Frukathka's Prestige Classes

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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
[smallcaps]Deep Diver

Entry Requirements[/smallcaps]

Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Feats: Endurance, Expert Swimmer, Skill Focus: Swim

[b]            Base       Fort   Ref    Will
Level   Attack Bonus   Save   Save   Save   Special[/b]
  1          +0         +2     +2     +0    Deep Breath, Strong Swimmer
  2          +1         +3     +3     +0    Pressure Resistance (+100 feet)
  3          +1         +3     +3     +1    Hypothermia Resistance +2
  4          +2         +4     +4     +1    Pressure Resistance (+200 feet), Watersight
  5          +2         +4     +4     +1    Hypothermia Resistance +4
  6          +3         +5     +5     +2    Lasting Breath, Pressure Resistance (+300 feet)
  7          +3         +5     +5     +2    Hypothermia Resistance +6
  8          +4         +6     +6     +2    Pressure Resistance (+400 feet), Wavesense
  9          +4         +6     +6     +3    Hypothermia Resistance +8
 10          +5         +7     +7     +3    Pressure Resistance (+500 feet)

[B]Skills (3 + Int Modifier per level):[/B] Concentration, Hide, Knowledge (Oceanography), Listen, 
Search, Spot and Swim.
[smallcaps]Class Features[/smallcaps]

HD: D6

Deep Breath (Ex): At 1st level a Deep Diver has learned how to partition the exhalation of air in her lungs. She is able to hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score.

Strong Swimmer (Ex): At 1st level, a Deep Diver gains a +4 bonus on all Swim checks. The Deep Diver can use the run action while swimming, provided she swims in a straight line.

Hypothermia Resistance (Ex): At 3rd level, the Deep Diver’s body has been trained to withstand and stave off the effects of Hypothermia. The bonus indicated on the class advancement chart indicates an extra amount of time the characters’ body can delay the onset of hypothermia. In warm water this equates to hours, in cold water it equates to 10 times the modifier in minutes and in very cold water the bonus equates to minutes.

Watersight (Ex): At 4th level, the Deep Diver’s eyes have adjusted to use within watery depths. The character is treated as if having low-light vision, but only while submerged in water. If the character already has low-light vision, can see three times as far as the given distance.

Pressure Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level and every other level thereafter, the Deep Diver can ignore an additional 100 feet of pressure damage.

Lasting Breath (Ex): At 6th level the Deep Diver is unparalleled in the ability to hold her breath, except from other Deep Divers of the same level. She is able to hold her breath for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution score.

Wavesense (Ex): At 8th level Deep Divers gain the ability to detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 60 feet in contact with water that is continually in motion.

NOTE: This class was built with modern and fantasy campaigns alike.


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I would love to comment! :D I think the concept is grand, and I could totally see a player with a "pearl diver" concept getting into it. Out of curiosity, is it custom-made for one of your players?

Frukathka said:
Entry Requirements:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Feats: Endurance, Expert Swimmer, Skill Focus: Swim
The prereqs look good (though I wonder if Low-Light Vision would be a prereq as it's awfully dark down below). What's the difference between Expert Swimmer and SF:Swim? What's Expert Swimmer do?

Deep Breath (Ex): At 1st level a Deep Diver has learned how to partition the exhalation of air in her lungs. She is able to hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score.

Strong Swimmer (Ex): At 1st level, a Deep Diver gains a +4 bonus on all Swim checks. The Deep Diver can use the run action while swimming, provided she swims in a straight line.
Hmm, the +4 bonus doesn't seem that interesting (already has a base skill rank of 8 + Skill Focus). How about "take 10 when you otherwise could not" instead?

Hypothermia Resistance (Ex): At 3rd level, the Deep Diver’s body has been trained to withstand and stave off the effects of Hypothermia. The bonus indicated on the class advancement chart indicates an extra amount of time the characters’ body can delay the onset of hypothermia. In warm water this equates to hours, in cold water it equates to 10 times the modifier in minutes and in very cold water the bonus equates to minutes.
Makes sense, though it is a bit of a niche concept. I'm assuming the campaign involves lots of underwater action. If so, it's a nice ability to have.

Watersight (Ex): At 4th level, the Deep Diver’s eyes have adjusted to use within watery depths. The character is treated as if having low-light vision, but only while submerged in water. If the character already has low-light vision, can see three times as far as the given distance.
Makes sense, though I wonder if this should be a prerequisite or a 1st level ability. I haven't done my open-water dive cert yet (though I do have my PADI), but I do remember doing an "eyes closed" drill that was pretty intense. A feature which allows you to Search blind with less penalty might be helpful.

Pressure Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level and every other level thereafter, the Deep Diver can ignore an additional 100 feet of pressure damage.
Totally makes sense, again it's a bit niche, but could be useful.

Lasting Breath (Ex): At 6th level the Deep Diver is unparalleled in the ability to hold her breath, except from other Deep Divers of the same level. She is able to hold her breath for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution score.
Whoa. An average Con of 10 would allow 10 minutes of holding your breath! I know that's approaching the limits of the real world, so it should be fine.

Wavesense (Ex): At 8th level Deep Divers gain the ability to detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 60 feet in contact with water that is continually in motion.
Nice ability. The GM in me had to laugh at the "that is continually in motion" part.

This seems best for a fantasy game. A modern game this would probably be a Naval Dive Master PrC and would include more offensive capability, stealth entering/exiting water, aiding others underwater, and proficiency in scuba gear.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Quickleaf said:
Out of curiosity, is it custom-made for one of your players?
Actually, it is a concept I came up with after watching a documentary on pushing the limits of what the human body can withstand.

Quickleaf said:
The prereqs look good (though I wonder if Low-Light Vision would be a prereq as it's awfully dark down below). What's the difference between Expert Swimmer and SF:Swim? What's Expert Swimmer do?
Expert Swimmer is from Stormwrack (pg. 92). It allows you to 1) hold your breath for 3 rounds per point of Con, 2) gain a +4 bonus on Con checks made to continue holding your breath, 3) on a successful Swim check swim your land speed as a full round action or half your land speed as a move action and 4) your natural swim speed increases by 10 feet, if you have a swim speed.

Quickleaf said:
Hmm, the +4 bonus doesn't seem that interesting (already has a base skill rank of 8 + Skill Focus). How about "take 10 when you otherwise could not" instead?
Duly noted. Perhap both?

Quickleaf said:
Makes sense, though it is a bit of a niche concept. I'm assuming the campaign involves lots of underwater action. If so, it's a nice ability to have.
For campaigns that take place or, near or under water, or even one-shot aquatic adventures.

Quickleaf said:
Makes sense, though I wonder if this should be a prerequisite or a 1st level ability. I haven't done my open-water dive cert yet (though I do have my PADI), but I do remember doing an "eyes closed" drill that was pretty intense. A feature which allows you to Search blind with less penalty might be helpful.
Humans do not have low-light vision and I do not want to exclude them from this PrC.

Quickleaf said:
Totally makes sense, again it's a bit niche, but could be useful.
I got this from watching the documentary.

Quickleaf said:
Nice ability. The GM in me had to laugh at the "that is continually in motion" part.
I based this on tremorsense. Most forms of aquatic life have to be in motion, or they risk death. It makes sense to me.

Quickleaf said:
This seems best for a fantasy game. A modern game this would probably be a Naval Dive Master PrC and would include more offensive capability, stealth entering/exiting water, aiding others underwater, and proficiency in scuba gear.
I'd prefer to make an Advanced class out of Scuba-Divers, since they rely on equipment. The inspiration for the class comes from pushing the limits of what the body is capable of, without having to rely on equipment. Gear can emulate some of these class abilities in a modern game, but those without it are the exceptional individuals.


for a modern game its good - nice flavor, very realistic.
for a fantasy game why bother? Water breathing, swim, and endure elements -low level spells make the class obsolete. The class also has no underwater fighting ability - a must in fantasy oceans. At least a reduction in the combat penalties associated with water is needed.

as a modern class it might work better as 5 lvl class (I mean 10 levels to be a better swimmer?
It also has no capstone ability - no compelling reason not to multiclass away.

1 deep breath, +100 presure resist (increases +100 ft per level)
2 strong swimmer, resist cold 5
3 wavesense, Mastery of Swimming (take 10 while swimming)
4 water breathing
5 wavesight, ignore underwater combat penalties
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon

Entry Requirements[/smallcaps]

Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 13 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 6 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 13 ranks, Spellcraft 13 ranks, Survival 6 ranks
Feats: Combat Casting, Spell Penetration, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus: Spellcraft
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 3rd level arcane and 3rd level divine spells.

[b]            Base       Fort   Ref    Will
Level   Attack Bonus   Save   Save   Save   Special                          Spellcasting[/b]
  1          +1         +0     +0     +0    Academic Lore, Skill Assistance         
                                            5 feet, Trapfinding              +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  2          +2         +1     +1     +1    Talent Lore                      +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  3          +3         +1     +1     +1    Sneak Attack +1D6                +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  4          +4         +1     +1     +2    Skill Assistance 10 Feet         +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  5          +5         +2     +2     +2    Talent Lore, Untapped Potential  +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  6          +6         +2     +2     +3    Sneak Attack +2D6                +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  7          +7         +2     +2     +3    Skill Assistance 15 Feet         +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  8          +8         +3     +3     +4    Talent Lore                      +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  9          +9         +3     +3     +4    Sneak Attack +3D6                +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level
  10        +10         +3     +3     +5    Skill Assistance 20 Feet         +1 arcane & divine spellcaster level

[b]Skills (6 + Int modifier):[/b] The savant counts all skills as class skills.
[smallcaps]Class Features[/smallcaps]

HD: D6

Weapons & Armor Proficiency: A savant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Savants are proficient with light armor and all shields save for the tower shield.

Academic Lore: See page 47 of the Dragon Compendium.

Skill Assistance: See pages 47-48 of the Dragon Compendium.

Trapfinding: Same as the Rogue ability of the same name.

Talent Lore: The savant gains a bonus feat at 2nd level and every three levels thereafter.

Sneak Attack: Same as the Rogue ability of the same name.

Untapped Potential: The character taps into the recesses of her mind and discovers that she has a wellspring of creativity that allows her to push the limits of her skills. The savant gains a one time bonus of 4 skill points that she may allocate to any skill. For the savant is allowed for this skill only to have a maximum rank equal to her total class level +7.


NOTE: This prestige class is not meant to replace the Mystic Theurge. Instead it offers a variance on it to those dedicated to pushing the limits of their inherent abilities.


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Fruk: Honestly, W/O playtesting, I'd assume that, even with the high requirements, I'd say it's reasonably overpowered, especially if going something like the dread necro that offers simultaneous divine/arcane spellcasting boosts (though, with the numerous level dependent abilities dread necros have, and their limited spell lists, it may not be completely ideal) as it offers bonus metamagics at a better than wizard rate, trapsense, sneak attack (admittedly, not much, but still, useful anyway), better HD than wizard, and very good skillpoints for a full caster (which, over the course of the class, balance out the large skillpoint requirement almost completely, as you get an additional 40 points over the course of a career) and after a bit of a jaunt into epic levels (by which you've already gotten your 9th level spells) you can turn into a lich once you're done, and wham.... (granted, epic play isn't for everyone, but still..) you've gotten all the benefits of the dread necro class, plus more. Throw in some divine heirophant levels (no spellcasting loss if you've gotten your 20th class level!!) and you've REALLY built a freakishly overpowered caster, though a fairly specialized one. Especially if you're willing to rule that the Heal, Regeneration, Cure X Wounds, spells and the like are Necromancy spells. (Which, as necromancy deals with life and death, they should be...)


Frukathka said:
Would anybody care to comment on the Savant?

I like it, but it may be abit overpowered if you compare it to the Mystic Theurge or Arcane Heirophant.

The BAB seems high and I don't understand the inclusion of sneak attack damage.

Thanks, you've given me some ideas for some PrCs I've been working on!!!


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