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I've found that as I force myself to write now about stuff I would rather write about later, that it becomes easier for me to write about the more pressing stuff, even if it isn't the thing I want to write about FIRST.

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Eosin the Red

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Thanks for the tip bossman.

I have been ignoring the thread for a few days while I tried to master a few new skills, namely PDFing stuff and layout. I still hate writing modules :)

I will get to a bigger better update tomorrow or Tuesday night and I will deliver the much delayed information on setting bible stuff. I have actually been humping it lately but nothing real glamerous. 4 am and this cat needs to get his shut eye....just did not want to delay the update any longer.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Time for a big ole update!

First, a word from our sponsors. There is a ton of work being done all over behind the scenes – everything from editing, to proofreading, and the ever-dubious rules and fact checking. A small cadre of really fine folks who do not get the credit they deserve do most of this stuff. If you think that you want to do this alone, you are insane or talented and organized beyond human recognition. I wanted to say thanks to these people – David Paul, David Benson, Alacer, Sharn, & Rigil Kent. I say it often, but it deserves a repeat - they are the people who keep 3P from looking bad (or will in the future). Well, them and you kindly folks who have offered your opinion when you saw a need. Thank you.

Second, we have an article coming out in a few days [really!]. I am mastering the fine art of PDFing, which is not as easy as it looks. I am also rediscovering the fine art of page layout. This is on a scale beyond anything that I have done before. However, I can throw words like kerning and leading around with the best of them. [That is pure confabulation in case you did not know.] What does that mean? It means that on top of doing all the other stuff, several more skills must be mastered or I must shell out some more cash and I ain’t got much of that right now.

The module is still sitting in the same place it was when I put a hold on it two or three weeks ago. That is to say, the writing is done and I am pondering a re-write to bring it a little closer to the feel of The Last Dominion. Sometimes it is important to give these things the time to puzzle themselves out in your mind before moving with the pen.

Steve is coming along well on the monster book. It really captures the feel of mythical gaming. He has had his own share of setbacks recently and I hope he finds himself in the saddle soon.

Now for that moment I promised several weeks ago…..the setting bible.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Setting Bible

Myself and Steve have had a few conversations about what The Last Dominion really means and what do we want to strive to produce. When it is just one person with a vision in his head then he does not need anything to cohesively define how to write, what to write, and what are stipulated facts. Those 'facts' are all locked in his noggin. However, when two or more people are working in the same playground those things need to be spelled out in as clear manner as possible. So you make a setting bible or as Steve would say 'That tome Randy sent me!' I laughed at that last comment cause it ain't done - not even close.

Like every other D&Der, I got the idea from the WotC setting search. That does not tell anyone much since precious few know what they wanted and those folks ain't talking. I also thought about the setting bibles used for Star Trek and what I knew they included and what they did not include. Once I had pondered the idea I set about seeing what a RPG setting would need for its bible. Here is what I came up with.

Setting Bible
Setting Blurb
Naming conventions

The Worldsmith & Great Fellowship
The Primal
The Cardinal Powers - The Foundations
The Celestine

The Celestine Factions
The Emissaries of the Jann
The Brotherhood of the White Temple
The Beneficent Prophets
“Those who come”

The Ennwrathi

The Types of Magic:
Origin of Magic (s)
Mystic Orders
The Synod
Free Mages

Astromomical data
Time Line

The Regions
The Western States
The Middle Kingdoms
Glacian Lands
The Fallen Kingdoms
The Radiant Lands

example region

The Western States:
Middean (regional) Timeline
Regional History
Bards and Druids
Knightly Orders

Vinland - Vindel Uplands
Lorain Palataniate

example kingdom

Middean Politics
The Kingdom of Middea
Middean History
Middean Historical Kings
Royalty and Nobility
Unusual Laws in Middea
Current Events
The Royal Family
The Duchy of Envernes
The Duchy of Greyfall
The Duchy of Ingelstone
The Duchy of Wingate
Other Duchies.

Cities and Towns:

Needed to finish
The Regions all need the treatment of the Western States.
All of the countries need the Middian Treatment
Need to outline several key cities.
The Movers and Shakers.
And perhaps a ton more stuff that I do not realize needs to be added.
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First Post
Hey Randy,

Here's a suggestion for something that I would like to see all fantasy world 'Setting Bibles' address: how much science to mix into the fantasy.

Specifically, things like diseases and evolution.
  • Can better hygiene prevent the spread of plagues, or is it all at the whim of a deity of plague ?
  • Some players love the idea of Chronomancy - time-related magic. Great, but if you take an Orc and "devolve" it, what do you get ? In a world where the gods created the races as they are now, you get: an Orc. No changes.

I don't think it needs to be a big section, and perhaps the main items can be addressed in the religious areas.

Anyway, just a thought.

Eosin the Red

First Post
It took some outside assistance but “It Is Your Destiny” has been converted to PDF. This was something of an abysmal experiment to test layout, design, & PDFing skills before we go full tilt on with stuff that costs people money. I think we will need some more practice and some help from tech support at the PDF Company.

Anyway – take a look at It Is Your Destiny, a magazine style article on incorporating Omens and Prophecy into your game. Feel free to comment - without crits we never know how to get better. I decided on clean as opposed to graphically adding things like the margin flourishes that seem so popular. Opinions on that?

The suggestions in this article will be used in The Last Dominion setting.

PS - Thanks to Cergorach
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Sorry, I have been absent of late.

I have moved into my new home but they forgot to install the cable.....
AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH.... must have high speed internet....

Work goes a pace on Here There Be Mosnters and the next installment of d20 mastery is nearly done.

Back to the slave pits of Eosin with me.


Thanks for the info. I've been working with another PDF publisher and learning from him as well as seeing what has been going on here. keep up the work and keep posting!


First Post
Got two large pieces off to the editor today for Here There Be Monsters.

I have also sent off the next installment of d20 mastery: The 5-minute NPC. To my Editor David "Dave" Paul

(one day we will show Eosin what we are doing heheheheh)

Voidrunner's Codex

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