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Game Administrivia


Where all the strange game idiosyncracies will be listed....

You know, stuff like bringing in replacement characters, levelling up, weird rules questions, all the little weird bits that I insist on for the game. Here is an example:

When you level up your character, you want to do it on game night. I want to see the HP roll, etc. I am kind of tempted to use average HP because of the number of times I have seen those 1's and 2's come up for some of you fighting types. I reserve the right to ask you to re-roll your HP.
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Character Sheets

One of the things that I need are updated character sheets. There are times when I will be looking at my copy of your sheet to handle die rolls that you may not be aware of. I will also be looking at the sheet to determine the affects things that might affect equipment, etc. When it all comes down on the line and >something bad< might have just happened, I will be relying on what I see on the sheet you have given me, not on what you might have on your sheets.

So, when something important changes on your character, I need an update so my records are straight as well. That includes stats, skills, saves, and equipment. It would be terrible to have one of you get something cool as equipment that disappears down the line just because I don't have it listed on my copy of your sheet.

(And for those of you that might be wondering, if you haven't given me an updated sheet, I am still using your 1st level sheet for those hidden rolls. You know, stuff like skills and SAVES.)



Just to make it clear, I am not keeping track of your experience. I expect that all of you will be able to keep track of that. I will sometimes ask you what your experience total is so I can make sure I haven't kept you out and away from an opportunity to train for too long, or for other reasons, but I am not really keeping track of your experience points.

Online discussions do qualify for experience. Please make sure you mark it down on your sheets.

Also, please do not be shy marking stuff down on your sheets. If it helps, I can re-post the summary for each category on here for you to read. On an average night, it would be nice to get 5-7 checks for everyone. It doesn't always work out that way, but if we were able to get that, each character would probably level every month or so.


A review of the categories on the Exp matrix.

Each time we have a combat, you should mark it down. Generally, minor combats are worth at most one check. Major combats are worth two.

This is a definite reward for those people willing to put themselves on the front lines and go toe-to-toe with the enemy. They are taking the risk and they get a check here if they go toe-to-toe and accept that risk. Generally speaking though, I will only reward this if you lose 1/2 your hit points doing so. There does have to be a little risk involved.

Heroic Sacrifice:
This is really taking one for the team. This is not a category you will get often, because huge heroic sacrifices don't happen all the time. If they did, they would get trite. Now, this does not necessarily mean that you have to die or anything, but it means you were willing to do something for a greater cause. The key is that you look at the worst case scenario, understand it, and are willing to accept those consequences if need be. Heroes aren't accidental, heroes know that they are about to do something that will really hurt, and they do it anyway because they must.

This favors spellcasters! If you end up using half or more of your spells, then you can get a check here. But, this can also apply to using the powers of magic items! Basically, if you can make magic (or psionics) a major part of the session, then you can get marks here.

OK, this is one that Felix probably loves. You need to use a majority of skills to qualify here. Oh, and they aren't skills that you are getting credit for in other categories.

Craft skills, magic items, Clever plans, even stuff that is game related, but not necessarily in game.

Anything that you can do to help define who your character is. Personality, quirks, flaws, habits, anything that helps define who your character is. This is one that should be easy to get a check in each session. This is completely in your control though.

Social Interaction:
OK, we don't always have NPC's to interact with. And sometimes you don't get to be the person doing the interacting. But, you can still count in-charcter discussions between PC's.

Puzzles & Riddles:
This is for being the person to help figure out a given puzzle, or a riddle. This does not come up all the time. And sometimes you ahve to make a call on whether you want to use characterization and not give up the answer, or scrap characterization and figure out the puzzle or riddle. For most of you, you can see where Peter would have been making this choice a lot in the last game. (Playing the dumb paladin and all.)

Information Gleaned:
In almost every session I try to give you some sort of information that is relevant to the campaign world. Learning a bit more about the Wilds of Avondell and Kiminiaha was one example. Sometimes the clues won't be very obvious, sometimes they will.

I have played fast and loose with this one so far. But, I am going to start being a little more strict about this. Really, this should only come up when you accomplish a major party goal, or one of your character's personal goals. I suggest that you think about goals a little bit and let me know what your character's goals are, and what the party goals are.
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Characterization, Advancement and Goals

I am going to put up a thread here for each of you. The threads will be named [CAG] PC Name. What are these threads for? Well, they are there for you to elucidate on your character and for the rest of us to provide a little feedback and assistance if need be.

What I am specifically looking for is to mine the thread for goals so I can try to work those into the game. But, I would also like to be able to discuss some of the directions that you think you might want your character to go. There are so many different options out there. I want to hear what you would like to do so I can help you find the best options to get there. There might be feats you don't know about, there might be ways to apply skills, there might be other spells that you would be interested in. There might be Prestige Classes that we can hack and modify, there are just many, many different options and I don't want you to feel limited to only the core books.

Finally, I think it would be great to get feedback from the other players when you are stuck with motivations and goals. Or, perhaps you want to explain your PC's motivations to some degree? Feel free to use the thread however you want to convey your character.



I received the Psychics Handbook on Friday. I have looked over it a bit. It is a nice psionics-type system. Very nifty. It will be part of the official campaign from here on out. However, the Psychic Skills cannot be purchased as normal skills can. For Psychic Skills, you will need to worry about Class/Cross-Class issues.

Sage, if you are disillusioned with the Psi Warrior you can consider remaking Li using the Psychics Handbook. I'm not sure how much that would affect Li, but it's an option if you want it.


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
I received the Psychics Handbook on Friday. I have looked over it a bit. It is a nice psionics-type system. Very nifty. It will be part of the official campaign from here on out. However, the Psychic Skills cannot be purchased as normal skills can. For Psychic Skills, you will need to worry about Class/Cross-Class issues.

Sage, if you are disillusioned with the Psi Warrior you can consider remaking Li using the Psychics Handbook. I'm not sure how much that would affect Li, but it's an option if you want it.
hmmmm, I may stat that out, and see how he would work out as a Psyhic, instead of a psychic warrior. The biggest problem I can see is the loss of Inertial Armor, since even with the right Psychic Skills, he would still have to use the power to actually get the bonus. Having the "always on" Inertial armor is really nice. Glad you liked the book.


New Feat - Psychic

Preemptive Defense
Prerequisites: Psychic Ability, Wis 13+

Benefit: The Pyschic's mind subconsciously projects a protective field of force around the character by tapping into the base instincts for self-preservation. A character with Preemptive Defense receives a +4 armor bonus. The armor provided is composed of psychokinetc force and cannot be bypassed by incorporeal creatures. Preemptive Defense causes constant 2 point strain, but can be shutdown as a standard action. Subdual damage from strain is recovered normally if Preemptive Defense is inactive. Preemptive Defense does not incur any movement or armor penalties, nor does it stack with other armor bonuses.

This feat is an official inclusion to the game and is available to anybody that meets the requirements.


BardStephenFox said:
I have played fast and loose with this one so far. But, I am going to start being a little more strict about this. Really, this should only come up when you accomplish a major party goal, or one of your character's personal goals. I suggest that you think about goals a little bit and let me know what your character's goals are, and what the party goals are.

Just a point of reference here: I haven't actually seen or heard you guys sit down and establish any party goals. Without declared goals, it will be hard to pick up any exp for this category.


We have been using the Experience Matrix for quite a while now and it is time to begin looking at changes to it to accomodate your playstyle. I have several observations on how the matrix is being used as well as commenatary on what the categories are for. It is important for you to include your thoughts because your silence is tantamount to agreement with what is being said by those who "spoke up".

First of all, I think the matrix is fairly effective. I hate having half the group focusing solely on the combat rolls because they think that is how experience happens. Combat experience is the easiest thing for the rules to quantify, but it also creates an environment that strongly encourages killing things and taking their stuff as the ultimate resolution to an encounter. In the last campaign, I was often quite frustrated when people would be bored because we were talking instead of fighting. I like the roleplaying aspect of the game and I am often much happier with the interaction with NPC's (both good and bad), even if it is sometimes difficult for me to juggle multiple NPC personalities. the experience matrix allows me to quantify non-combat experience and I have enjoyed a lot of the characterization in this campaign.

Now, on to the categories.

Combat - This category should have notes in it any time that you end up in combat. (No, a bird pecking your toe to wake you up is not combat.) It doesn't matter how efective you think you were in combat. (That shows a certain 2nd ed mindset where the only people who got experience were the PC's that actually did damage. Kinda screws the people that might have had the wrong form of attack.) If you were involved with the combat, then you should have a note here. Minor combats might get a check, major combats might get two checks. Less than minor combats are more a flavor thing than an experience thing.

Melee - Oddly enough, some people think this category is for the previous one. It is not, but it is complementary to the previous category. Melee is really for those folks that are the ones willing to put themselves up in the front ranks and take risks. It is geared toward rewarding the low-magic, low-skill fighter types that really shine in combat. These are the types that often hold the line to give the ranged weapon fighters and spellcasters a chance to use their spells. That being said, this is a category where you have to actually be filling that role, and taking risks, to get any credit. Holding off 4 goblins when you are a 10th level fighter doesn't really count, no risks involved.

But, I am thinking it might be a little too confusing. Perhaps we should ditch this category entirely? What do you think?

Heroic Sacrifice - We haven't actually seen one of these yet. But, it is a staple in heroic fiction. I am conflicted. Maybe I should take this out and if somebody does have a heroic sacrifice they could mark it as characterization? That seems to cheapen it though. Thoughts?

Incantations - I am amazed at how little our spellcasters actually use their magic. For other groups, you don't even get credit here until you have used at least half your spell allotment. Perhaps I am making things too easy and the spellcasters don't have a chance to shine yet? What are your thoughts?

Skills - This category is geared toward the skill users. Namely, rogues, bards, rangers and, possibly, wanderers. In a good session, the skill users should get at least one check, perhaps two. Everyone else can get marks here, but you really have to be using your skills a lot to show that it is something you are focused on.

Creation - This is for stuff created both in-character, and out-of-character. Obviously, this is where Felix really shines. With his assorted craft skills, he is able to make a lot of stuff. But, out-of-character creation also works. Stuff like the adventure summaries should be in this category. Did you create something that helps really bring the game to life? Maybe you should mark it down here. Did you extensively map something out? Did you paint out some minis for each character? Anything that really helps us all enjoy the game more might get you some extra exp.

Characterization - It amazes me each time I see somebody without something in this category. Probably because I really enjoy that roleplaying and I like to tryto bring my characters to life. I like little quirks and personality traits. I like motivations and phobias and fears. I like those moments of revelation into a character, either through background, or through desires, or whatever. So, it is unexpected whenever I see that you don't have anything that helped define your character. It's fine, maybe you don't enjoy that aspect of the game at all. But, I am going to make a change to how I award stuff here. I am going to stop awarding any credit if you are not able to come up with something somewhat new for your characterization. (An example: My bard PC, Stephen, always sings at dawn. That has been established for three years in the game, and I still mention every time a new day comes around. But, I would not expect any experience for that. I've already established that part of his character. Mentioning it each day maintains that characterization, but it doesn't show any new aspect of the character.)

Social Interation - OK, we aren't always in a position where you are talking to somebody. But, that still doesn't mean you can't interact within the party. Those first few sessions were great! You know, where the PC's were meeting each other and Ceru was trying to figure out if Felix was really a god. Stuff like that is still valuable Social Interaction. (Oddly enough, it is also a good excuse to try to get characterization in.)

Puzzles & Riddles - I don't often use these. It seems like some of you think this is for mysteries, which are story elements. Solving a mystery should be a goal. Solving a puzzle or a riddle normally gives you an opportunity you might not have had. Maybe I should just scrap this category and when puzzles or riddles come up in the game we will just have fun with them without any worries about exp rewards. What do you think?

Information Gleaned - This is one of the categories that should really be something everyone picks up. The more I think about this, the more I think I have been way too liberal with it. Not knowing how currency works should be characterization, not information gleaned. If you pick up some piece of information, the assumption should be that you will be sharing it. If you don't, please mark that down. If something happens to your PC, then the rest of the party will not be able to act on that information.

Goals - I have been far to liberal with this one. My thinking has been to try to give you incentive to grow into real goals. Unfortunately, that is not really working. There are two types of goals. You have party goals and individual goals. At the start of each session, I will need to have a group consensus on what goals the group is working toward. Some goals may take many, many sessions to arrive at. Some might be fairly quick. But, you will not receive any experience for that goal until you achieve your goal and write it down in the notes.

There are also personal goals. I will need these written down as well. As above, you will not receive any experience for the goal until you have achieved it and written it down in your notes.

It is worth noting that Combat, Information Gleaned and Goals are largely group awards. Perhaps I should re-organize the sheet to reflect that? In a good session, each PC would get 1-2 checks in each of their strength areas. (Melee, Incantations, and Skills.) You should also be able to get a check in Characterization with high probablities of one in Social Interaction. You should be aiming at 5-7 checks a session. On a busy night, we might get more. On unusual nights, the things you get credit for might vary from the "norm". But, with an average of 7 checks a session, it will generally take your (current level+2) sessions to gain a level.

That's how it is supposed to work. If we start removing categories to make it easier to keep track, we will need to reset some expectations. Not a big deal though. You guys are starting to move into the range where your game options are opening up. You won't run out of spells as quickly and you can handle tougher encounters. Oddly enough, that also means that your non-combat options start to be more important. As you gain more power, it becomes increasingly more important that you choose your fights carefully. It ends up being a strange idiosyncracy to the game.

I need to know if you guys think we should rip some of these categories out of the matrix. I suppose you might want to add more, but that seems unlikely.
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