a bit of surgery on the module. It does not fit well with the rest of the setting as pointed out by an astute reader. I can’t believe that I did not catch it sooner. There is good news – everybody has responded very favorably to the rough draft. The gent who told me it did not fit the Last Dominion suggested that I sell it to Dungeon – I guess that is both good and bad.

Time, time, time, now I know why companies can predict something is coming out in December – because they already have the rough draft finished. :p When I was just doing website stuff it was easy to write and post stuff then edit on the fly as needed but a published product deservers more than that kind of hap-hazard scrutiny.

The real kicker here is that I have spent a week or so working on the project and it will do nothing to advance the setting or the product line. If I release it – it may set up false expectations of what the company style will be like for our paying customers leading to disappointment when the styles are different. What does all of this mean? It means one heck of a lot of effort for something that will not see any return for 3P while we have mounting costs associated with art and support. It means I made a pretty major faux pas resulting in the squandering of 3P’s most valuable resource – my time. Now to see if I can turn lemons into lemonade. :eek:

I will see if I can get to the question on setting bibles here this evening or tomorrow.


Eosin the Red

First Post
BTW guys,

Thanks for the support. It is easy to get discouraged but then I turn here and feel like I have a grandstand rooting 3P on it keeps the drive going strong. It really helps on days like today when you realize that you have made a major blunder.

It is also cool to know that the thread has made folks desire to chase their own dreams of RPG publishing. Inspiring others is a very cool reward all in itself.

Connors - Thanks, I try to keep it real. We all have lives and as much as we love RPGs many other factors take priority even when you are doing it for "real."


First Post
evil cheerleaders

while I disagree that it does not fit the style of the setting as I find the circus a dark and moody place, full of bright colors and even darker shadows. Maybe I have been watching too much Carnivale.

I have been hard at work on Here there Be Monsters which after a arm twisting phone call I am happy with the direction all the monsters are taking. Amanda my artist partner is hard a work (hopefully we will have some preview stuff up soon)

My freestyle article is on Eosin's desk as well as at the editors.

It warms my evil minion soul to see so many people cheer for us.


First Post
The Really Real world

Randy is off dealing with the real world so I thought I would say a few things.

Me I am trying to stay on track, I have done a number of submissions pieces in the past but doing an entire monster book all by my self takes a number of pieces and I have a high standard that I set for myself. What really helped was putting that standard down on paper for the Friday Five we did a few weeks ago. Though my long answer was too long for Randy's tastes.

I am not much for the long borring talk of money and expenses. I work slowly and more simply (cheaper too), I have Amanda Roth as my artist (a co-worker and the fiance of one of my best friends)David Paul is my editor, he stops me from using my third grade writing skills.

Since I might as well get in some trouble with Randy while he is away I thought I would give you all a sneak peak at something I have been working on this is a npc (varient monster) that sets the stage for how Here there be monsters will be handling Npcs

Eched’Na’ “Mother of Monsters”

Suddenly the woman you are threatening transforms into a roughly 60-foot-long, crimson serpent with the head of a lovely, raven-haired woman. She has deep, captivating, purple eyes and a wicked-looking barbed stinger.

Some claim the Eched’Na’ is the first bride created by the powers that be, who abandoned her husband and child rather than be ruled by him. Others claim she is simply a powerful naga who suffers from dementia from feeding upon the Ennwrathi. Eched’Na’ claims to be much older than both the powers and the Ennwrathi, and that she is here to give life to the world. She seems to truly care for those she takes as a mate and will often do small favors of services for them; she also seems to care for her children but only after some one has murdered them. She is a very gifted courtesan and is extremely charming and entertaining. Eched’Na’ hopes one day to give birth to a messiah who will save the world from the Ennwrathi.

“I want to bear your children. To be the mother of your child.”

Eched’Na’ “Mother of Monsters”: Female ha-naga; CR 23; Colossal (60’ long, 5’ diameter) aberration; HD: 20d8+240; hp 440; Init +14; Spd 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect); AC 40, touch 16, flat-footed 26; Base Atk +15; Grp +39; Atk +21 melee (4d6+8, coil whip) or +19 (2d8+4, sting) or +13 (4d8+4, bite); Full Atk: +21 melee (4d6+8, coil whip), +19 melee (2d8+4 plus poison, sting), +13 melee (4d8+4, bite); Space/Reach 30 ft./20 ft.; SA charming gaze, constrict 4d6+12, improved grab, poison, spells; SQ damage reduction 5/epic, flight, shapechange, seven suns; spell resistance 30; AL CE; SV Fort +22, Ref +22, Will +22; Str 27, Dex 38, Con 42, Int 35, Wis 31, Cha 36.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +35, Concentration +39, Bluff +24, Diplomacy +38, Escape Artist +37, Hide +21, Jump +20, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +35, Listen +33, Move Silently +37, Search +35, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +37, Spot +33; Ability Focus (Charming Gaze), Extend Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse

A ha-naga’s natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Chameleon Ability (Ex): Ha-nagas can blend in with their surroundings, giving them a +8 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.

Charming Gaze (Su):the ma As mass charm monster, 90 ft., Will save (DC 35). The DC is Charisma-based.

Constrict (Ex): A ha-naga deals 4d6+12 points damage with a successful grapple attack against Huge or smaller opponents.

Flight (Su): As per the fly spell, except 120 ft. (perfect). This ability gives the ha-naga a +6 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ha-naga must hit with its coil whip attack. If it succeeds, it can constrict.

i]Poison (Ex):[/i] Injury, Fortitude DC 31; initial and secondary damage 2d8 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Seven Suns (Ex): In a compatible form, Eched’Na’ can mate with any creature that reproduces sexually. These children are carried for nine days and then born fully grown. Often this creature is a unique monster but occasionally it is born to the race of its father. This creature shares a number of memories of its father; it seems to suffer from no lack of maturity, regarding its intelligence or its wisdom, though it often has a desire to leave its mother and see the world for itself.

Shapechange (Sp): Eched’ Na’ can shapechange once per day as a 21st level caster

Spells: Ha-nagas can cast spells as 21st-level sorcerers, and can also cast cleric spells and spells from the domains of Chaos and Evil as arcane spells (save DC 33 + spell level). The DC for all their spells is Charisma-based.

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8; save DC 33 + spell level): 0 -- dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, message, read magic resistance, touch of fatigue; 1st -- alarm, shield, mage armor, magic missile, true strike; 2nd -- detect thoughts, eagle’s splendor, invisibility, protection from arrows; 3rd -- non-detection, protection from energy, tongues, slow; 4th -- enervation, greater invisibility, stone skin, phantasmal killer; 5th -- baleful polymorph, mage’s private sanctum, secret chest, wall of force; 6th -- anti-magic field, greater dispel magic, true seeing; 7th -- force cage, greater teleport, spell turning; 8th -- demand, moment of prescience, polymorph any object; 9th -- dominate monster, crushing hand, timestop.

Lore: Revealed by a Bardic Knowledge, Knowledge (Local) or Gather Information check:

Common (DC 10): This is Eched’Na’, the mythical mother of monsters who can bear a child in seven suns rather than seven moons.

Uncommon (DC 23): Eched’Na’ is a type of creature known as a ha-naga

Rare (DC 41): Years ago, disguised as a sorceress, she bore the son of the ruling nobility from which the rest are descended. There is an ancient law prohibiting killing her and a reward of 23,000gp for her capture.

Obscure (DC 50): Eched’Na’ always hides the knowledge of their fathers from her children and she often abandons them to their own devices. Due to her gift with magic and her own supernatural powers, even the fathers of these children do not often know of the child’s existence.

Heroic (DC 60): Ha-naga are particularly vulnerable to weapons forged during the first Ennwrathi war.

Epic (DC 70): Eched’Na’ is searching for a mate that will help her give birth to a creature immune to the corruption and the power of the Ennwrathi.

Designer’s Notes: The struggle of a child to assume the role of its parent is a constant theme throughout mythology, legend and the fantasy genre. How often has one of your players wanted to play the child of a famous character? Who would not want to be the hero struggling with the father he never knew or be the daughter struggling against her wicked step-mother?

Eched’Na’, the mother of all monsters, is here to bring family back to the forefront of your gaming experience. Use her as the mother the character never knew, the seductress who wants to bear the children of a character, or the vengeful mother of the monster a character slew simply because it had some nice loot.

The Eye by Amanda Roth
this is the eye of a creature called the Soarlith, who amanda has effectionally named raymond. (why do i have the artist that gives evil scary monsters cute pet names)[


  • eye.jpg
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