Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman

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No pants allowed




Mod Squad
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The costume itself looks a bit like an updated Xena, the Warrior Princess.

Yeah. And the women in the audience are all wondering why an action hero isn't wearing pants, and is wearing an armored corset outside her clothes.

DC, not learning.


First Post
Yeah. And the women in the audience are all wondering why an action hero isn't wearing pants, and is wearing an armored corset outside her clothes.

DC, not learning.

well, I'm guessing they think it worked for Xena, why not for Wonder Woman? Or, that she's more covered up than Lynda Carter was in the late 70s?

Still, why do Superman & Batman need to be completely covered below the neck, but not Wonder Woman? Other than an excuse to show skin?

I mean, X-Men got Wolverine out of his signature yellow spandex, why not a more modern version of WW?

Remember the backlash when we thought this was going to be the costume wonder-woman-2011-a-p.jpg for a new wonder woman tv show? I swear unpleaseable fan bases will be the down fall of modern society or something lol


  • wonder-woman-costume-comparison.jpg
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
At least in the comics, male superheroes aren't any more clothed than female ones - well, technically they are, but the artists paint naked people and then just colour them blue, red, etc.

WW here looks like a Greek warrior type. It's a dark photo, but I'm sure the reds will be more apparent in the light. Plus at least the ambassador from Thymiscara (sp?) isn't wearing the American flag as a fashion choice any more! That always made no sense! :)


Mod Squad
Staff member
At least in the comics, male superheroes aren't any more clothed than female ones - well, technically they are, but the artists paint naked people and then just colour them blue, red, etc.

And, the technicality matters, I'm afraid. See Power Girl's cleavage window as an example....

WW here looks like a Greek warrior type.

'Cause, as we all know, Greek warriors didn't care about armoring above the nipples? A typical Greek cuirasse is a full breastplate - covers the upper chest and some of the shoulders. Yes, arms and thighs are bare, I'll give them that, but they were smart enough to wear helmets. (Image is too big, and doesn't seem to want to sit in a spoiler block...)

So, I'm not thinking Greek Warrior - he got it right upthread. It's Xena. Problem is that Xena is from two decades ago, and sensibilities have changed.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
'Cause, as we all know, Greek warriors didn't care about armoring above the nipples? A typical Greek cuirasse is a full breastplate - covers the upper chest and some of the shoulders. Yes, arms and thighs are bare, I'll give them that, but they were smart enough to wear helmets.

She doesn't need one; she's invulnerable. Plus actors like their faces to be seen. The costume's fine. She looks cool and kickass.

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