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[Full] Shackled City Adventure Path 3.5

Cry Havoc

First Post
Vishan's Sheet


Last but certainly not least! :)
Vishan looks good! Approved, no changes needed.

I agree with your interpretation of how Rufus should be handled, looks good.

Thanks for the info about Improved Familiar!

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Cry Havoc

First Post
Status Update

Everyone: I have finished my examination of the character sheets, as you have seen. Three are approved, and two need revisions. Ryltar and Mimic, please make your changes/clarifications as soon as you can, because we will be starting as soon as all five character sheets have met with my final approval. :cool:


Cry Havoc

First Post
About Cauldron

While we wait to begin, I thought I'd offer a bit of 'common knowledge' about the large town known as Cauldron. This is knowledge the PCs will attain upon arriving in town, either through observation or just keeping their ears open. The action will pick up under the assumption that the PCs are not native Cauldron-ites, but have been in town for a short while.

Cauldron's buildings, tightly packed and built from volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a nameless, dormant volcano. Cobblestone roads form concentric circles around a small lake of cold water, which fills the volcano's basin. Although the town's sewage seeps into the lake, local clerics routinely purify the water for the citizens in exchange for charitable donations to their temples.

A 50-ft. wall of black malachite encircles the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano. Four roads descend the outer walls of the volcano, becoming major thoroughfares that lead to other towns and distant realms. The districts nearer the rim of the city tend to be occupied by upper class families and elite merchants. The closer one gets to the center of town (and the closer to the pungent odors of the central lake), the shoddier the construction and the more dangerous the dark alleys. Most people get around Cauldron on foot, although the town has its share of wagons and carriages, most of them owned by merchants and nobles.

Here is a link to a map of Cauldron, so you can get a better visual:

Cauldron Map

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First Post
Cry Havoc said:
1. I need her age.

115 <using standard elf ages>

Cry Havoc said:
2. It appears to me that you used 18 skill points, when you should have used only 12. Can you give a breakdown of where you spent the points?

Done - anything that is not a rank or from being an elf is from ability stats

Cry Havoc said:
3. [Updated] Improved Familiar is a feat detailed in the DMG. However, characters need to be of a sufficiently high level to take this feat, dependent on what type of familiar is chosen. The pseudodragon requires a character level of 7. The minimum character level is 3. So, a different feat will have to be taken. Of course, a standard familiar is still available if you wish. (Thanks for the heads up, silentspace!)

Pseudodragon is gone, realised that you need 100 gold to get a familiar so it will have to wait anyways.

Cry Havoc said:
4. Starting gold should be 75 gp, (remember we're using average, not maximum) and Aleria's longbow alone costs 75 gp. So, the value of her starting equipment is quite a bit too high, and needs to be adjusted.

Sorry thought we were going with max, equipment has been changed and broken down into cost and weight

Cry Havoc said:
5. This is more of a flavor issue...Aleria can certainly have a tattoo if desired, but I'm going to disallow the magical radiance and appearance of motion. It just seems a bit too much for a first level character.

Keeping the birthmark/tattoo getting rid of the other stuff.


First Post
Cry Havoc said:
Ryltar: A couple things on Thalon's sheet before approval:

First, I need to know his age.

Uh, I *knew* I'd forgotten something ... Age is 140.

Second, could you please break down for me exactly how many ranks you purchased in each skill with your skill points? It appears to me that you used only 5 of a possible 8 points (1 point in Jump, 2 points in Knowledge (Nature) (cc), and 2 points in Tumble (cc)).

You kind of answered that one yourself ... I'm the one who got it wrong, though: as Knowledge (Nat) and Tumble each take up 2 SP for one rank, that adds up to 9. I used one SP more than I should have (2+ Int Mod 0) x 4 = 8:

2 SP -> Balance -> 1 Rank
2 SP -> Jump -> 2 Ranks
2 SP -> Knowledge (Nat) -> 1 Rank
3 SP -> Tumble -> 1,5 Ranks

So, please delete one Rank in the Tumble Skill, and everything should be in order (check - I'm notorious for getting these things wrong :heh: ). Cleaned up my char sheet.
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Cry Havoc

First Post
Ryltar: Okay, everything checks out now! Thalon is officially approved!

Mimic: Skill points check out now, thanks. I'll be going over Aleria's equipment list shortly. However, there is still one issue. You need to select a Feat for her, to replace the discarded Improved Familiar.

We're very close to having five approved characters, folks!

Countdown is on.... :D



First Post
I took scribe spell, wizards get it for free but sorcerers don't. Or at least I don't think they do, wouldn't be the first time I am wrong. :lol:

Argh, I am off on the weight again, should be 24.5 not 23.5...

Oh Vigwyn the Unruly thanks for those links they were very helpfull
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Cry Havoc

First Post
Mimic said:
I took scribe spell, wizards get it for free but sorcerers don't. Or at least I don't think they do, wouldn't be the first time I am wrong. :lol:

Ah, right you are! I missed that, so that takes care of the Feat.

I went over Aleria's equipment list also, found everything okay there.

One final discrepancy, I figured Aleria's remaining funds at 32gp, 8sp, 8cp. It looks like you charged her 5gp for her quarterstaff, when actually it should be free.

With that, I declare Aleria approved for play, and our first game post will be out shortly! I will post here once more with a link to our in-character board.

Until then....


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