FUD and good/bad faith

My understanding is the rules against 'making things personal' and attacking what someone thinks over what they say are in place to try keep things nice.

However I have noticed an uptick in personal attacks, the latest's is if you disagree with someone you are 'arguing in bad faith'.

My understanding is that a bad faith argument is one you don't really believe in. So in order to 'call out' someone for having a bad faith argument you have to both make it personal AND go after what you think they think instead of what they are saying.

Now with this is the F*U*D* acronym fear, uncertainty and doubt, usually evoked intentionally in order to put a competitor at a disadvantage.

Again this seems to me to be a assumption of the motive of the poster and instead of going after the merit of the argument you are attacking the personal character and assuming you know something they have not said.

My question is this, is there an exception to the 'no personal attacks' for claiming something is fallacy or FUD or a Bad Faith argument?

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Now with this is the F*U*D* acronym fear, uncertainty and doubt, usually evoked intentionally in order to put a competitor at a disadvantage.

I don't recall seeing FUD invoked recently. But really, the our entire hobby is filled with fear, uncertainty, and doubt right now. So, kind of like saying water is wet when we are all floating in an ocean.

Pretending yourself FUDless and everyone else is FUDdled could be a problem, yes.

My question is this, is there an exception to the 'no personal attacks' for claiming something is fallacy or FUD or a Bad Faith argument?

We'd prefer folks not fire off "bad faith" at each other. There is no real reason to continue discussing with someone who argues in bad faith, so if someone's going to say that, they should already have disengaged.

Fallacy? There's nothing personal in noting a logical or factual fallacy. "I'm sorry, you are wrong," or, "I'm sorry, but this is faulty reasoning," isn't personal.

There are no special exemptions for anything. But we try to take everything on a case-by-case basis, including the context, and we may not agree with you on the impact of any particular incident. And we are not omniscient - in times of high post volume, we cannot read every post ourselves, and sometimes we have to prioritize.

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