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[Full] Shackled City Adventure Path 3.5


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Ok here is the stats, I will get a description and background up soon

[SIZE=4]Aleria Corlean[/SIZE]

[i]Neutral Good Sorcerer Level 1[/i]
[U]Ability Scores:[/U] Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16.
HD 1d4; hp 5;
Init +3; Spd 30 ft;
[U]Armor Class[/U] 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10;
BAB +0; Grapple -1;
[U]Attacks:[/U] -1 melee (1d4 -1, crit 20/X2, Dagger), +3 ranged (1d6-1 crit 20/x3, shortbow), 
-1 melee (1d6 -1, crit 20/X2, quarterstaff);
[U]Special Qualities:[/U] Low-light Vision, +2 to saves vs enchantment,
immune to sleep effects, +2 to listen, search and spot, 
automatic search
[U]Saves:[/U] Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2;
[U]Languages spoken:[/U] Common, Elven, Draconic
[U]Skills and Feats:[/U]

Appraise +1
Balance +3
Bluff +4 (+1 ranks)
Climb -1
concentration +3 (+2 ranks)
diplomacy +3
disguse +3
escape artist +3
forgery +1
gather information +3
hide +3
intimidate +3
jump -1
knowledge (arcane) +5 (+4 ranks)
listen +2 (+2 for being an Gray elf)
move silent +3
ride +3
Search +2 (+2 for being an Gray elf)
Spell craft +4 (+3 ranks)
Spot +2 (+2 for being an Gray elf)
Swim +0 (+2 skill - cross class)
use rope +3

Weapon Proficiency (Elf, Simple)
Scribe Spell


dagger (1 lb) 2gp
Short Bow (2 lb) 30 gp
   20 arrows (3 lb) 1 gp
Quarter Staff (4 lb) 0gp
Waterskin (4 lb) 1gp
Explorer's outfit (0 lb) 0
Whetstone (1 lb) 2 cp
2 Trail rations (2 lb) 1 gp
Flint and steel (0 lb) 1 gp
Bedroll (5 lb) 1sp
pouch (.5 lb) 1 gp
Spell component pouch (2 lb) 5gp

weight: 24.5 lbs
money remaining 32 gold 8 silver 8 copper

Deity: Boccob
Eye Color: Right: Silver/Grey Left: Green.
Hair Color: Blond.
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 116 lbs.
Sex: Female

—— 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) ——
Acid Splash
Ray of Frost
—— 1st-Level Spells ——
Color Spray
Mage Armor

Appearance: Short even for elven standards, Aleria stands at 4'10". Her blonde hair is done into a single braid that reaches the small of her back, undone it would probably reach the back of her knees. She is proud of her hair and goes to great lengths to keep it neat and clean. People would consider her attractive and she knows it but tries not to use it to her advantage (mostly).
Distintive features Her left eye is green while her right is a greyish silver.
She has a birthmark/tattoo of a dragon, it starts at the corner of her right eye and travels down her neck onto her back.

Background: Aleria was abandoned when she was just a baby, her parents left her in a small elven village deep withing Jagged Pine forest and was adopted by an elven couple that had no children. Her childhood was normal and she grew up with the other children of the village without ever knowing that she was adopted.

All that changed as she came into puberty, the color in her right eye started to faded away and the dragon birthmark slowly appeared as well as strange occurrences started to manifest in various parts of the village. The normally xenophobic elves grew even more paraniod and with tension running high Aleria's parents had no other option but to tell her the truth about her past.

She was devistated, the people that raised her weren't her actual parents, so who were they? Why did they abandon her? That and hundreds of other questions ran through her mind. Her adopted parents belived that she was the cause of the strange occurrences and they hoped that if they expained it the others would come to accept her abilities.

They were wrong, with a someone to pin their problems on the rest of the village flew into a near frenzy, demanding that she should be exiled. There was some even demanding her death, she barely had time to grab what little belongings she owned and to flee into the forest.

Alone and scared she ran for hours eventually collapsing at the base of a large tree truely alone for the first time she cried until she had no more tears, she desprately wished that she had someone with her, so she wasn't so alone.

Eventually she fell into a deep slumber only to be awoken hours later by a gentle nudging, she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a strange human face looking down at her. Once the man calmed her down, he explained that he heard her crying and came looking for her, he told her that what was happening was a normal thing and that in fact she was a sorcerer, someone who could tap into the raw power of magic without the need of countless hours of study.

Kip, as he liked to be called invited her to his home, he explained that he too was a sorcerer and that he has been living in the forest for years and he would like to help her control her powers. With no where else to go she agreed. True to his word he helped her, months went by as he taught her how to control her abilities, as well as telling her about the outside world. Teaching not to be too trustfull of strangers, not everyone will have her best interests at heart. Once she had enough confidence she went out in search of her birth parents. Having no idea where to start she just wandered eventually coming to the city of cauldron.
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Cry Havoc

First Post
Character Sheets

A-M Guard, Vigwyn, Ryltar, Mimic: Wow, it's great to see all of you getting your character sheets posted so quickly! Yesterday was busier than expected, so I didn't have a chance to get online last night. I'll spend today looking the sheets over, and making sure they all pass inspection. If I have questions or comments I'll let you know.

silentspace: Your background is fine as a starting point, go ahead and start working on a character sheet as soon as you can.

Mimic: Please go ahead and get Aleria's background and description posted as soon as you can.

We're looking good, everyone! I envision us getting started in a couple of days, tops!



First Post
Updated Vishan Xandrythar "The Gray Trader"

Vishan Xandrythar "The Gray Trader"
Male Human Wizard 1

Alignment: Neutral
Patron Deity: Fharlanghn
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: White (shaved)
Eyes: Silver
Age: 17

Str: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Cha: 10 (+0) [2 points]

Class and Racial Abilities: Medium Humanoid (human), base speed 30, Bonus feat, Extra Skill Points

Hit Dice: 1d4 + 2
HP: 6
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%

Fortitude +4 [+0 base, +2 Con, +2 Great Fortitude]
Reflex +4 [+0 base, +2 Dex, +2 Lightning Reflexes]
Will +3 [+2 base, +1 Wis]

BAB: +0
Melee Atk: -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2, P or S, Dagger)
Ranged Atk: +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2, 10 r, P or S, Dagger)

Ranks: 24
Concentration +6 [4 ranks, +2 Con]
Decipher Script +4 [1 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (Arcana) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (History) +4 [1 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (Planes) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Sense Motive +2 [1 cc ranks, +1 Wis]
Spellcraft +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]

Lightning Reflexes (Human)
Great Fortitude (Level 1)
Scribe Scroll (Wizard 1)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Undercommon

Spells Prepared:
Save DC +3
0th (3) - dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation
1st (1+1) - charm person, magic missile

0th - all
1st - charm person, disguise self, expeditious retreat, identify, magic missile, shield

Equipment: (Starting Gold 75 gp)
Explorer's outfit [-, - lb]
Spell component pouch (in pockets) [5 gp, 2 lb]
Signal whistle (around neck) [8 sp, - lb]
Dagger (on belt) [2 gp, 1 lb]
Pouch (on belt) [1 gp, 1/2 lb]
- Spellbook [-, 3 lb]
- Caltrops [1 gp, 2 lb]
- Chalk [1 cp, - lb]
- Flint and steel [1 gp, - lb]
- Ink [8 gp, - lb]
- Inkpen [1 sp, - lb]
- Oil [1 sp, 1 lb] x3
- Parchment (sheet) [2 sp, - lb]
- Money (see below) [-, 1 lb]
Value: 19.41 gp
Weight: 12.5 lb
Carrying Capacity: 26/53/80

23 gp, 7 sp, 7 cp

"Rufus", pet Guard Dog [25 gp, - lb]
Medium Pack Saddle [5 gp, 3.75 lb]
- Bedroll [1 sp, 5 lb]
- Rations [5 sp, 1 lb]
- Torch [1 cp, 1 lb] x2
- Waterskin [1 gp, 4 lb]
Value: 31.62 gp
Weight: 15.75 lb
Carrying Capacity: 100/200/300

Appearance: Vishan is a thin man with intense silver eyes, perhaps the faint mark of celestial or dragon blood. His clothes are all of a subtle warm gray, and he keeps himself and his gear well-groomed and clean. His head is shaved clean, but his eyebrows are white (white hair is a mark of his family, along with his silver eyes). He wears fine gray clothing, covered with a gray cloak and hat.

Background: Vishan Xandrythar bears the name of his grandfather, who was a wizard of great power and repute. His grandfather started the Xandrythar Academy, a school of wizardry, in the capital city. When Vishan was twelve, and a student at Xandrythar Academy, his grandfather went on an expedition in the Underdark, never to return.

Vishan left the school on his seventeenth birthday, the lure of adventure being too interesting to resist. Bearing his grandfather's name and family resemblance, though, is a little too much for him to deal with. So he's shaved his head and cloaked himself in grey, and poses as a travelling merchant. Calling himself the "Gray Trader", he's travelled as far and wide as he could. Vishan enjoys being on the move and meeting people. He desires to be a great wizard, and to live up to his grandfather's name. When he feels he has reached a certain level of power, he plans to use his name freely once again, and delve into the Underdark to find out what happened to his grandfather. Until then, however, he poses as nothing more than a travelling merchant, not a wizard.

Vishan has a great appreciation for the fairer sex, and has been known to go to great lengths to pursue them. He revels in his magic and freedom, but hopes to meet that special someone one day.

Vishan is travelling with his pet dog, Rufus. Rufus looks very much like a wolf, with silver and gray fur, and shining yellow eyes. Rufus is equipped with a gray pack saddle. Vishan has no particular talent for handling animals, but Rufus is trained as a guard dog, and is always ready to Defend Vishan, even if no threat is present. Rufus has served Vishan well on his travels so far, but knowing that safety comes in numbers, Vishan is looking for more companions to travel with.
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Cry Havoc

First Post
Starting Soon!

Having now received all five character sheets, I am busily reviewing them, and entering them into 3eProfiler. I should be able to finish this process by tomorrow afternoon. Our first turn should come out shortly thereafter!

We're very close, gentlemen....

Until tomorrow,


Cry Havoc

First Post
Thalon's Sheet

Ryltar: A couple things on Thalon's sheet before approval:

First, I need to know his age.

Second, could you please break down for me exactly how many ranks you purchased in each skill with your skill points? It appears to me that you used only 5 of a possible 8 points (1 point in Jump, 2 points in Knowledge (Nature) (cc), and 2 points in Tumble (cc)). The rest of your skill bonuses are accounted for by ability scores or racial adjustments.

Otherwise, looks fine!

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Cry Havoc

First Post
Aleria's Sheet

Mimic: There are several questions/problems with Aleria's character sheet.

1. I need her age.

2. It appears to me that you used 18 skill points, when you should have used only 12. Can you give a breakdown of where you spent the points?

3. [Updated] Improved Familiar is a feat detailed in the DMG. However, characters need to be of a sufficiently high level to take this feat, dependent on what type of familiar is chosen. The pseudodragon requires a character level of 7. The minimum character level is 3. So, a different feat will have to be taken. Of course, a standard familiar is still available if you wish. (Thanks for the heads up, silentspace!)

4. Starting gold should be 75 gp, (remember we're using average, not maximum) and Aleria's longbow alone costs 75 gp. So, the value of her starting equipment is quite a bit too high, and needs to be adjusted.

5. This is more of a flavor issue...Aleria can certainly have a tattoo if desired, but I'm going to disallow the magical radiance and appearance of motion. It just seems a bit too much for a first level character.

Please make the necessary edits to this character sheet and resubmit asap.


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First Post
Cry Havoc, did you forget about me? How's Vishan Xandrythar? I think he'll go by "Shan" if "The Gray Trader" seems awkward. The idea is that he's going to try to act like a merchant who happens to be travelling with adventurers. Or, if he can talk his fellow adventurers into playing along, he'll be a merchant who's hired adventurers for an expedition, or as bodyguards. Or something. I'm picturing down the road he'll by a carriage filled with trade goods (captured loot), and they'll travel from town to town. Or, if the campaign is all in one "Shackled City", he'll just have his carriage parked in town. Oh heck, if it doesn't work out with the campaign, maybe he'll buy/rent a room in the town.

About Rufus - lacking Handle Animal (it's at +0), Shan might not be able to get Rufus to attack enemies that much. But reading the description, Rufus should be always on Defend, which mean's he'll attack creatures that attack Shan. Shan will have to make a DC 10 roll to get him to use another trick though, such as attacking a creature that's not attacking him.

Improved Familiar is in the SRD (Feats.rtf) and the DMG (p 200). Pseudodragons, though, don't become available as familiars until level 7.

Voidrunner's Codex

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