Galaxy of Intrigue


I bet Lucasfilm is going to pull a WOTC and go online instead of print! Heh... wait, that's exactly what's going on.

Okay, so they're coming out with a WoW-like MMO. That means computer generated trumps live-action yet again.

I personally have enough books I don't use that I don't really need to have yet another edition of a game it's hard enough to get people to play.
4e I can use because it's an easy system for my players. SWSE is great, and I'm working on a pbp Living World for it here on ENworld (talking the talk, playing the game forums). However, my RL friends are happy in fantasy for the next year or so. After that I could play DragonAge, or I could do that Star Trek book I churned out late last year for playtesting (I think it's a nifty one, btw). They want to play an all-Jedi game, which is great, but I can do that with the current book, and don't need to get a whole new edition to do any of this.

Books I have: Main book, Droids, Starships, Force Unleashed... plus various other splat books and art books and suchnot, plus wookiepedia, and enough experience that I can cobble together a great game by myself.

I don't think Pen & Paper games are dead at all. I think we'll lose something very primal if we ignore social gatherings, which is a great way to get people into the market for this stuff. We'll lose the people who use them.

If, of course, tabletop goes underground or cottage industry because Hasbro and other folks move online... so be it.

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